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The Trashmen - Surfin Bird (1963)


Surfin' Bird" is a song performed by American surf rock band The Trashmen. It is a combination of two R&B hits by The Rivingtons, "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" and "The Bird's the Word"

Family Guy - Bird is the Word!


Family Guy - It's Jesus Christ!


'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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Tvoje dete u Srbiji da, tvoje dete u Kini ne. Ima ih ko zutih mrava, a ta skola je jedan od nacina da se dete iz sela posalje u grad na bolje obrazovanje. Dve strane medalje, kao i uvek. Lako je sad mi da prdimo i da se bijemo u grudi "Da je to moje dete" a zaboravljamo da bi onda mi bili tamo sa njima u tim uslovima a ne ovde, gde je jelte grozno i nista ne valja.

The Trashmen - Surfin Bird (1963)


Surfin' Bird" is a song performed by American surf rock band The Trashmen. It is a combination of two R&B hits by The Rivingtons, "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" and "The Bird's the Word"

Family Guy - Bird is the Word!


Family Guy - It's Jesus Christ!


Pazi, ne da je bilo, nego bilo pre 2-3 strane. Ajde mali apel, vi korisnici FB batalite da uzimate odavde linkove i stavljate ih na FB da bi vec sutra jedan od vasih drugara pozurio te iste linkove da stavi ovde jer ih je jelte video na FB a to je izvor sve zabave i razonode u dokonoj Srbiji pa tamo mora sigurno da je prvo postavljeno. Serem vam se u FB.

Edited by Pekarman

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Pazi, ne da je bilo, nego bilo pre 2-3 strane. Ajde mali apel, vi korisnici FB batalite da uzimate odavde linkove i stavljate ih na FB da bi vec sutra jedan od vasih drugara pozurio te iste linkove da stavi ovde jer ih je jelte video na FB a to je izvor sve zabave i razonode u dokonoj Srbiji pa tamo mora sigurno da je prvo postavljeno. Serem vam se u FB.


Kolko sam ispao...Ja sam ga postavio pre par dana isto..al sam zaboravio

I nema veze FB nista sa ovim..sta se primas

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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The Trashmen - Surfin Bird (1963)


Surfin' Bird" is a song performed by American surf rock band The Trashmen. It is a combination of two R&B hits by The Rivingtons, "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" and "The Bird's the Word"

Family Guy - Bird is the Word!


Family Guy - It's Jesus Christ!


Ne razumem? Otkrio si da Family Guy nije izmislio pesmu Bird is the word???? Tek sad??? Pomislio si da zapravo jeste???? Ja sam retard i kompletno mashim u chemu je fora???

Istripovao sam da je Peter zapravo reko od koga je plocha????

poz voz 2011

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A sada neshto sasvim drugachije:

A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects

are already-built spaces. Sometimes in an abstract way. Sometimes surreal.

А в чем сила, брат?

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hmm, kad smo kod vimea,


"This is my video work log documenting the build of my latest case mod, the Cinematograph HD. The Cinematograph HD is a complete, easily transportable, HD editing system. It features 2 22" monitors, desktop speakers, and full sized computer components, which include : 5 3.5" Hard drives, full ATX motherboard, full sized graphics, full sized PSU, and even a full sized optical drive."

mozda malo duzi klip nego sto treba, ali je skroz zanimljiv gotov proizvod, svaka cast liku za dizajn.

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hmm, kad smo kod vimea,


"This is my video work log documenting the build of my latest case mod, the Cinematograph HD. The Cinematograph HD is a complete, easily transportable, HD editing system. It features 2 22" monitors, desktop speakers, and full sized computer components, which include : 5 3.5" Hard drives, full ATX motherboard, full sized graphics, full sized PSU, and even a full sized optical drive."

mozda malo duzi klip nego sto treba, ali je skroz zanimljiv gotov proizvod, svaka cast liku za dizajn.

samo ne kapiram poentu ovakvog uredjaja, jos sto je ugradio metala u kuciste boga oca + 2 monitora od 22" svaki po 5-6kila,+ komponente, napajanje,zvucnici, koliku tezinu ima ovo bre, 30kg+? easy transportation my ass, sve je to lepo ali mislim da je baja imao previse vremena i para, mogao je nesto korisnije da napravi.


neki ljudi ne razumu neke stvari!1!

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