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Dark Voice

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Everything posted by Dark Voice

  1. Ovo treba pogledati. Najbolji replay koji sam video u Kane's Wrath-u. Ustvari, svi u ovom pack-u su ekstra!
  2. Recimo da je ovaj covek sposoban da nam prikaze o cemu se tu radi... Soviet-i su ok; stvarno ne bih mogao da im nadjem neku vecu zamerku. Kod Allies su napravili ogromne konceptualne propuste. Npr: - svi oni njihovi avioni su gadni, ali veliki Century Bomber vertikalno uzlece sa platforme za helikoptere... - helikopteri sa kriogeničkim topovima... - Destroyer sa mitraljezom zakacenim na rotirajucu osoviniu! ... Gameplay je generalno osvezenje u odnosu na CnC 3. Novi sistem sakupljanja resursa, kao i stroga specijalizacija bas svake jedinice onemogucuju CnC 3 stampanje (mada je i dalje glupo to sto projektil ne moze da povredi pesadiju). Osim vode, ova igra nema grafickih unapredjenja u odnosu na CnC 3 i cini mi se da je degradirana. Sve te boje i ta fancy raspadanja jedinica i zgrada ne leze CnC-u. Ali videcemo retail; valjda nisu dzabe izbacili betu...
  3. Mislim da RTS-ovi generalno pate...
  4. Pa dobro, to je ipak beta; mozda ces, kada izadje retail, moci da registrujes betu... Ako EA zabrlja sada, ugasili su ga sa strategijama (do Red Alert 3: Invasion of Yuri's Mind-Controlled Dinosaurs, CnC 4: Kane nece da crkne, ili Red Alert 4); blah sta ja pricam? Uvek dovoljan broj ljudi kupi njihove igre. Dakle, ako zabrlja, cekamo Starcraft 2 (i novu DotA-u skuvanu u svezem editoru) i/ili Dawn of War 2 (koji ne moze da bude los, jer Relic ne zna da zabrlja).
  5. Jedno parce je u Petroglyph-u, a drugo u EA-u. Mada ne znam na sta lici ovaj Petroglyph-ov Universe at War: Earth Assault; jel neko probao?
  6. Ali dzabe, kad Tau to sve dezintegrise.
  7. Da to jeste tuzno kad vidis (ni pun) squad Grey Knight-ova kako ugrobare potpuno zdravog Daemon-a (izuzev Nightbringer-a, hehe on je baja, ali privremeni baja ), ali i ne samo Daemon-a, oni ubijaju sve!
  8. Samo da ubace Tau sto pre i sve ce biti u redu. E da, i da kultne jedinice ostave kakve su bile; npr. Avatar-a (Kaela Mensha Khaine-a)...
  9. Jel se meni cini ili od novog 1.01 patch-a ova igra konacno podseca na Command and Conquer...? Deluje onako... OK.
  10. Frank Klepacki returns for Red Alert 3
  11. Red Alert 3 demo trailer Joj, al' ce voda da boli... pogotovo oni ripple efekti.
  12. Beta ce da krene u avgustu, septembru... tako nesto (ako se grdno ve varam), ali sam ja preskocio Kane's Wrath, tako da kod mene nema nista od bete.
  13. Kontam da ovo pripada ovde, jer je CnC nastao iz Dune-a. Mod za Tiberium Wars, samo kad bi ga zavrsili: Dune: Arrakian Wars
  14. Kakve veze Red Alert 2 ima sa Tiberium Wars-om? Red Alert 2 je pravio Westwood, dok su Tiberium Wars pravili EA. Red Alert 2 je radjen na zastareloj (ali tada genijalnoj) Voxel tehnoglogiji, dok je Tiberium Wars engine jos jedna iteracija SAGE engine-a (nastalog u Generals-u, da ne kazem u Emperor: Battle for Dune-u). Red Alert 3 ce terati novi potomak SAGE engine-a, pa ce kao posledica toga hardverska zahtevnost biti malo zategnuta u odnosu na Tiberium Wars (pretezno zbog vode). Btw, sajt je doradjen: EA - Red Alert 3
  15. Ono sto mi se ne svidja je sto uklanjaju jednu esencijalnu karakteristiku Command and Conquer-a, a to je tiberium/zlato prosuto po njivi. Naime, za one koji nisu citali, izvor resursa ce biti (retko) rasporedjeni "rudnici" na koje ce u jednom trenutku moci da se zakaci jedan harvester. To su cinjenice, sada sledi moje filozofija: ovo je ocigledno nastalo kao posledica uvodjenja vise build queue-ova u CnC 3: Tiberium Wars (prethodno u Generals), sto planiraju da prenesu u Red Alert 3; kao posledica navedenog, nEstaje ogranicenje broja jedinica koje mogu da se proizvedu u jedinici vremena; to u kombinaciji sa, takodje neogranicenim harvest-ovanjem resursa koje je do sada bilo zastupljeno dovodi do pojave stamparije, ali umesto da uklone uzrok problema, oni "lece" posledicu (trenutno besomucno patch-ujuci CnC 3 ekonomiju, tj. usporavajuci je, da bi tek samo odlozili neizbezno - stampanje uoci eco boom-a). Problem se resava tako sto se jedna od dve pomenute stvari ogranici, kao sto je to do sada bio slucaj u prethodnim CnC-ovima (ne racunam Generals u CnC-ove), gde smo imali jedan build queue, koji se nelinearno ubrzava gradnjom vise proizvodnih struktura (naravno, granica zasicenja se vrlo brzo dostize); ali su u ovom slucaju odlucili da predju na Generals sistem sakupljanja resursa => bljak.
