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Tribes: Ascend


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Nekad smo, kao optimisti, imali podforum za Tribes, ali kod nas jednostavno nije zaživeo. Evo vesti o novom nastavku:

While working through the design we kept coming back to one old and loved game that represented many of the concepts we where incorporating into the new game (Jetpacks, vehicles, large open space, three armor types, futuristic weapons, etc). Many of you will know this game as Tribes, the original on-line multiplayer shooter. As of now, HiRez Studios is the proud new owner of the Tribes franchise.

We now have two groups in the studio, one working on continuing to build Global Agenda and a new group working on the Tribes Universe project. We are also moving to a new larger office space in another month that will help us accommodate our growth.

I’m sure many of you have questions, so here are a few quick highlights for Tribes Universe:

* Three Tribes (factions)

* Full clan (agency) support

* First person view (third person for some vehicles)

* Full vehicle support (ground and air)

* Full persistent world with territory control (no instances)

* PvP focused

* Huge outdoor maps (about 10x the area of sonoran desert)

* Large scale fights (100+ players)

* Jetpacks, skiing, lots of weapons, etc

Alpha testing will begin at the start of the year (about 3 months from now) and Global Agenda players with level 50 characters will have priority in entering Alpha and Beta testing

Thanks for your support


P.S. More information on Tribes Universe will be coming in the near future along with an Alpha/Beta registration web site."


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Ma nije ovo MMO ovo je vise online shooter ala TF2 itd.

I odlican je btw igram zadnjih nedelju dana i bas je zarazno .

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Epic Tribes: Ascend Beta Giveaway

We are giving away 500 Tribes: Ascend Beta keys in cooperation with Hi-Rez Studios, click on to claim your key.

How to redeem the key

1.Register on Gamersbook, add Tribes: Ascend as your game and become a fan of Hi-Rez Studios.

2.Click Get beta key on this page.

3.Visit https://account.hirezstudios.com/tribesascend/ and download the game client

4.Follow the prompts and create an account or log in with an existing one.

5.Enter in your beta key.


Kn0wl3dg3 15 p0w3® , 4®m ur53lf

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  • 4 weeks later...

Zapravo xp se dobija prilicno lako. 1200 daily za prvi osvojen mec, bonus xp za bedzeve (vec imam 3 obsidiana).

Moje iskustvo: 2 klase sam nagurao na 68 i 70% za mesec i po dana igranja. Dnevno 2-6 partija kako mi dozvoli slobodno vreme.

Odluci se za jednu klasu i igraj, sve za gold se prodaje i za xp. Savet, snajper je uzasan po meni.

Pathfinder 68%, brz, bolt lacer je vise nego dobar, mana malo HPa.

Doombringer 70%, pravi malu decu i kome ne treba! Glavno zezanje za CTF su mine koje kostaju 75k xpa. Chain gun > heavy bolt launcher po meni ko zna da igra sa tim. Izuzetna klasa, vrhunski defender!

Burazer je peglao sentinela (snajp) onaj njegov phase rifle je ocaj, ne mora da se ceka ono loadovanje kao na prvom snajpu za full dmg, umesto toga phase rifle vuce energy, tako da je neki eventualan beg prilicno problematican. Cak i sa ultracapacitor I i II, rechargeom umesto jamera itd...treba da porade na njemu.

Ostale nisam igrao.

Edited by ウエーター
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E da za gold nisam rekao, do kraja aprila traje akcija ako ne gresim.

Ne kupujte klase i perkove sa goldom, ne isplati se...

Klasa je oko 8k XPa, perk 18k dok je neki item oko 40k, a za gold su tu negde. Deset dvaes gore dole.

Edited by ウエーター
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