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Futurama se vraća na male ekrane i to u svojoj prvobitnoj formi (serije, sa epizodama od 25min). Comedy Central je za sad naručio 2x12 epizoda, a prva će se prikazati 24. Juna (za 2 dana, omagad!).

Mada verujem da TRU fanovi već odavno znaju za ovo i imaju neki ovakav sajt u bookmarku :)

Ja planiram da napravim Futurama maraton i pogledam sve ranije sezone (po ko zna koji put) pre gledanja novih epizoda, da se podsetim o/

Prvih 60 sec nove sezone:


Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk.

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Da, nov materijal.

Mogli bi malo da postujemo omiljene citate, u susret novoj sezoni.


Bender: Ah, Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshipping some low-life jerk.

"A Bicyclops Built for Two" Season 2, Episode 13

Čitava ova epizoda je odlična jedna od meni omiljenijih, zajedno sa onom kad se Zoidberg vraća u homeworld na sezonu parenja ;D


Fry: Okay, you're on a date. What's the first thing you do?

Dr. Zoidberg: Ask her to mate with me.

Fry: No, tell her she's special.

Dr. Zoidberg: But she's not, she's merely the female with the largest clutch of eggs.

Fry: Well, tell her that. And then?

Dr. Zoidberg: Then mating.

Fry: No, make up some feelings and tell her you have them.

[Dr. Zoidberg raises his hand]

Fry: Yes?

Dr. Zoidberg: Is desire to mate a feeling?

Fry: Ugh, you're not even trying.

Dr. Zoidberg: Ohhh, it's all so complicated, with the flowers, and the romance, and the lies upon lies.


Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk.

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Sedma epizoda je verovatno najbolja epizoda ove sezone. Ima sve, avanturu, dozu pravog SF-a, humor i naravno romansu :) Iz nekog razloga me je podsetila na Daglasa Adamsa, preciznije na 'Restoran na kraju vaseljene'.

Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk.

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