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Empire: Total War


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Po zelji nekih, a i uz info od Rejza da je izasao demo, a i uz to da ce verovatno da razvaljuje onima koji vole ovakav tip strategija i/ili ovaj serijal :)

Ah da, a i izlazi za nekih desetak dana, oficijalno, a neoficijalno - ko zna, zavisi od pirata :)







- pomorske bitke po prvi put u TW serijalu

- masovnija upotreba baruta u bitkama van Kine koja ce zahtevati nove taktike od strane igraca

- unapredjeni 3d engine sa weather sistemom itd

- jos neka poboljsanja bitaka kao i 2d mape

- ladder, rankings i leagues za multy, kao i novi multy modovi

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Jel ima neka varijanta/link da se skine taj demo, a da se ne ide preko steama (oće da instalira di on oće, a nemam mesta na toj particiji, da li mogu da se menjaju parametri instalacije?)

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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@ topic1 :

trebalo bi da multiplaya campaign mapa bude dostupna ili sa samim izdanjem ili ce je propratiti zvanichni patch koji ce to omoguciti.

konfig (valjda) :

2.4 Ghz processor

256 MB video card

1 GB RAM XP / 2 GB Vista

15 GB hard disk space

@ topic2 :

dakle dogovor je da ko pronadje dobar torent postuje link za isti :)


ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Nek neko javi koje frakcije postoje u igri, mislim na one koje su igrive i ne igrive i kako je zastupljen Balkan i sama Srbija (provincije, jedinice, gradovi i naravno ima li nekih frakcija).

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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pa pazi koliko ja znam ima 12 igrivih odmah:

francuska, shvedska, turkeya, britanija, rusija, holandezi, shpanci, prusi, marathas (ili tako neshto neki hindu dudovi), ameri, austrijanci, poland-lithuania. E sad ima valjda josh 30-40 frakcija koje nisu igrive, ali verovatno ce imati neki unlock kao shto je bio na mediju 2ci.

e sad shto se mape tiche ima provincija Srbija to znam, grad Bgd, ima provincija Bosna, grad Sarajevo, imash Croate - Zagreb i ako nastavimo po toj podeli na Balkanu verovatno ima josh par gradova (dodushe nemam pojma da li je cela Grchka jedna oblast). Sve u svemu mnogo obecava i bice mnogo zanimljivo na osnovu onoga shto sam ispipao i ishchitao...

eh da bice neka fora sa ministrima - vlada itd, postavljce se valjda i guverneri za oblasti jbm li ga, imash sve i svashta da nachujesh (tipa vec nagadjaju da ce exp biti napoleonovi ratovi i mozda amerski gradjanksi rat...), no znace se vishe ako brue (moj idol) javi da njegov link radi.


Edited by tzarinho

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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eh da vezano za SF Edition valjda ce samo biti dodato par jedinica (trebalo bi 6 ali nisam siguran) koje su obelezile taj period tipa:

Britanija - HMS Victory

Francuksa - The Irish Brigade

Shpanija - Spanish guerillas

Turska - Ottoman Organ Gun

Colonies - Roger's Rangers

Kako-li-se-vec-zovu-Indijci - Gurkha infantry

i sve je ostalo valjda isto kao u regularnom izdanju:)


ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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To shto si ti napisao sam vec znao :), meni treba info od nekoga ko je igrao igru :). Ali hvala u svakom slucaju.

I ako mogu neki screen shootovi iz igre :).

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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pa pazi sumnjam da je neko josh igrao od nas odavde... i ako jeste taj sigurno nece skoro na forum (jer igra jelte:) ) elem napipao sam neshto nemam pojma da li ti pomaze khm khm dakle (c/p):

