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Na WCM ima poll koj pita za koj spec treba najvise skill.

Skoro cetvrtina je glasala za frost maga.

Ako je to tacno, znaci pravi skileri su oni koj imaju magove sa sezonskom glad titulom a ostali su samo sabani i wannabe ?

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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Mislim da je na WCM pre par ili nekoliko meseci bio poll za koja klasa ili spec, koristi najvise dugmeta u areni, ili tako nesto, nesecam se bas najbolje.

I tu je najvise glasova imao lock. Skoro 20% ili tako nesto.

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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Sve klase koje spamuju CC tipa lock/mage su jako teske za igranje. Moras da menjas tastaturu posle 2 meseca jer se izlizu slova od keybindova.

Zaboravih druide najtezu klasu narocito resto spec.

Edited by Zver

So when you fall to the ground,

And finally get back to reality, and no one else is around,

So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?

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Kapiram da je ovo scam, pošto je domen cataclysm-login-test.us, al htedoh da proverim sa WoW guruima ovde :)

Dear customer,

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We have the evidence to prove that your account involved in the controversial game currency transaction.The investigation will be continued by Blizzard administration to determine the action to be taken against your account.

To ensure the legitimacy of your account, we need you here to check your account status as soon as possible.

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The Battle.net account is a centralized account system that will let you manage all of the Blizzard Entertainment games you play, including World of Warcraft and future games, in one place without having to remember multiple sets of login information.

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da ignorišem?

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Veceras bi trebalo da zavrsim infusion questove sa DK altom....drop chance se povecava ako je boss u HC modu al' posto ce da bude mahom pugovanje....meh...ako do cata budem bio makar blizu da ga zavrsim - bicu srecan :)

In other news, rank 33 na WoL za Festera 25 hc \o/ Gief hc Oathbinder T_T (bez chitova sa tankovanjem prvih par stackova, nista hysteria, nista tott)

"A te io canto una canzone perche non ho altro..."

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Pokusam jutros da se ulogujem normalno na svoj acc kad ono sranja.Account locked.I ja moron zaboravio secret question i istripujem sta sad da radim postio je akaunt pripadao mom bratu a on je otisao u Australiju.I tako ja krenem da provaljujem svoj secret question i posle 15 minuta lupanja raznih cuda uspem da promenim pass i ulogujem se normalno.Kupovina authenticatora za ovaj acc asap.

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