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Everything posted by Dark Voice
Nisam jos gledao, tek mi se danas istorentovao, pa cu uskoro da ga instaliram i tek onda cu da odlucim hocu li da uzimam original.
Haha ; ladno su Necron-ima dali mogucnost da summon-uju jos jednog C'tan Boga - Deceiver-a. Moze da summon-uje fake Monolith i da mind control-uje protivnicke jedinice, ali tesko da uopste pravi stetu.
Pa... da; al' ne sekiraju se oni, jer ide Dawn of War 2...
Ne znam kako (jer je release date 26.03.2008.), ali Kane lives! Kane's Wrath
W40k ionako nije zahtevan, pa sad kad cvetaju nove tehnologije, mogli su malo da ga dosminkaju.
Ja sam bas danas hteo da napravim topic. Slazem se da su obe rase unikatne i manje-vise zanimljive za igru (mada su mi Dark Eldar bas gadni za oko), samo... treba se navici na one nove slicice i upgrade-ove. Medjutim, sto bi rekli: "The technolgy of Tau makes us strong!" - pored svega najjaceg sto su imali, sad su dobili, cini mi se, jos i najjaci aircraft! Mogli su malo da poboljsaju kvalitet tekstura (po ugledu na Company of Heroes) i da naprave intro po ugledu na ranije, a ne na ovaj in-game fazon. Sve u svemu, cool nastavak za jednu sjajnu igru. Btw, na GameCopyWorld ima hack da se otkljucaju ostale rase za skirmish, bez potrebe da se instalira vanila i ostale dve ekspanzije (ako neko nije znao).
Generals tera rana verzija SAGE engine-a, tada napisanog za DirectX 8, koji ne voli da radi na novijem (DirectX 9/DirectX 10) hardware-u. Imao sam slicne probleme i nisam siguran da se u vecoj meri mogu ublaziti. Revert na starije driver-e mi je donekle pomogao (ali kada sam presao sa GeForce 4 na GeForce 6, a sada imam GeForce 8 i sa njom nisam probao). Probaj da promenis display driver profil za neku od starijih aplikacija, npr. na CnC: Renegade (koji takodje poseduje ranu verziju SAGE-a), ili cak na Generals, ako postoji.
Battlecast Primetime (ep. 7)
Red Alert 3 announced! EA - Red Alert 3
Ovo je vise stability nego performance patch, ustvari, high texture podesavanja ubiju igru u pojam. Ovo pise u official readme-u: ======================================== 3.0 Known Issues ======================================== Despite the fact that since the first CPT release a fair three digit number of fixes have been made and the fact that the game is much more stable right now there are still a few stability issues which have not been fixed entirely: 1. High resolution texture settings will result in a higher crash frequency than mid or low resolution textures. 2. Gothic III will still run out of memory when playing longer sessions (internally we have one crash in 6-7 hours with high texture resolutions). Teleporting frequently can further reduce the crash frequency. 3. Teleporting will take a little longer due to memory management changes 4. Alt Tabbing randomly leads to a black screen when tabbing in again 5. Game crashes randomly after transforming back from an animal 6. NPC´s can be invisible in rare cases. Just walk away and return 7. Camera can flicker in some cases. Just scroll camera out and in again 8. Playing the Orcish Drums Twice without doing anything else in between leads to a situation where you cannot do anything anymore. Press CTRL-F8 to resolve this situation. 9. The game crashes in Myrtana, south of Geldern if the player passes beneath a bridge ======================================== Nesto sam citao po forumima... izgleda da i dalje mora da se prosiri user address space (za high podesavanja).