1. Sweden 100% Confirmed By CA to Be Playable

2. France 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

3. Ottoman Empire 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

4. The British Empire 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

5. United Provinces(Dutch) 100% Confirmed By CA to be Playable

6. Russia 100% Confirmed By CA to be Playable

7. Spain 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

8. Prussia 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

9. Polish-Lithuania 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

10. Austria 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

11. Marathas 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

12. The United States of America 100% Confirmed by CA to be Playable

14 possible Emerging Nations

1. Punjab Nation (Indian Subcontinent) 100% Confirmed to be an Emerging Faction

2. Scotland 100% Confirmed to be an Emerging Faction

3. Ireland 100% Confirmed to be an Emerging Faction

4. 13Colonies 100% Confirmed to be an Emerging Faction

5. Vicerality of New Spain (Mexico) confirmed to be in the game from map picture

6. Greece 100% Confirmed to be an Emerging Faction

7. Hungary confirmed through demo

8. Afghanistan confirmed to be in the game from map picture

9. Colombia confirmed through demo

10. Naples Sicily confirmed through demo

11. Cossack Rebels confirmed through demo

12. Norway Confirmed through Jacks Campaign experience

13. Holstein Gottorp Confirmed to be in the game from map picture

14. Slavic Rebels confirmed through demo

17. Amerind Rebels confirmed through demo

18. Mamelukes confirmed through demo

19. Lousiana confirmed through demo

20. Italian rebels confirmed through demo

21. Persian Rebels confirmed through demo

22. Tuscany(Florence) confirmed through demo

23. Quebec confirmed through demo



1. Huron confirmed through demo

2. Cherokee Tribe Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

3. Plains Indians(Sioux) confirmed through demo

4.Iroquois ( the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, the Seneca, and the Tuscarora) confirmed through demo

5. Inuit confirmed through demo

6. Pueblo confirmed through demo


7. 13Colonies Confirmed to be emerging by CA

8. Vicerality of New Spain(mexico) confirmed through demo

9. Colombia confirmed through demo

10. Amerind Rebels confirmed through demo

11. Lousiana confirmed through demo

12. Quebec confirmed through demo



13. Swiss Confederation confirmed to be in the game from map picture

14. Westphalia Confirmed through the Demo

15. Russia Stated by Ca to be Playable

16. Bavaria confirmed to be in the game from map picture

17. The British Empire Stated by Ca to be playable

18. Denmark(with control of Norway) Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

19. Sweden Stated by Ca to be Playable

20. Prussia Stated by Ca to be Playable

21. Polish-Lithuania Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

22. Kingdom of France Stated by Ca to be Playable

23. Portugal Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

24. Hanover confirmed to be in the game from map picture

25. Piedmont Savoy Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

26. Papal States Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

27. Republic of Venice Stated by Ca to be Confirmed

28. Austria Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

29. Republic of Genoa Confirmed by Ca to be in the game, Confirmed to be a faction but non-playable

30. United Provinces(Netherlands) Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

31. Spain Stated by Ca to be Playable

32. The Duchy of Courland confirmed to be in the game from map picture

33. Wurttemberg Confirmed through the Demo

34. Knights of Saint John Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

35. Saxony confirmed to be in the game from map picture

36. Hessen confirmed through demo

37. Mecklenburg confirmed through demo

Emerging Nations

38. Norway Confirmed through Jacks Campaign experience

39. Hungary confirmed through demo

40. Ireland Stated by CA to be an Emergent Faction

41. Greece Stated by CA to be an Emergent Faction

42. Holstein Gottorp Confirmed to be in the game from map picture

43. Sicilian Faction Stated by CA to be an Emergent Faction

44. Slavic Rebels confirmed through demo

45. Italian rebels confirmed through demo

46. Tuscany(Florence) confirmed through demo

Eurasia and Middle East

47. Crimean Khanate confirmed to be in the game from map picture

48. Marathas Confederacy confirmed to be in the game from map picture

49. Savavid Empire (Persia) confirmed to be in the game from map picture

50. India(Mughals) Stated by CA to be Confirmed in the game

51. Ottoman Empire Stated by Ca to be Playable

52. Khiva Khanate confirmed through demo

53. Georgia confirmed to be in the game from map picture

54. Chechenya Dagestan confirmed to be in the game from map picture

55. Mysore confirmed through demo

emerging nations

56. Punjab Nation Stated by CA to be an Emergent Faction

57. Afghanistan confirmed to be in the game from map picture

58. Maratha confirmed through demo

59. Cossack Rebels confirmed through demo

60. Persian Rebels confirmed through demo



61. Sultanate of Morocco Confirmed by CA to Be in the game

62. Barbary States (includes areas of Tunis and Algeria) Confirmed by CA to be in the Game


63. Mamelukes confirmed through demo


Pirate faction(s)

Corporations(example East India Company)

Mercenary proffessional Armies

Holy Roman Empire Electors league

Powhatan (Special Road to Independence Faction, not featured in the grand campaign)

Holy Roman Empire Electors league








u maloj sam zurbi sad dalje da trazim i proveravam, no izvoli ovaj link


ima tu raznih stvari, ukljuchujuci i par solidnih screen shotova i sa campaign mape i iz bitaka


Edited by tzarinho

ubij jednog - ubica si;

ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si;

ubij milion - drzavnik si.

A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

NN 4ever

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Thx :). Odlican je ovaj link, i ove informacije shto si dao. Nadao sam se da ce Srbije biti barem kao emerging faction, ali izgleda da je ipak nema nego je kao "Slavic Rebbels" generalizacija uradjena.

U svakom slucaju, igra deluje odlicno i kao veoma plodno tle za gomile modova. Jedini bedak shto je necu igrati josh neko duze vreme, dok ne kupim nov komp poshto mi je ovaj krshina =P.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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