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Ne znam u koju kategoriju da stavim pa reko aj ovde. Ako neko ima neki predlog da mi kaze sta je zanimljivo od novih igara (ne mora da bude najnovija) i neke ranije koje su izlazile ove godine. Strategije, fps, simulaicje, pucacine...

I molio bi admine ako nisam ubo pravi podforum da premeste topic.



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Assassin's Creed / tps

Call of Duty 5: World at War / fps

Civilization 4: Colonization / tbs

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Kane's Wrath [exp] / rts

Crysis Warhead / fps

Dead Space / fps

Fallout 3 / fps [:D]

Far Cry 2 / fps

Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor / tbs

Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods / rpg

GTA 4 / tps

Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock / tps

Hard to be a God / rpg

King's Bounty: The Legend / rpg

Left 4 Dead / fps

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Colonies Edition / tps

Mass Effect / rpg


Prince of Persia / tps

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009

Race Driver: GRID / trke

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 / fps

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky / fps

Sacred 2 / hack & slash

Silverfall: Earth Awakening / hack & slash

Sins of a Solar Empire / rts

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition / rpg

Tomb Raider: Underworld / tps

Trackmania United Forever / trke

Turok / fps

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm [exp3, standalone] / rts

WorldShift / rts

World of Goo / logička

Ovo bi bilo otprilike ovogodišnje što spada u kategoriju "u najmanju ruku igrivo", ne računajući avanture.

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Assassin's Creed / tps

GTA 4 / tps

Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock / tps

Mass Effect / rpg

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 / fps

možeš i da preskočiš:

Call of Duty 5: World at War / fps

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky / fps


Race Driver: GRID / trke

Dead Space / fps

Fallout 3 / fps [:D]

Far Cry 2 / fps

nisam igrao:

Hard to be a God / rpg

King's Bounty: The Legend / rpg

Left 4 Dead / fps

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Colonies Edition / tps

Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods / rpg

Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor / tbs

Sacred 2 / hack & slash

Silverfall: Earth Awakening / hack & slash

Sins of a Solar Empire / rts

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition / rpg

Tomb Raider: Underworld / tps

Trackmania United Forever / trke

Turok / fps

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm [exp3, standalone] / rts

WorldShift / rts

World of Goo / logička

Civilization 4: Colonization / tbs

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Kane's Wrath [exp] / rts


Prince of Persia / tps

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009

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ne smesh zaobici

Call of Duty 5: World at War / fps

Crysis Warhead / fps

GTA 4 / tps

Mass Effect / rpg

Prince of Persia / tps - ovde mislim na two thrones, najnoviji shto je tek izashao nisam igrao

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009

Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 / fps

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky / fps

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition / rpg

Trackmania United Forever / trke

btw fali Orange Box, koji je prejebao 3/4 ove mini liste shto sam izdvojio

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Idi bre zeki ko da si od juce :)


Counter 1.6


Trackmania ona free



Cod neki



red alert ovaj novi

Mada generalno





i to je to :)

I starcraft,ofc

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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ono sto je mene zakovalo za monitor ove jeseni i zime ( a taman pomislih da sam nakon skoro godinu dana negejminga konacno bio izlecen:-)

1. The Witcher EE - mozda najbolja stvar ikada...

2. Gears of War za PC, genijalna pucacina, nemoguce da niko nije pomenuo... jedna od najmocnijih akcija koje sam igrao

3. Devil May Cry 4 je super ako ti ne budu smetale neke gluposti... meni nisu

4. King's Bounty je vrh, posle nekih fajtova sam se jedva suszdrzao da ne nazovem ortake koji to igraju, ili da prosto izadjem i zaustavim nekog i da pricam kako sam satro Baala demona, i skinuo 11 archdemona jednom magijom... upse, evo pocinje:-) ma haos, obavezno shtivo


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