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Everything posted by G!!!

  1. izgleda interesantnije nego sto sam ocekivao :D
  2. jbg meni je born ispusena lula, ne mogu da zamislim da ce film donesti bilo sta osvezavajuce, em smo se nagledali slicnih filmova, em su poboljsali i fajt generalno u filmovima, em ni met dejmond nije toliko osvezenje
  3. Hi everybody, In anticipation of the launch of the new companion DLC (which will be free for everyone) here is a new update which will further improve the game. The most notable improvements are the new listening functionality for dialogs when playing in cooperative multiplayer, a big layer of polish on the spell and skill effects and a number of bugfixes. Please note that the new companions will only be available after installing the free DLC (to be released later today) and can only be accessed when starting a new game. Code: Added listening functionality to dialogs. Now you can listen to ongoing dialogs and see the complete history to better follow what is being said. Fixed issue with logging for cooperative dialogs A lot of fixes for savegames that refused to load Sheath/Unsheath fixed timing of attachment of shields. Rare crash fix in specific script calls Rare crash fix in extinguish surface action Fading objects and fog triggers now work for all players instead of just the local player. Fixed issue where rotation on objects could get corrupted, resulting in huge objects Bugfix in character movement while mouse is pressed Fixed some UI's that were always loaded in memory. Now they are loaded when needed. Fixed issue when swapping character during a rock-paper-scissor minigame. Fixed some doors that were blocking after they were destroyed Added text bubble effect above characters in dialog Dragging action will cancel when going into trade Fixed rare crash with attachments on objects Fixed rare issue where the mouse cursor could become corrupted Weight can no longer become negative Character should slide less when arriving at their target position Dragging an item onto a container will put it in the inventory now Correctly substract money when hiring henchman Correctly delete item when adding to an inventory fails. Fixed exclamation mark sometimes being attached wrong. Fixed rare crashes when going to and coming from the Homestead Fixed double spaces in combat log Changed requirement from Crafing to Tenebrium to craft tenebrium weapons Fixed issue with sheath/unsheat after sitting or sleeping Fixed issue with wrong resurrecting event Skillbar items in a container no longer get removed Fix for surface sound underflow Skill are reloaded when switching mods Remove blackrot status when you have tenebrium ability Added "Additional Content" menu to the main menu Fixed issue where characters in combat could sometimes take characters out of the combat into account Fixed issue with disconnected during the rock-paper-scissor minigame Fixed issue where character sometimes dont follow after a load Story: War of the Bloodstones, some mountain men could be neutral during the war Quest blocker in Nadia quest when you talk to Lawrence Arhu thinks that everything you drop in his house is his property, is fixed Issue with killing the Trife with companions without starting the end fight Imps were not appearing on Mac version AI mesh fixes at Baron of Bones house, now the player can teleport the chest in the southern room Items on some graves drop under the ground when dug out You could start a conversation with Lurrean while he was walking away You could ask William to teleport you to Wally once the quest was solved, this is removed Incorrect log entry on mushroom barrier removal Couldn't select enemies that were inside click through bushes Zou could talk to Yox while Frederick was approaching and the quest would hang How to handle Tenebrium quest book had been increased to unlimited uses Cyseal burning ship got a sound event, so you can hear it burn now The Lawrence vs miners situation used to get blocked but that is fixed now Teleport Mirror in Luculla Mines doesn't want to teleport companions Note: a limited amount of these story fixes require you to start a new game Effects: Battering Ram Crushing Fist Cure Wounds Divine Light Dust Devil/Whirlwind Encourage Power Stance Precision Stance Power Stance Precision Stance Minor Heal Slow Current Bitter Cold Headvice Audio: Overall audio balance has been updated. The burning ship in Cyseal had sound (burning & sinking) which did not work, this has been fixed now. Player weapons such as Two Handed Sword and Magic Staff got new dedicated sounds when sheathing their weapon. The Orcs in the game now have extra foley sounds including a huge roar, a sobbing orc and a really gross ‘buttscratch’… For the new area, dedicated ambient sounds have been added, as well as custom sounds for a very loathsome druid and some really disgusting fx for certain pigs MAC Specific: This update brings all Mac tweaking options into a single place. In order to use it you have to hold 'Command' key on game startup. The new launcher has options to: Don't show any OS X notification popups while in game. They won't even blink. Disable Touch Support if you feel like it Quickly click on OS X Path control to discover your saves directory Temporarily switch game to windowed mode Precisely track mouse and trackpad gestures and taps Disable hardware fade and gamma effects Enable OpenGL performance tweaks and a heap of assorted workarounds Divinity Engine Editor: Fixed some problems that existed when loading mods Fixed some memory leaks Added info when trying to save terrain that is not editable Fixed saving new story items Fixed story editor crash Fixed crash when entering game mode Fixed position of camera when switching between cameras As promised, we're ready to launch two more companions into Rivellon, both of which you can meet in Cyseal. Bairdotr, a curious and loyal ranger, has gotten herself into some trouble at the Legion barracks, while the silent rogue Wolgraff has found himself a nice hustle stealing coins from the wishing well in the Cyseal hinterlands (accessible through the graveyard tunnel). If you convince one or both to join your party, you'll learn more about their histories and missions for the future. Download "The Bear and the Burgler" DLC via Steam, or simply update your game on GOG to receive the new content. Note: The new companions will appear in Cyseal once you start a new game after downloading the update.
  4. bravo momci, ja i dalje sa nevericom gledam kako smo dosli do srebra :) moja najvedrija prognoza je bile polufinale i svi su me gledali kao da sam nenormalan nema veze za amere, bice vremena nego moze li mi neko potvrditi koji su uslovi za kvalifikovanje na olimpijadu ? samo evropsko prvenstvo ?
  5. kakva je ovo fora, koji ce mi djavo 60 mbit hocu 25-30 po manjoj ceni
  6. pa realno bice bas zajebano, jer protiv francuza u grupi mislim da smo igrali maksimalno za razliku od igara protiv spanije i brazila gde nam je apsolutno bilo svejedno, u teorijama i pozeljno da izgubimo
  7. G!!!

