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The X
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Everything posted by voodoo_

  1. teo sam da idem na onaj death metal u domu omladine, al niko neće majku mu, svi se pogospodili odjednom im ne valja dm... :(
  2. voodoo_

    Pomoc !

    njah... neću da kvarim single player utisak kojekakvim beta testovima :)
  3. Nisam ja radikal, ja sam demokrata sa nagove
  4. voodoo_

    Pomoc !

    Gde vam je Morrowind na listi, nesreće? :) Super igra, mada prvi put oće da proizvode frustracije, čupanje kose i napade klaustrofobije, al kad se to prevaziđe onda je pesma :)
  5. Tamo je 840... PS. Da, znam da je razlika samo 140 dinara
  6. Mogu đoku, da prosti
  7. Ma jok, neću da te maltretiram... naćiću sam, ne zvao se ja lorimer :)
  8. A jel ovo treba da se zadene u ne
  9. mareeeee!!! tu-ru-ru-rum tctc tiruru!! ;)))
  10. Sad je prava prilika da te upitam koji je program najadekvatniji da izigrava ritam ma
  11. ko vam je kriv kad idete na ta fensi mesta... ja kad dođem iz neke brdske vukojebine na novi beograd, ljubim asfalt, trotoar, bandere i saobraćajne znake...
  12. http://www.b92.net/radio/stream.html
  13. večera 1: palačinke & eurokrem večera 2: leba i parizera fičuring čajna kobasica :)
  14. Jok, nego black doom hejt core, i zato ću ga slu
  15. Neka neka, videće on sad kad i mi znamo gde mu je glavna baza :)) Kad se vrati sa letovanja, sačekaće ga infested command center, buhahahahaaaa!!!one :))
  16. voodoo_

    Pomoc !

    Ma kingmaker je bulja, pređe se za odma i nije zanimljiv.
  17. E dabogda se ti tamo ne jebao :D
  18. DragonForce - Valley Of The Damned On a cold dark winter night hidden by the stormy light A battle rages for the right for what will become In the valley of the damned a warrior with sword in hand Travels fast across the land for freedom he rides And the sign from the master on high screams aloud and across hear the cry For the kingdom of fire and ice and the power to be alive Be strong ride on, carry on through the war Come along carry on, living for ever more On the wings of death by the hands of doom By the darkest light from the darkest moon Crossing silent seas over mountains high For we stand as one tonight On the black wind forever we ride on together Destroying your evil with freedom our guide When the master will storm us He'll stand high before us Our hearts filled with splendour Our swords will shine over the light In the valley of the damned Days breaks with golden strand Over pastures green it glows To where night returns In the shadows faces appear Warriors wearing full metal gear All join together one and all Before the glorious light Rise up, gather around Come and hear what is said Use your senses open your mind Don't you ever forget On the wings of life, by the hands of hope By the brightest light from the brightest sun Crossing silent seas over mountains high To the valley of the damned On the black wind forever we ride on together Destroying your evil with freedom our guide When the master will storm us He'll stand high before us Our hearts filled with splendour Our swords will shine over the light On the black wind forever we ride on together Destroying your evil with freedom our guide When the master will storm us He'll stand high before us Our hearts filled with splendour Our swords will shine over the light The black wind forever we ride on together Destroying your evil with freedom our guide When the master will storm us He'll stand high before us Our hearts filled with splendour Our swords will shine over the light
  19. voodoo_

    Pomoc !

    Ima, al nisu ekspanzije već mission packovi (nemaju nikakvog dodira sa osnovnom kampanjom). Odličan izbor, neće
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