  16. Prosirena lista izmena za predstojeci CnC 3 patch: Economy revamp: -- All refinery values increased to 3000 credits, 30 seconds of build time, and 15 power -- Tiberium Spike cap gain decreased to 500, value per second decreased to 10 -- Harvester cost/build time for all factions increased to 2000/20 -- Most faction harvester health increased 4000->5000, steel talon/black hand harvester health increased to 5200 -- Unit production structures (war factory, airfield) have had their build radius removed, this does not include meta-unit production facilities -- All conyards have had their build radii increased to compensate (360 to 450) After significant review of the numbers, we found that players under a reduced-speed economy would increase harvester and refinery production to achieve the previous level of income, then transfer the harvester load over to a new expansion and quickly mine it out. The goal of these changes is to produce the same lengthening of the early game that resulted from a change in harvester load, while simultaneously increasing the opportunity cost of increasing the player’s economy at any stage in the game. A short eco boom phase will still occur, due to the nature of tiberium fields, though it will occur later in the game (an inherent buff to scouting and countering tactics) and will be of a smaller magnitude (due to a large portion of the funds being diverted to resource acquisition). The player must now also make a more conscious choice of when to expand, as both the difficulty of expanding and the cost to expand have increased. The gameplay now more closely fits into set phases: buildup/scouting/harassment, unit production, assault, expand, repeat (rather than all options at once). Due to the increased incentive for harassment, cost, and build time of harvesters, harvester health has been increased. Advanced infantry structures: -- All advanced infantry upgrade centers (stasis chamber, secret shrine, armory) now provide a basic infantry unit when sold or destroyed This fixes several issues, including cheap ravagers/shock troopers, and reduces the number of available shadow teams in the early game for Nod players. Other structures: -- Cost of all silos reduced to 100 credits Go ahead, make a silo! All GDI: -- GDI Power Plant upgrade now provides 20 power (increase from 10) -- GDI Power Plant cost/build time reduced to 700/7 (from 800/8) GDI power production and usage are now more closely aligned with the other factions. -- Grenadier range and EMP grenade range increased 240 to 260, grenade speed increased 120 to 180, scatter increased 15-20 versus infantry, blast radius increased 20 to 30 Grenadiers are now more effective at taking out large squads of low-hp infantry. -- Mammoth speed increased 40 to 45 Mammoth tanks can now more easily keep up with an assaulting army. -- Packed Rig HP Increased 1500 to 2000, pack and unpack rates reduced to 3s from 5s, repair drone leash distance increased 150 to 200 The Rig can now be more effectively used in combat as it can deploy (more quickly) behind front-line troops and heal them during micromanagement. -- Zone Trooper/Raider autoinjectors health bonus increased 130% to 150% Upgrade use is now more closely aligned with cost. -- Pitbull damage increased 160 to 200, vs. air scalar reduced 200% to 150% Pitbulls are more closely aligned with bikes and seekers in terms of harassment ability, anti-air attack power remains approximately equivalent. Subfaction- specific: -- ZOCOM and Steel Talons Bloodhound power cost increased to 3000 (from 2k/2.5k) Bloodhounds no longer allow for cheaper unit production. -- Hardpoint-upgraded firehawk AA missiles now fire as fast as unupgraded missiles Bug fix, the missile travel speed and firing timing are now aligned with the pre-upgrade speed/timing. -- Titan crush level increased to 3 (only epic units can now crush the mighty titan) Because Mammoths crushing Titans looks silly. -- Shatterer and Zone Shatterer radius increased 3 to 10, range 250 to 325, pre- attack and clip reload delay