    Wasteland 2

    izbacili su field manual :] https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3LlgONcNnMUUnVzRGxiUUJYb2M/edit
  8. google -> Gde da nadjem = teh FUN!!
  9. G!!!

    Wasteland 2

    http://youtu.be/9-hPDdLMuN0 ja cu najverovatnije steam
  10. nikada mi nije bilo jasno sa tim kalkulacijama, da li je sa tim upoznat samo selektror&co ili svi zajendo :) padala mi je na pamet kalkulacija dok sam se tresao i nervirao u navijanju i gledanju tekme, al jebem li ga kad sam video kako je teo popizdeo u 2. cetvrtini ne znam ni sam :)
  11. pokusao sam da odgledam The Double posle naprezanja nekih 30ak min, ugasio sam govno i popizdeo sto sam toliko vremena potrosio umesto da se naspavam kao car
  12. G!!!

    Gaming Laptop

    pa prvo mislim na perfomanse kako mislis sasvim solidno ? 750ti je budzetska varijanta za desktop , a 860m je slabija od toga, i tako je uvek sa grafikama u laptopovima pa 660 je mid range prethodne generacije koji dere 750 sve u svemu htedoh reci da se ne nada preudobnom igrnju ni po pitanju perfomansi, ni po pitanju ergonomije ali ok mozda je moj pojam udobnosti sasvim izvitoperen :) svakako kada napravis izbor sigurno imaju perofmanse u igrama datog laptopa i na youtubetu i na forumima i na testovima, ukrsti sve pa se sracunaj i nek ti je sa srecom :)
  13. pfffff, jeretik!!!!! na lomacu sa njim
  14. G!!!

    Gaming Laptop

    a i tu je vecito pitanje, sta ces da igras na laptopu ? ako je fazon bf4 i slicno posle desktopa ce ti trebati lepo vremena da se naviknes na laptop gejming zar nije bolje da se fokusira na grafika-procesor kombo, memoriju uvek moze da nabudzi u svakom slucaju, obavezno nabudzi stalak sa ventilatorom tamo gde ces da igras igre sa laptopom, jeftina investicija a znaci mnogo (plus ti podgine displej u ravni sa ocima)
  15. G!!!

    Prvi svetski rat

    Relativno skoro sam cuo za mene novu teoriju zavere, da su Ferdinanda ubile (tj celu akciju podrzavale i finansirale) sluzbe austrougarske koje su zelele sukob sa oslabljenom Srbijom zbog naravno profita, dok Ferdinandu nije padalo napamet da ulazi u takvu avanturu :) cak se spominje i neki austrijski film o atentatu, za kojeg kazu kao da je snimnjen u srbiji p.s. izvinjavam se na postu koji ne sadrzi ama bas nikakve istorijski relevantne cinjenice :), ako je previse brisite ofc
  16. jeste bila prosle godine, sve je isto osim sto smo stariji godinu dana :) slikano u boki, kamenari, pogled ka lepetanima hvala svima, prenecu komplimente zeni, hvala bogu lepa na mamu :P
  17. Dule Egipat je odlican doduse tako je bilo nekada davno pre nekih 6-7 godina :P Kairo je prljav i odvratan :P i jebga. Piramide su a must, ko zna da li ce ih biti tu kada sledeci put budes dosao :D Aleksandriju apsolutno ne moras da posecujes Lighthouse je srusen poodavno, a nesto se secam da nije bas bilo prijatno setati se ni tada Luxor takodje obavezno, filmski je prosetati se i pogledati sve to Kupanje u egiptu je sjajno, more predivno, obavezno proveri opciju ronjenja sa bocom, prejeftino je i iskustvo za sebe Klopa i usluga odlicni Pivo, Stella neka njihova meni je bilo sasvim dobro :)
  18. bolje i to nego blade runner 2 anyway odgledao kapetana muriku, i govnjivo je sranje je... izuzetno iritantan , sta vise mozda mi je iritantniji i od prvog dela, koji me je bas iznenadio spider woman 2, isto su mi nekako usrali motku, emocije, savest, odrastanje, kenjanje, a akcije nidje... mrsh About time me je iznenadio, jer sam pustio film za zenu da gledam sa zenom ocekivajuci unapred prepoznatljivu romanticnu komediju, ali je ispalo daleko vise od toga... bas iznenadjenje
  19. nisam gledao seriju, ali sam tacno to zamislio kada sam video poster, naziv serije pa i sam zaplet :) sa druge strane skinuo sam i odgledao 6 epizoda u cugu vikingsa... o/
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