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Youtube u 4096p

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Today at the VidCon 2010 conference, we announced support for videos shot in 4K (a reference resolution of 4096 x 3072), meaning that now we support original video resolution from 360p all the way up to 4096p. To give some perspective on the size of 4K, the ideal screen size for a 4K video is 25 feet; IMAX movies are projected through two 2k resolution projectors.

We always want videos on YouTube to be available in the highest quality possible, as creators intend. In December of last year, we announced support for 1080p, or full HD. At 4096 x 3072 pixels, 4K is nearly four times the size of 1080p. To view any video in a source resolution greater than 1080p, select "Original" in the video quality pulldown menu:


To illustrate the power of 4K, please check out the videos in this playlist; each one was created by a filmmaker with access to a 4K camera. (Be warned: watching videos in 4K, even on YouTube, will require ultra-fast high-speed broadband connections).

Because 4K represents the highest quality of video available, there are a few limitations that you should be aware of. First off, video cameras that shoot in 4K aren’t cheap, and projectors that show videos in 4K are typically the size of a small refrigerator. And, as we mentioned, watching these videos on YouTube will require super-fast broadband.

We're excited about this latest step in the evolution of online video. We've been impressed by the 1080p videos you've uploaded over the last seven months and can't wait to see (in 4K!) what you do next.



Edited by biohazard
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meni radi net-wise (sa cekanjem, ali mnogo manje cekanja nego sto sam tripovo), ali ja ne mogu ni 1080 da gledam ni blizu normalnog, previse stuca kod mene.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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meni zapravo relativno brzo izbaferuje ove primere, ali je fps ocajan :/

pa to, stavise, maaaalo mu fali da moze sve da zguta bez stajanja. al to je sto se tice protoka, sto se tice gledanja, meni secka i 720 lol, al dobro ja imam retardiran proc.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Ili ti njega poznajes kao svoj dzep ili mu upadas na gajbu i znas u kakvom je stanju njegov komp :)

Malo jaci net i radi bez problema, nikakvo seckanje mada pojavi se sinc problem koji resim tako sto vratim video malo nazad, pa onda zvuk i slika furaju kako treba. Nevezano za 4k, to mi je redovan problem, ko da zvuk krene malo ranije, deseti deo sekunde recimo a video pojma nemam sto zakasni toliko. Mozda nesto sa Vistom, anti-virusima i ostalim proverama :)

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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pih, za Chrome Dev Channel + WebM mi ne nudi ništa preko 1080p rezolucije, moram da koristim flash za 4k... Firefox + Flash 10.1 daje negde oko 15-20 na ovom klipu

jel treba nešto posebno da se podešava hw acceleration u flashu? Instalirao sam najnovije drivere, u pitanju je 8800 GT + Q6600 na Win7 64bit ...

btw, nije "Youtube u 4096p", pre bi bilo "Youtube u 2304p" :)

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super da ovako nesto postoji, iako samo 0.0001% ljudi moze da iskoristi tu funkciju

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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pejini postovi su u 78% slucajeva neko prozivanje

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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