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Vreme na ostrvu prolazi nekim svojim tokom, ali u ovom slučaju je i za jednu i za drugu ekipu prošlo tri godine. Sojer i drugari su se malo shuffleovali tamo vamo, Džek i drugari su se smarali dok ih Ben nije iscimao i ponovo su se sastali posle tri godine. E sad, što se tiče Faradeja-rudara, to se dešava negde tokom osamdesetih, right? (s obzirom na onog čileta ne instrukcionim snimcima, koji je najverovatnije ćale od "I see dead people" tipa), i ova Darma iz sedamdesetih mu dođe kao neka pionirska ili ekipa koja je tu dok su svi ostali na godišnjem, van ostrva, nekako mi ta šaka jada tu ne deluje kao Darma korporacija koja pokriva celo ostrvo. I ko bi mogao da bude klinac od tipa sa dinamitom?

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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sta se tripujete?

faradej je u 74. kao i svi ostali.

tada su se 'probili' do sobe sa tockom, tj kormilom.

e mene zanima, da li je rat, koji pominje vidmor, benov 'incident' sa gasom?

da li ce to pokusati da sprece? ili se to kasnije desava?

dosta kasnije, tipa za 20ak godina. '74 Ben je jedva tinejdzer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted by tucker672

Ra – Richard Albert

Ra was the almost universally-worshipped king of the gods and all-father of creation. Ra is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon. He is the only god, apart from Osiris, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. Ra, it is said, is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the world.

My Comment: He is definitely an ageing God, just not physically. We see him frequently show up in the show, but does seem as if he watches over but does not interfere however he is still powerful and his authority never challenged, in the present at least. He is definitely not of this earth because of the entire phenomenon associated with him.

Osiris – John Locke

Throughout the height of Egyptian civilization, Osiris was the primary deity. In power, he was second only his father, Ra, and was the leader of the gods on earth. Osiris resided in the underworld as the lord of the dead, as after being killed by Set.

My Comment: He definitely does listen and follow Richard and does do what he says. He now resides in the underworld because he was killed.

Set – Ben

Set was one of ancient Egypt's earliest gods, a god of chaos, confusion, storms, wind, the desert and foreign lands. He was a contender to the throne of Osiris and rival to Horus, but a companion to the sun god Ra. Originally worshiped and seen as an ambivalent being, during the Third Intermediate Period the people vilified him and turned him into a god of evil. But Seth is not an evil god: he is the god who committed the immoral and evil act of murdering his brother Osiris, but it was this vile act that allowed Osiris to fulfil his destiny and become the god of the dead. Without Seth, there would not have been life after death.

My Comment: He does use Smokey to cause damage; also he does travel to and from the island. He does rival Horus as we have found out, and definitely wants to be leader over Locke, but as we have seen has always been a companion of Richard’s. Does appear as if people now view him as evil. He did kill Locke and fulfilled the destiny of sacrifice and rebirth.

Horus – Horace

The worship of Horus was brought from the outside by neighbouring tribes who invaded and then settled into Egypt. He was their god of war; he was the protector and guide to the pharaoh on earth. He also continual battles with Set.

My Comment: Brought outside by Dharma Initiative, elevated as leader to fight the others (war). Battles with Ben but Ben and the others topple him. Also is a guide to John Locke when he shows him where the map is.

Anubis – Jacob

Anubis was the god to protect the dead and bring them to the afterlife. The distinctive black color of Anubis “with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth."

My Comment: Does seem to control the dead as we have seen with Jack’s dad and advising others.

Ammit- Smokey

Ammit is described as "The Devourer" patron of destruction of the souls of the wicked. Ammit sits beneath the Scales of Justice, waiting for the souls to be judged. If the soul is found to be more wicked than good, Anibus feeds it to Ammit.

My Comment:This describes Smokey very well, also beneath the scales beneath the temple where Jacob previously resided.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Zanimljivo, ali mi sad pao Mr. Eko na pamet, on jeste u prošlosti bio wicked ali se definitivno popravio na ostvru (što je na neki način i bila njegova sudbina i zbog čega se tu zadesio in the first place). Jedan Mr. Eko je morao biti ubiven jer je glumac hteo da se povuče iz serije, al su mogli da ga roknu na drugi način, mada je opet stvarno dobra teorija sa paralelama iz egipatske mitologije.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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nije majls pričao o faradeju nego sawyer.