reduced to 0.1s from 0.3 s -- Zone Shatterer Overload Beam radius increased 4 to 10 Both the Shatterer and Zone Shatterer should now feel significantly more responsive. Both units can now hit opposing unit masses before being hit themselves, though they are still countered harshly by air units and high-hp units such as the Mammoth. -- Titan damage increased 400 to 450, railgun damage increased 572 to 625 The Titan is now, per cost, more closely in line with the Predator Tank. -- Composite armor build time increased to 60 seconds (from 20) Opposing players can now reach and produce tier2 infantry counters in line with the completion of composite armor. -- Tiberium Field Suits build time and cost increased to 2000/60s from 1000/30s, armor vs cannon increased 6 to 12 for all affected squads ZOCOM infantry are less resilient to stormriders, shatterers, etc. These changes bring Zocom Field Suits in line with Composite Armor, with additional Tiberium defense. -- ZOCOM Orca weapon damage increased 750 to 1000 The ZOCOM Orca is more effective at destroying large, slow-moving masses of units, providing ZOCOM with a counter to heavy vehicles. -- Steel Talon Behemoth acquisition/weapon range increased 500 to 600, hp 5000 to 5500 The Behemoth is now more closely in-line with the Juggernaut and the base GDI late-game units not available to the Steel Talons. All Scrin: -- Lightening spike power cost increased to 1500 This power was incredibly cost-effective, which increased with the economic changes. Cost more closely approximates value. -- Shock Trooper plasma disc and blink pack upgrade numbers swapped, plasma discs are now the more expensive upgrade (1000/30s and 2000/60s) Upgrades are more closely aligned with relative power and usage. -- Devastator range increased 550 to 625, type changed from cannon to grenade This change brings the devastator in line with the 1.09 TW unit. -- Reaper and Traveler Stormrider health normalized to vanilla Scrin 3200 to 2800, all stormrider costs normalized to 1500/15 These units erroneously used older HP values, HP normalized along with cost across all factions. -- Seeker armor vs cannon reduced 10% (100 to 110), vs gun reduced 25% (25 to 50) Seekers no longer cost-effectively defend versus Scorpion tanks and are no longer able to stand toe-to-toe with early game infantry unupgraded. -- Disintegrator range increased 100 to 150 Disintegrators are now much more effective at damaging enemy units as the entire squad can now fire at range. -- Mechapede disintegrator segment range reduced 300 to 150, damage 135 to 70, corrupter segment range decreased 200 to 150, disc segment changed to anti-air only, range of disc segment increased 300 to 325 The mechapede disintegrator segment now requires that the mechapede get up close and personal, and no longer trumps all anti-vehicle units in terms of damage. Cost-effectiveness brought in-line with the Devourer. Corrupter segment range decreased to make base destruction less effective. Disc segment range increased to increase anti-air effectiveness without necessarily putting the mechapede head into harm’s way. The mechapede is a very powerful anti-air unit. -- Corrupter range 100 to 150, speed 60 to 70 Corrupters now more effectively approach and fire on enemy infantry squads and thus take less in-transit damage. Corrupter healing is slightly easier to micromanage. -- Overlord’s Wrath damage reduced 10000 to 4500 Overlord’s wrath no longer one-shots tier 3 units but will often destroy or severely damage all lower tier units in the blast radius. Extra tip: unlike the TVBomb, Overlord’s Wrath does cannon damage, making it more effective against vehicles. Subfaction-Specific: -- Reaper-17 attenuated forcefields upgrade cost increased to 2000 from 1000 Upgrade is more closely aligned with relative power. -- Advanced Articulators cost/build time increased to 2000/60 from 500/15 Upgrade is more closely aligned with relative power and timing now provides opposing players with a chance to scout and counter effectively. -- Traveler cultist