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The X
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Everything posted by Niko

  1. ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@ hihiihihih :P
  2. "In an interview with GameSpy back in 2003, John Carmack made waves in gaming news with the mention of wanting to do a Quake 2 Remix within the DOOM 3 Engine. This triggered the hunger of the gaming community in hopes that a Quake 2 in DOOM 3 vision would eventually see the light of day. That's where we stepped in and began working on this project full time. Now the project involves a small team of talent driven on making that vision a reality. This project is for John Carmack who consistently leads the industry in taking us closer to a more immersive gaming experience, and for the gaming community as a whole." "Quake 2: Lost Marine is a Total Conversion for DOOM 3. The mod is recreating the Quake 2 experience in a whole new light through it's Single Player and Multiplayer components. Our aim is to give players a whole new Quake 2 experience and not just a remake of the original. While you may experience some gameplay from the original, most of the experiences are completely new. We have done away with linear gameplay and have given the player multiple ways to deal with situations. This is Quake 2 the way we want to see Quake 2 done within the DOOM 3 engine. While many people have speculated what this project is all about, what it's intentions are, and what our goals for the project might be, we're going to distill those theories right here." In the mod developers own words: - This mod is not a direct port of Quake 2 into DOOM 3. - No assets from Quake 2 have been used. We have created all content from scratch. - We are not recreating a faithful Quake 2 clone. This has almost all new gameplay. - We are not recreating the whole game. - We are not selling this game. - We are not designing to resemble Quake 4. This is our own vision. - We are not in a competition against other mods. http://www.planetquake.com/meanarena/quake2_lostmarine/
  3. Q4 podeshavanja Nadjoh par uputa za sve koji se muche sa fps-om, mozda im neki pomogne: fps konfizi za razlichit kvalitet slike i razlichite kartice uputi za q4 (10 strana, od obichnih podeshavanja do objashnjavanja konzolnih komandi za grafiku) isti kao gore pomenuti uput samo za doom3 mod sa q2 muzikom za kvejk4, odnosno pak fajl, izbacio ga je rejven: ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@
  4. jeste most - tj. north bridge (glavni chip), dok se chipset odnosi na sve chipove matichne ploche npr. na nf plochi na nv north bridge, nc mcp, realtek ethernet, integrisan zvuk itd.
  5. obrishi quake4config.cfg ali u /battle direktorijumu?
  6. ovaj, da, bash su se pretrgli sredjujuci mnogobrojne bagove..
  7. 1.04 quake4 pech za windows: ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@
  8. napravi novi q4 shortkat koji direktno pokrece q4 u q4max modu: napravi novi shortkat onda klikni na njega pa idi na properties tamo u liniji target treba da pishe: "C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\quake4.exe" zameni sa: "C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\quake4.exe" +disconnect +set com_allowconsole 1 +set fs_game q4max klikni ok za pakove,.. um.. pakovi su po 210mb veliki probaj da obrishesh Quake4Config.cfg iz id software/quake 4/q4base i iz id software/quake 4/q4max
  9. a probali smo vec, to je 16mb, stoji na ftpu :) ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@ po obichaju se izlecem.. :P 005alfa je nova od 2mb, bacio sam i nju na ftp.. ajde probacemo, da vidimo shta je bolje da pa stavimo na serv.
  10. nop, zao mi je, 1v1, 17. i 18. decembar
  11. srecan rodjendan, sve najlepshe!
  12. mirror: ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@
  13. Na ovoj temi ces naci fps map pek koji mozda daje vishe fps, tu je i xbetl mod koji farba skinove: http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=33799 Ovde ces naci Gankmod koji radi malo vishe neko xbetl: http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=33887 Nekapiram zashto bi zasrali novi pdm6!? Ko zna koliko ga ljudi pravi i koje ekipe, i koliko su domishljati.. Ja se vishe nadam potpuno novim dobrim mapama.. :D zzzzzzzz :)
  14. e dobro ti stoji ta proteza za lice!
  15. Ble,... brrb.. Rale nam je iskopao mod isti kao xbattle samo sa jos par ql dodataka: BRIGHTSKINS (good ones :b) [Dont get me started ! everyone has their own shit, this is mine :-) I made them trying to pick colors that stand out evenly & look nice] NO SMOKETRAILS ON ROCKETS and NADES and NAILGUN !!!! [The only mod with no smoke trails because 5p3c7r4 r gene yoo us!] LOWER MGUN SOUND [Treble was way too loud] BRIGHT GRENADES [i made em bright so what?] LGUN FX (WEWT?) [You can see the impact on walls and targets] XBATTLE STYLE HUD [Hud shows ammo and 100+ health] OSP STYLE HIT HITSOUNDS [increased volume and Q3 OSP STYLE] This mod is best when used with R_SKIPSPECULAR "1" Gankmod: ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@ 1.29mb Prebacicemo ovih dana na server da probamo da li bolje radi od xbetla.. Javite vashe utiske ovde.. btw za one koji igraju na PB serverima izashao je novi PunkBuster apdejt program koji je univerzalan za sve igre sa PB-om koje imate instalirane, radi isto shto i pbweb: ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@ info: http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=dl-q3a.php poslednje verzije drajvera za razne misheve mozete naci ovde: ftp://ftpquake:ftpquake@
  16. Niko


    e ovaj noodle - udarno je bash u duhu rura
  17. blab, q3 je bar do pre nedelju i po bio pun svako veche od 9-02 a chesto i preko dana, mada zaista ove nedelje ima manje ljudi.. q4 igra neko stalno...
  18. od 15 chasova banor - drugi iz grupe 3 tibor - prvi iz grupe 3 remedy - drugi iz grupe 4 niko - prvi iz grupe 4 Turnir se igra u KGB 2 pored igraonice WOG.
  19. nedelja 13. novembar od 10:30 do 11 okupljanje u igraonici KGB, grupe pochinju od 11 --- grupa 3 11-12 mechevi: taurus: corey || sa1nt : stalja 12-13 mechevi: taurus : sa1nt || corey : stalja 13-14 mechevi: taurus : stalja || corey : sa1nt grupa 4 11-12 mechevi: shw/atrocity : fragger || sergio : kiki 12-13 mechevi: shw/atrocity : kiki || fragger : sergio 13-14 mechevi: shw/atrocity : sergio|| fragger : kiki ---
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