Hurley: Well, you do realize those dudes get wiped out, right?

Hurley: I mean, i saw the pit where all the bodies got dumped.

Sawyer: What about it?

Hurley: Well, aren't you gonna warn 'em?

Hurley: Aren't you gonna stop it from happening?

Sawyer: I ain't here to play Nostradamus to these people.

Sawyer: Besides, Faraday's got some interesting theories on what we can and can't do here.

Jack: Did you say Farady? He's here?

Sawyer: Not anymore. (način na koji je Sawyer ovo rekao ne ukazuje da se nešto lepo desilo Faradeyu, ali sigurno ćemo saznati)

Edited by Misha
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da li sam ja jedini primetio ove greške, ili se tripujem

3:10 - 3:12 vidi se da je animacija, do jaja loše urađeno

16:44 Juliette dodaje ovoj lutku bebe

moguće da sam za oba utripovao jer sam kuntao samo 5 sati prošle noći [:D]

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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meni je dobra epizoda krajnje i sasvim mi ima smisla pichkanje ovog dvojice. da sam ja otishao u proshlost i bio zauvek razdvojen od zhene koju volim jer je neki kreten neshto odluchio jer eto tako imao bih gomilu nakupljene mrzhnje prema njemu, a josh kad bi mi uleteo i krenuo da se ponasha bezobrazno onda bih mu sigurno i rekao da je bolid.

svidja mi se shto su sojera, kad su ga vec promenuli, razili u tom nekom "stalo mi je do ljudi" pravcu, ben je bog.

neka osoba glupak hehe

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da li sam ja jedini primetio ove greške, ili se tripujem

3:10 - 3:12 vidi se da je animacija, do jaja loše urađeno

16:44 Juliette dodaje ovoj lutku bebe

moguće da sam za oba utripovao jer sam kuntao samo 5 sati prošle noći [:D]

Brate, šta li tek primećuješ kad se naspavaš :))

Za avijon se vidi, al što baš lutku bebe, iako Džulijet drži pravu bebu samo sekundu pre toga...

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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čitam po internetu da se vidi nepoznata ženska osoba u pozadini kad san i lapidus idu kod kristijana. jedni kažu da je to sigurno kler, drugi kontaju da je neko od ekipe slučajno upao u kadar...

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Brate, šta li tek primećuješ kad se naspavaš :))

Za avijon se vidi, al što baš lutku bebe, iako Džulijet drži pravu bebu samo sekundu pre toga...

kad se naspavam, to ne primećujem, ovo mi je tipa prvi put da primetim u nekoj seriji/filmu očiglednu grešku, moram manje da spavam [:D]

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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nije majls pričao o faradeju nego sawyer.

Hurley: Well, you do realize those dudes get wiped out, right?

Hurley: I mean, i saw the pit where all the bodies got dumped.

Sawyer: What about it?

Hurley: Well, aren't you gonna warn 'em?

Hurley: Aren't you gonna stop it from happening?

Sawyer: I ain't here to play Nostradamus to these people.

Sawyer: Besides, Faraday's got some interesting theories on what we can and can't do here.

Jack: Did you say Farady? He's here?

Sawyer: Not anymore. (način na koji je Sawyer ovo rekao ne ukazuje da se nešto lepo desilo Faradeyu, ali sigurno ćemo saznati)

Ona devojka sto je prva pocela da krvari iz nosa (slabo pamtim imena jebiga :) ) je "na samrti" rekla Faradeju da joj je kada je bila devojcica neki ludak (ili tako nesto) rekao da ode sa ostrva i da se nikad vise ne vraca, jer ako se vrati umrece (taj ludak je Faradej). U jednoj od proslih epizoda kada su se ubacili u Dharmu ta devojcica je dosla na ostrvo. Od tog trenutka Faradeja vishe nema (ako se dobro secam). Znachi, njegov nestanak je verovatno povezan sa tom scenom kada "ludak" isprepada devojchicu...mozda su ga kaznili na neki nachin ili ko zna sta... [:D]

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