PROPOSED 1.10 BALANCE CHANGE LIST Global Veterancy: Has minimal scaling at ranks 1 and 2. Proposed Change: First and second ranks of veterancy to fit better with rank 3 veterancy Global Harvester: Needs health normalization Proposed Change: Reduce all harvester health by 20% and specifically the Nod harvesters normalized to Scrin/GDI harvester health Global Harvester: Rocket armor limits benefit of harassment strategies Proposed Change: Increased vulnerability to Rocket Damage by 20% Global Infantry: Missile squads take low damage vs their counter tier 1 gun type damage unit Proposed Change: Increase vulnerability to Gun Damage by 20% GDI Orca: The orca is too cost effective overall Proposed Change: Orca armor reduced overall GDI Rig: Slow movement speed Proposed Change: Movespeed increased to predator tank levels; still feels slow but better GDI Rig: Hitpoints are low for the unit's effectiveness Proposed Change: Increase unit hitpoints total Nod Avatar: Upgrades feel ineffective for investment required Proposed Change: Buff to Avatar upgrades to encourage more use Nod Avatar: Feels too effective & powerful in current form Proposed Change: Increase base cost of unit, or nerf unit damage Nod Catalyst Missile: This power seems too strong for its cost Proposed Change: Slight nerf by raising cost, cooldown, and/or lowering damage Nod Attack Bikes: Seem too slow Proposed Change: Increase movespeed to 160 Nod Commando Move speed feels slow Proposed Change: Slightly increase movespeed Scrin Corruptor Low health/armor when compared with similar tier2 units of other factions Proposed Change: Movespeed and health normalized to Flame Tank model, with a percentage less damage GDI Firehawk: Friendly fire damage makes these units feel unappealing Proposed Change: Friendly fire of firehawks removed Global Repair: Structure repair feature easily counters small squads Proposed Change: Global repair function has speed reduced by 60% Global Superweapons: All superweapons cooldowns normalized Proposed Change: Normalizing superweapons will have most impact in casual games, where they are used often GDI Firehawk: Not effective enough vs tier 3 ground units Proposed Change: Increase damage vs tier3 ground units GDI Orca Strike: Ineffective for current cost Proposed Change: Cost/benefit is more balanced to encourage use Nod Fanatics: Movement speed is too slow Proposed Change: Increase movespeed Nod Buggy: Upgraded laser damage against infantry is less than unupgraded Proposed Change: Increase damage vs infantry Nod Beam Cannon: Not useful enough at Tier3 Proposed Change: Moved to Tier 2 GDI Grenadier: Grenades move too slowly and are easily dodged Proposed Change: Projectile speed increased slightly GDI ZoneTrooper/Commando: Can be attacked while jumpjetting but cannot return fire Proposed Change: Units are not attackable while jumpjetting
Five Imporant Things Kane's Wrath Will Fix
Ako se ne varam u novije vreme SLI je podrzan ekskluzivno nVidia chipset-ovima. Za ovaj slucaj to potvrdjuje prethodni post.
Cisto radi poredjenja, moja MSI NX8800GTS T2D320E-HD-OC radi na 80-90 C (naravno ima ogroman cooler)... ne verujem da je temperatura problem.
Ode prica offtopic... - Nebo je plavo! - Ne zeleno je! - Plavo! - Zeleno, zeleno! ...
Uvek bilo u CnC-u. Ovoga vise nema (treba samo jos malo da se tweakuje Nod). Na ovome se intenzivno radi... u Kane's Wrath-u ce biti mnostvo taktika (9 frakcija). Tacno.... na tosterima...
Tacno je da je build order ovde kljucna stvar... nije li u svakoj strategiji? Stice se pogresan utisak jer se u CnC 3 mnogo i brzo gradi... Prosecna duzina partije jeste dosta kratka, medjutim skoro nisam video nijednu partiju izmedju dva top playera da traje ispod 30min. Micro ni u jednom CnC-u nije dolazio preterano do izrazaja, a macro ovde ne pije vodu jer su sve mape savrseno ravne i otvorene (automatski slabi moc artiljerije, air-a, stekanja i sl.) i nadam se da ce Kane's Wrath doneti neke nove i poboljsane mape po tom pitanju... Ne treba gurati CnC i Starcraft na isto mesto, jer imaju jako malo slicnosti... zasto ne bi igrali oba (zato sto covek u jednom periodu ne moze da igra (ne masteruje, vec igra) vise strategija... ne bas)? Previse rano ljudi ocekuju previse mnogo od SC2. I zar je sve u turnirima i novcima?! Sa ostalim se slazem u potpunosti. @topic Poz, kako ce CnC 3: Kane's Wrath potpuno promeniti filozofiju igre (kao sto je i Zero Hour u odnosu na Generals), predlazem da sacekas ekspanziju (8. 3. 2008.); inace ja sam se za tih 50e (sada je dosta manje) lepo igrao vise od pola godine. Ne ocekuj mnogo nasih ljudi u koji ce odobravati CnC...
Nemam bas vremena, studiram.... ma koga ja lazem!? Video sam mnoge uber detalje iz ekspanzije, pa mi je bljak da igram sada. Povremeno pogledam neki dobar rep i odigram koju partiju. Sto se patcheva tice, Apollo kaze da su GDI i Scrin sada izbalansirani, ali je Nod op (Avatar, Catlyst Missle, Tiberium Vapor Bomb), i ja se slazem. Ali balans sad nije ni bitan, jer ce uskoro kada izadje ekspanzija sve ionako biti ispreturano. Battlecast Primetime (ep. 5)
Nadam se da ce biti poboljsanje u grafici kao i podrska za DX10... imajuci u vidu da je Company of Heroes DX10 igra a engine-i ovih dveju igara su slicni (ako se ne radi o istom engine-u).