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Transfer hitovi 2009


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drugari, ne znam sta da vam kazem.

galijani kuka na sve strane kako ce ga tesko zadrzati. isto vazi i za pata, tu chelzi grize kao lud.

"I don't know if we'll be able to keep Kaka at Milan because they offer him so much money," said club owner Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

"We have had requests for Kaka and Pato from two of Europe's biggest clubs and we will try and resist but there is an uneven playing field," said Galliani.

za pata bas i ne verujem da ce ga pustiti, ali za kaku... sve vodi ka tome. svi su bili u madridu, tjale da zakljuci ugovor, i galijani, koji kaze da je tamo isao samo zbog vecere koji je organizovao nove predsednik reala. jea rajt..

ma sve je jasno. cim je on bio na GRANICI da potpise za raspali siti, ovo me nimalo ne cudi.

Bring It

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Da li ce to biti preporod Reala, i da li ce Kaka najzad postati ona ultramegasuper zvezda kakva je uvek trebao da bude, umesto "samo" velike zvezde [:)].

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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ponovo neki navijaci protestvuju ispred milanovih kancelarija, zbog kake :)

ako brazilac ode iz milana, propade im klub, dok ce real procvetati

covek kao da ima neku auru koja automatski dize samopouzdanje i spremnost njegovih suigraca, najbolji igrac trenutno



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koga god da dovedu bice beda..

daj Boze da kupe Adebajora i oslobode Arsenal crne bede..

'si ti neki rasista, a? :)

ne znam ja mnogo o fudbalu i te fore, ali, zar kaka i ronaldinjo nisu na totalno drugacijim pozicijama / zadacima?


jako slicne pozicije i zadaci

radim iskljucivo po preporuci

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Sto se tice odlaska kake, ne vidim zasto bi Milan ikoga dovodio kao njegovu zamenu, kad im je ronaldinjo sedeo na klupi... sad samo da se vrati i formu i to je to.

po meni danasnji vek igraca je 2-3 godine posle toga on postaje prosecni igrac ili debil :D mislim da njemu nema povratka :D

Нема  будућности без истине.

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opa, izgleda Kaka ipak ide u Real, kaze Galijani da je sve dogovoreno "samo" se cekaju licni prihodi Kake i prava na imidz.Celsi ponudio 73,5 mil funti sto je i vise ali kao odbijeni su, samo mi nije jasno zasto jer je ponuda veca od Realove a kao razlog prodaje se navodi finansijska situacija Milana...Smesno...

Nesrecni Lyon hoce da dovede Etoa :) Ali izgleda ide ili u City ili u Inter, gde ce verovatno i Deko, sto je i najbolje.


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ako ode Eto u City (gde ce otici samo zbog para jer ni trofeja niti golova u premijer ligi nece videti posto nije taj tip igracha za englesku), sa chim ostaje Barsa? Anrija su polujavno prodavali vec tri meseca...da se ne sprema neko iznenadjenje sa recimo Viljom?

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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kaka prelazi u real milijardu %

nije nista objavljeno, ali po ovoj izjavi galijanija

MILAN - These are the declarations today of Adriano Galliani, general manager of Milan, to the Gazzetta dello Sport.

On the Kaka negotiation: "Ricky did not want to go to Manchester City, but he would go to Madrid. There is no Chelsea solution: Kaka either goes to Real or remains at Milan. This is his will and we are doing all in full agreement. On Sunday Florentino Perez invited me to celebrate his appointment. We dined and then, I don't deny it, we spoke about Kaka. The negotiation exists, but the agreement has not been reached. The heart? We are talking about transfers, we all have a heart. However, the numbers have become such that even a great heart must face them and draw a balance. Kaka always behaved well with us, he never asked for improvements in his contract or extensions. He was here for six years, winning all there is to win. We cannot allow ourselves to lose €70m every year. The motivations of Kaka's departure would be economical: Real makes a profit almost double of Milan, they have their own stadium, does not divide the gate receipts and the TV rights with other teams, is helped by a fiscal regime which allows to offer the players higher wages, spending the same gross amount: two million become a million in the pockets of a player playing in Italy, one and a half in Spain. I don't want to be borng, but the root of the problem is economical: Italy lost its competitiveness and Serie A must fight so that it's not surpassed by other leagues, after losing ground to Spain and England."

On Milan's future, Adriano Galliani spoke again: "I want to reassure the fans: we are not demobilizing and neither downsizing. It's not that we sell Kaka and we don't sign anyone. If Kaka will leave, another great attacker will arrive. It will be a great attacker. I can add that it's a forward: after all we play with the 4-3-1-2 and if Kaka leaves we will need someone who plays in his position. It will be a great attacker, just like Thiago Silva is a great defender who substitutes our immense Paolo Maldini. Everything that is done at Milan is pondered. I hope that the fans understand the situation. Berlusconi's Milan went through four great cycles:: that of Sacchi, that of Capello, the Tabarez-Zaccheroni-Terim reign and Ancelotti's period. We start again with a fifth cycle. There is a negotiation for Kaka, but the other big players, Pato, Pirlo and Seedorf, are not for sale. Berlusconi does not want to sell, but there has never been an offer for the majority of shares. There was an interest in the minority quotes from the Middle East and United States, but a negotiation has never been opened. Milan is ready to start again. Many times they thought we were finished and we started winning again."

gotovo je to

cudno mi jebote, govori da nece da predje, da zeli da ostane uprkos boljoj finansijskoj ponudi, a sad ode

izgleda ga berluskoni nacepio, zbog novaca :D



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