squad member hp decreased 320 to 250 These units are now slightly easier to kill with anti-mass and anti-infantry units. -- Hexapod recycler radius 300 to 450 This ability now extends nearly the length of the Hexapod attack range and should be much more useful/usable. -- Devourer tank uncharged damage increased 500 to 650, charged dmg 750 to 800 Uncharged devourer tank is now in line, per cost, with the Predator and Scorpion tank. Upgraded devourer is more closely in-line with upgraded Scorpion tanks and the new Shatterer. -- Shardwalker upgraded with blue shards now fires as fast as unupgraded version (decrease in clip reload by 50%, increase in clip size from 4 to 5) Blue-shard upgraded shardwalkers no longer lose effectiveness against large, low-hp infantry squads. -- Reaper 17 conversion reserves now provide the stated increase in tiberium hold capacity Bug fix. All Nod: -- Catalyst missile radius decreased to 100 The Catalyst missile has been rebalanced to the new refinery cost. -- Dozer Blades upgrade increased to 2000/60s from 1000/30s Cost more closely approximates power and usefulness, build time allows opposing player to more effectively build counter units. -- Beam cannon range increased 500 to 600 Intended 1.09 change that never made it. :o) -- Avatar and Purifier main beam weapon damage increased 850 to 900 The Avatar and Purifier are more closely aligned with the Mammoth and Tripod. -- Fanatic damage increased 325 to 700, radius 40 to 50 Fanatic relative power increased to 1.09 TW levels. -- Flame tank cannon penalty reduced 200 to 150 Flame tanks are now more resilient when used against a mixed army. -- Rage generator hallucination time 20s to 3s Still fun, but not army-destroying fun. Subfaction- Specific: -- Shadow Team summon power cost increased to 2500 Shadow teams can no longer be acquired per-cost with this ability, this also increases the opportunity cost of an early Shadow Team rush. -- Black disciples upgrade increased from 1500/30s to 2000/60s Cost and build time brought more closely in line with relative power. -- Purifying flame cost/build time increased to 3000/90s from 2000/45s Cost and build time brought more closely in line with relative power. -- Commandeered Beam Cannon damage increased 600 to 900 Commandeering is now, in terms of power per cost, 10% more effective than building a second avatar, but once he goes down, so do all of your weapons! -- Flame tank damage with purifying flame increased 216 to 300 Purify them! -- Purifier flame damage with purifying flame reduced 750 to 300 Purifier no longer deals absurd amounts of damage to everything and more closely aligned with other flame weapons. -- Supercharged particle shredder turret damage decreased 150 to 90 Supercharged turret is no longer more effective versus vehicles than the laser turret. -- Charged particle shredder turret damage decreased 100 to 80 Charged turret is no longer more effective versus vehicles than the laser turret. -- Shadow team explosive charge damage reduced 2000 to 1500 Now requires 3 teams to take down a power plant, 7 teams to take down a refinery, brought more in- line with increased refinery cost and the slower economy. -- Mantis range increased 275 to 300 Mantis can now engage air units more effectively without incurring significant damage. -- Confessor cabal cost/buildtime increased 300/3 to 400/4, damage increased 4 to 6 Confessor cabal is less easily spammable and brought more closely in line with cost of final upgraded form, early-game damage increased to compensate. -- Laser-upgraded buggy now deals more damage than unupgraded (75 to 100) -- Laser-upgraded laser turret now deals more damage than unupgraded (140 to 210) The upgrade produces a beneficial result, instead of a negative one. Good thing. -- Vertigo disruption pods now subtract the appropriate 500 credits on use Bug fix. Neutral: -- Mutant marauder damage increased 6 to 9, speed increased 40 to 60 Mutant marauders can now keep up with/cost-effectively deal with unupgraded infantry. They’ll fight for you!
