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Gledah neke redove vožnje na netu, pa dok sam Guglao ispadoše mi i neki zanimljivi linkovi :)

Prvi je OVAJ, tekst iz New York Times-a objavljen još 1981. oko putovanja iz Budimepšte do Beograda.

The Paranoia, too late, began to pick up speed. The landscape changed into a factoryscape as we finally reached the bustling metropolis of Novi Sad, which the Columbia Gazetteer claims is 45 minutes northwest of Belgrade. By our ''express'' train, it was more than an hour. When the hideous high-rise housing projects on the outskirts of Belgrade came into view, we sent up a small cheer. The Paranoia pulled into the station, a model of 19th-century quaintness that would make preservationists drool, at 1:30, a mere one hour and 22 minutes behind its actual schedule. Fortunately, we learned from a nearby travel agency that a plane for Dubrovnik was leaving at 4:30, and off we scuttled by taxi to the airport and the relief of travel in the skies.

A drugi je isto genijalan, iz 2006. godine, TRAVEL BLOG neko dvoje na proputovanju kroz Evropu, u ovom slučaju Srbiju.

ut at 2 oclock in the morning, we heard somebody shouting, somebody opened the door and shout "PASSPORT". I jumped out of the bed and i was really scared. I took my identity card and Fran his passport. When I showed my identity card, the guy said "NO I WANT YOUR PASSPORT" still shouting. I said scaried that it is a EUropean I identity card (i thought it was available for Serbia) and he answered "NO I WANT YOUR PASSPORT NOW". I jumped on my bag to find my passport and I show him it. I was so scared. It was like that 4 time during the travel every 1 or 2 hours. (for the passport and the ticket).

At 6 oclock we arrived in the surrounding of BElgrade and a group of 10 guys (looked like they were workers) got into the train in the compartment next to ours. (some of them looked inside ou r compartment. I was so scared, I was maybe the only women in all the train. I said it Fran ,this is the war, we are going to die. THe group of guys started to converse. But this kind of people doesnot speak, they shout. SO we could not sleep anymore (see pictures). So I decided to woke up and to have a l ook outside.

I looked behind the windows, and i was more scared yet. THere were the trains of the second war where they used to close juives people in there. I think they gave these trains to the poor countries. SO we arrived at Belgrado and It was not finish. THe station looked really scary, grey, dirty... We bought our ticket to go to Tessaloniki on the night and we left our luggage to the consigment. We went for a walk and to take a breakfast and all the people were poor and not really clean. We were a bit scared still but maybe because of our ignorance. We walked through Belgrade all the day and I did not like at all. There was nothing to see. We were relaly bored. THe only good thing we found was in a cofee, a cofee with caramel. It was really sweet and good.

Another anecdot. We went to a supermarket, to buy some food and Fran took some pictures of the olive oil. THe security guard came to him and said that it is forbidden that he can't take pictures without authorization, that he will have to take the camara.

Ove su malo posle isprozivali u komentarima ;)

Sve u svemu, zanimljivo štivo.

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ja sam baš u više navrata zaključio da ne postoji način da uđeš u beograd a da na keca ne vidiš nešto odvratno. ako dolaziš vozom ili autobusom, čeka te štajga, sa aerodroma te voze pored auto otpada i tako tih sranja, autoputem pored karton sitija... zapravo, postoji samo jedan ugao, kad dolaziš autoputem iz niša noću, pukne pogled, odma ti je jasno da si u ogromnom gradu itd

There is nothing to fear from Serbs unless you are a terrorist.

iz komentara na drugom linku

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samo sto je autoput iz nisa raspad, al ok :)

pa i nije toliko. zapravo, deonica do kragujevca je sasvim ok, to sam prošao skoro, a prošle godine je ceo potez do niša bio odličan, pa jedino ako se tu nešto pokvarilo. ubedljivo najgori deo tog autoputa je prvih 5-6 kilometara posle hrvatske granice, tu ko da su bombe padale.

(in b4 pa i jesu lol)

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A dobro jasno Vam je da ovo dvoje upadaju u onu kategoriju turista koji su krenuli na put sa namerom da se razocaraju. Procitao sam sta su imali da kazu za Rim i zakljucak (njihov) je sledeci: "I've had an argument with a guy who tried to overcharge us in the restaurant, hotel was terrible, looked like some bugs were sleeping there (sto bi bila i dobra informacija za nekoga ko putuje DA SU NAVELI IME HOTELA) and we have visited some (SOME?!?!?) ruins". A za Amsterdam nisu napisali nista jos uvek (under construction) ali je naslov Good, if you are into weed sex shops and prostitution. Dobro sta reci o njima?

Dva nesposobna idiota koja ne znaju gde je levo.

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A dobro jasno Vam je da ovo dvoje upadaju u onu kategoriju turista koji su krenuli na put sa namerom da se razocaraju. Procitao sam sta su imali da kazu za Rim i zakljucak (njihov) je sledeci: "I've had an argument with a guy who tried to overcharge us in the restaurant, hotel was terrible, looked like some bugs were sleeping there (sto bi bila i dobra informacija za nekoga ko putuje DA SU NAVELI IME HOTELA) and we have visited some (SOME?!?!?) ruins". A za Amsterdam nisu napisali nista jos uvek (under construction) ali je naslov Good, if you are into weed sex shops and prostitution. Dobro sta reci o njima?

Dva nesposobna idiota koja ne znaju gde je levo.

A Amsterdam je prelep grad. Te mora da su iz Valinora doshle chim tako prichaju



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