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Ameri protiv internet-piraterije

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Adding some swashbuckling to its tough talk on fighting piracy, the federal government Wednesday seized several websites that were offering downloads of pirated movies such as "Toy Story 3" and "Iron Man 2" within hours of their release in theaters.

Federal authorities announced that they had seized domain names from nine websites engaged in the "criminal theft of American movies and television." The websites include TVShack.net, PlanetMoviez.com and ThePirateCity.org and Ninjavideo.net. The sites combined drew 6.7 million visitors a month, authorities said.

Officials also seized assets from 15 bank, investment and advertising accounts and executed residential search warrants in North Carolina, New York, New Jersey and Washington, according to a statement from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which coordinated its investigation with the Southern District of New York, the Department of Homeland Security and various other agencies.

The crackdown, which involved 100 agents working in 11 states and the Netherlands, is part of a renewed campaign dubbed "Operation in Our Sites" by the feds to curb Internet counterfeiting and piracy. The announcement comes a week after the Obama administration unveiled a detailed plan on how to tackle global piracy, including targeting illegal websites.

ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton, speaking at a Walt Disney Studios soundstage where he was joined by movie studio executives and union representatives, trumpeted the bust as the beginning of a "long-term effort to turn the tables on these thieves." The targeted websites, he added, are "run by people who have no respect for creativity and innovation."

Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said in a statement that the actions were necessary to protect the jobs and livelihoods of "ordinary working people" and warned others involved in similar websites. The studios claim that they lose hundreds of millions of dollars annually to pirated content.

"If your business model is piracy, your story will not have a happy ending," Bharara said.

iskreno, picka im materina, da nema piraterije niko im ne bi ni gledao filmove

edit: molim da neko promeni topic name u "Ameri protiv internet-piraterije", zajebao sam se :D

Edited by Shalala
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Ja u suštini već dugo mislim da oni to rade "po službenoj dužnosti". Niko normalan se ne tripuje da može da zaustavi pirateriju, ali opet sa druge strane moraju da trube o tome jer ne samo da bi priznali "poraz" već bi to povuklo i gomilu drugih koraka ... i smanjenja cena i koječega, jer se i u cene ugrađuje "istraživanje novih zaštita od pirata" itd itd. I tako to sad ide, u nekom nedefinisanom "prostoru".

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Taman ovi nasi da krenu da se tripuju i da budu veci antipirati od svih ostalih jer tako treba jelte. Umesto da urade 180 stepeni, pogledaju unazad i gromoglasno uzviknu "Hvala ti piraterijo na svemu sto si nam dala!!!".

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Picka im materina zato sto sam na ninjavideu odgledao brdo serija. Sad moram se bahcem po nekim tamo 32u059ui25-links.cc sajtovima, a na ninjavidu je sve bilo hd i direktno hostovano, samo izaberesh sa liste i gledas :)

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da se razumemo, original film ili igru nisam vido u zivotu (osim u mamutu:) ), ali ja barem znam da sam stoka koja je navikla da ne daje pare za te stvari i to je to.

kad smo kod toga, mozda bi me neka igra drzala duze od jednog dana, ili bi neki film odgledao bez skipovanja dosadnih scena ili u bioskopu (a da nije nesto sto mora u bioskopu tipa 3d avatar) da nema piraterije [:D] sve ima svoje...

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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