  17. Red Alert 3 screenshots Red Alert 3 detalji Red Alert 3 glumci Kirov reporting!
  18. Red Alert 3 gameplay trailer Btw, potvrdjeno je da ce iskomponovati Hell March 3! We will bury them!
  19. Pa neka ti je sa srecom Lista predloga za predstojeci CnC 3 patch: Kane's Wrath Patch Draft Notes Economy Changes Refinery cost/build time increased Tiberium Spike initial capture award lowered significantly All non-conyard/expansion unit structure build radius reduced significantly Developer Commentary: The goal of these three economy changes is to ultimately make the resource curve much smoother over the course of the game GDI Changes Grenadier Squad: Armor vs Gun Damage increased, grenade projectile scatter slightly increased (increases effectiveness against other infantry squads) Rig: HP increased significantly Shatterer: Range increased, Damage increased, pre-attack delay reduced GDI Firehawk: Firehawk's missiles no longer travel slower when the Firehawk has the Hardpoints upgrade. (Bug Fix) ZOCOM Changes Zocom Orca: Area of Effect radius increased Steel Talons Changes Titan: HP increased slightly Nod Changes Avatar: Commandeered Beam Cannon Upgrade's damage increased significantly Flame Tank: HP increased Catalyst Missile: Damage radius reduced significantly Fanatics: Damage increased significantly Marked of Kane Changes Shredder Turret: Supercharged Particle Beam Upgrade damage has been decreased Black Hand Changes Shredder Turret: Supercharged Particle Beam Upgrade damage has been decreased Purifying Flame: Upgrade cost/build time increased, damage bonus decreased Scrin Changes Mechapede: Disintegrator Segment damage/range reduced, Seeker Segment is now anti-air only and significantly increased in damage, unit cost increased Seeker: Armor vs Cannon Damage reduced Disintegrator: Move Speed increased, range increased slightly Overlord’s Wrath: Lead-in time increased (Makes ability easier to attempt to avoid) Stormrider: Armor vs Gun Damage decreased Devastator: Damage type changed to Blast (was Cannon) Traveler-59 Changes Cultist: HP and ability range reduced Advanced Articulators: Cost increased Stormrider: Cost increased Reaper-17 Changes Conversion reserves fixed (Bug Fix)
  20. Red Alert 3 Q&A Archive
  21. Nisam pominjao Deceiver-a zato sto je "imba" (naravno da ce svako birati Nightbringer-a), vec zato sto cini Necron-e jos kultnijim sa pogleda Warhammer fantazije. Dawn of War je dobar zato sto se Relic trudio da u igru ubaci sto vise elemenata bogatog Warhammer sadrzaja i zato sto ih nista ne mrzi (uzmimo samo za primer EA i CnC 3, daleko od toga da igra ne valja, ali godinu dana ljudi ih mole da npr. ubace animaciju da harvester dok pase plavi tiberium, usisava plave krhotine, a ne zelene; naravno nista; takvih primera nema u Dawn of War-u), a sto se balans aspekta tice... igra sa toliko rasa ne moze da bude izbalansirana, a i ne mora, jer je Dawn of War namenjen fan-ovima a ne progamer-ima (u ostalom gde jos postoji izbalansirana igra, jos gore, strategija).
  22. Lol? Nisam znao... Evo nekih mojih prvih tisaka: Dodali su izvesno bogatstvo modela, efekata i slicica (i dalje ne mogu da verujem da fuel-air bomb sto ispusta Aurora Alpha u Generals-u ima lepsi efekat od onog sto pravi Vertigo i Specter kada detoniraju svoj tovar...). Cini mi se da su jos vise usporili ekonomiju, sto je dobro; mislim da nema vise stampanja homogene armije. Quick expand je postao prerizican, a harvester-i jako bole. Deluje mi da sve nekako brze umire a ima dosta AOE baziranih oruzja, pa se masovanje lakse counter-uje. Svidja mi se sto su neke upgrade-ove i jedinice spustili u nizi tier, pogodovo upgrade za elektrane. Sad malo o frakcijama: Steel Talons su skupi, relativno debeli i spori. Titan i Wolverine su lose izmodelirani. ZOCOM imaju relativno jeftine cost-effective jedinice i mislim da su poprimili osobinu stamparije iz CnC 3 vanile i sve to lepo radi pod uslovom da mix-uju jedinice. Black Hand nema mnogo izbora (podseca na China Tank generala iz Generals-a); moze da voza malo protivnika Flame Tank-ovima, a onda mora da napravi brute-force armiju onih uber Avatar-a i Mantis-a. E da, onaj "black napalm" dezintegrise sve sto dotakne. Marked of Kane su najsvestraniji; mogu da rade sve sto je Nod ranije radio (sa izuzetkom taktika koje ukljucuju flame-oruzja) Stealth Tank-ovi sa onim novim upgrade-om ciste sve pred sobom. Opet, kiborzi su lose izmodelirani. Oko Scrin-a su se najvise potrudili. Reaper-17 i Traveler-59 imaju savrsene kombinacije odgovarajucih jedinica za mix-ovanje i ne bih ni jednu posebo istakao osim Mechapede-a koji je ekstra ako igrace ne mrzi da klikcu. Sa art pogleda na Scrin nemam primedbe. Toliko za sada. Nisam previse odusevljen, pogotovo ne kampanjom (cini mi se da je zbrzana; a GDI? a "Prepare the full invasion force!").
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