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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Onda čitaj nešto! :) Šalim se, ali u suštini bilo koji telefon koji nije najveći krš na planeti i da je iole noviji će pokrenuti "bilo koju" igru za mobilni koja bi tebi u takvoj ležećoj pozi uopšte mogla da bude zanimljiva za igranje.
  2. Ne može, Wraitha smo uvek dodeljivali Nidži pošto nema pojma!
  3. Ja vid'o Čilija uživo pre jedno mesec dana, pozdravio vas je sve! Sa druge strane, mislim da je Dvini negde na Novom Zelandu otišao poslom i ne zbog borbe za LGBT :)
  4. to mi reci tornju, tebe sam ček'o! moraćemo opet :)
  5. dok sam imao tv u spavaćoj sobi i ja sam ga ostavljao na timeru da se ugasi kad zaspim. kad sam izbacio tv da bih ga dao babi, nije mi nedostajao - tako da kapiram da je to sve individualno. samo da ga samsung svakim patchom sve više i više ne upropašćuje, gde bi nam kraj bio.
  6. uvek, nego me niko nije smarao zbog toga!
  7. čitajući ovo nemam pojma ni da li da isprobavam dotu jer nema leba da ispratim ove pikove, linije i ostalo :) želim samo da uđem u igru odaberem witch doctora i šetam okolo!
  8. šta li je predrkani fon, kad na bilo kojem iole normalnom telefonu radi svaka igra? :) meni na note4 sve šljaka a fon nije toliko mlad sad već.
  9. da, da, to je taj. nisu baš popadale u pećinu nego su ciljano tu otišle pošto su "pećinarke" ali nebitno je to :) film je iz 2005, tako da si ga sigurno mogao gledati na TV-u. ja ga uhvatih na nekoj listi filmova gde je bio jedini koji nisam odgledao. Postoji i nastavak, ali koliko vidim nije baš najbolje prošao.
  10. ovaj draško samo ide okolo i zeza ljude. poenta je što je opservacija lika na mestu, ko god on bio. bez ulaženja u to da li je HR trebalo da postupi ovako ili onako, ko se pravi smartass, naravno da ga neće zvati ako imaju alternativu, a za te junior pozicije sigurno imaju.
  11. Nije da ima neke super specijalne efekte, ali opet glupo je gledati ako je totalno negledljivo. A ovaj Life po ovom početku sa "životnjom" izgleda kao Prometej :))
  12. The Descent - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435625/ Nekako sam propustio ovaj film i slučajno sam naleteo na njega pre neki dan. Kasnije videh da je loše prošao generalno jer se pojavio u slično vreme kada i London napadi 2005 godine pa nije dobio priliku da bude ispromovisan. Nevezano za to, super razbibriga za veče kod kuće. Dobar početak, kasnije fina "napetost" koja cepa celim filmom, skučen prostor, interesantan kraj. Mali hint je da zapravo postoje dva kraja, UK i USA, pa pokušajte da pogledate oba.
  13. Na stranu što "hvali NCR" šta tačno nije istina u tome što su ga iskulirali kada je rekao da će se konsultovati sa advokatom? Pa uzeće prvog sledećeg koji neće da se konsultuje sa advokatom jer je potražnja velika a pozicija početna.
  14. Verovatno je Igi mislio na to da je Kia više "brza" i "oštra" a Hjundai više guraju da bude "dosadan" i "porodični" - što nije baš uvek slučaj, ali prati taj neki ton.
  15. Ovo deluje kao prvi realni preview konzole ili makar onaj koji se najviše poklapa sa mojim mišljenjem: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/01/hands-on-with-nintendo-switch-jack-of-all-trades-master-of-some/ Playing Mario Kart 8 once on a portable Switch is enough to make you never want to play on the Wii U's tablet screen ever again (much less play the blocky Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS). Seeing a game like Fast Racing RMX running by at a smooth 60 fps on a sharp portable screen is breathtaking. Splatoon 2 provides a convincing, console-style experience in a fully portable form factor, although tilting the entire system to utilize tilt-control aiming gets a bit annoying. ... Here the thing: The same system that can serve as Nintendo's most beautiful and well-designed handheld ever can also end up being kind of disappointing as a modern home console. Don't get me wrong. Games like Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild look very nice on a full-sized 1080p screen. They just don't look appreciably better than similar (or identical) games on the Wii U, a system that was already considered underpowered when it launched at $300 (or more) four years ago. Nintendo isn't discussing the internal hardware specs for the Switch, but the Nvidia Tegra innards are likely based off of the X1 system-on-a-chip, which was never designed for top-of-the-line TV console performance. ... After a day of hands-on time, I find the comfort and utility of the Switch's unique Joy-Con controllers varies wildly across their many different modes and configurations. Holding two Joy-Cons in two hands—either separately with hands wide apart; with controllers attached to the tablet; or by attaching them to a unifying Controller Grip—feels quite pleasant. The analog sticks are big and springy, and while the face buttons are a little on the small side, they're perfectly usable. The worst part is the front shoulder buttons, which are exceptionally thin to sit flush with the top lip of the tablet (and neither shoulder button is analog, which was a disappointment). Used as motion controllers, the Joy-Cons are reminiscent of tiny Wii Remotes with a less convenient button layout. 1-2-Switch shows this off with a set of goofy mini-games. One requires awkwardly squeezing the "side shoulder" buttons with individual fingers to mime milking a cow. For another, you awkwardly reach for the top shoulder buttons as you mime firing a gun. It doesn't feel as nearly as intuitive or natural as the big, friendly buttons and triggers on those Wii Remotes, and the game itself would feel gimmicky and shallow even as a pack-in (much less as the $50 standalone offering it is). ... Only five titles have been announced as ready for the system's March 3 launch, a number that seems paltry compared to the 22 to 24 games that were ready for the launch of the Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4 in North America. The Switch launch looks even worse when you note that two of its initial games—Skylanders Imaginators and Just Dance 2017—already came out for competing consoles late last year (the latest Just Dance even came out on the original Wii!). ... The more I think about it, the more I think Nintendo should have released a cheaper, portable-only edition of the Switch. Doing so would reduce the $299 asking price (Nintendo is selling extra TV docking systems for $90 on their own) and highlight the system's biggest strengths. But doing so would also essentially concede an essential truth: that Nintendo seems to be making a great portable console that just happens to connect to your TV, rather than a great TV console that happens to be portable. If Nintendo can focus on the Switch's strengths, and somehow bulk up a threadbare software library, then it could still end up being an interesting part of the console market.
  16. i onda ćeš da "bocneš grafiku", uključiš igru, namunjiš na max, kao "vau", odigraš dve mape i odeš da spavaš :))
  17. kačio ja ovo iznad za filmove, ima još 10ak primera, super stvar.
  18. Važno da je ekran za muziku dva puta veći od ovog za brzinu i sigurnost vozila :)) To je tačno - Kia ide ka tome da je "sportski" brend, ali nisam siguran da će biti prihvaćen kao takav globalno. No ajde videćemo, krenuli su ozbiljnije u taj segment, ali se plašim da taj recept koji koreja stalno fura neće baš uvek da upali. krenu od nekih kontejnera kao ona kia što se reklamirala da joj je veliki gepek i onda kao kroz koju godinu su brzi sportski mladalački brend.
  19. Masterminds - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2461150/ Mislim da nijedan glupi horor koji sam odgledao ikada nije ni blizu faktoru debilizma koji ima ovaj film.
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