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Everything posted by SteXmaN

  1. Vise je za topic Serije koje pratite :)
  2. Sad zavrsio prvu.Kida. Headshot goodness
  3. Ono,kada nisu potrebni istrumenti ,10/10
  4. Vredi li nastavljati posle 2. sezone. Stvarno ali stvarno nista im ono nije trebalo :(
  5. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/07/07/4k-screenshot-showcase-project-cars/
  6. SteXmaN

    World Cup 2014

    Van Gal prorok xD JEBI CIGANE
  7. SteXmaN


    A samo sluzi za vizuelni aspekat da se vidi kako izgleda.Evo sad ga skidam pa da vidim sta je Mogli su jos jednu lokaciju da ubace ali lepo igra izgleda.Na inventory i UI treba da rade,svidja mi se kretanje ali kamera baguje ako se koristi point&click. Videcemo sta ce biti dalje.
  8. SteXmaN


    InSomnia is a Dieselpunk RPG that transports you to a retro-futuristic space station on a 400- year journey in search of a new home. InSomnia will pack 15-20 hours of main storyline plus 20-30 hours of side quests (first season/year). In addition, more than 20 free chapters are planned after release, with 3-6 hours of gameplay each. Experience a dieselpunk RPG with Noir stylings featuring man made apocalyptic landscapes imbued with a dark, ambient soundtrack and echoes of a post-war civilization Customize your character - choose your gender, avatar, body shape, preferable skillsperks and story background before starting your journey. Play through the atmospheric single-player campaign alone or co-op with friends Develop your character through tactical real-time combat in single player and co-op scenarios, combining hundreds of skills and abilities, along with managing a huge amount of customizable items and equipment for an experience unique to every player Survive starvation, extreme weather conditions and injuries directly affecting your character’s well-being. Search for valuable technology and resources and find them in unexpected places Break free from leveling systems, character classes and unwanted grind with a flexible classless system and storytelling encouraging unorthodox approaches. Enjoy randomly generated events and missions in both single player and co-op that makes each of your playthroughs more unique and interesting FREE post-release support - we will regularly release minor content updates, which will allow you to participate in various additional scenarios, each of them will add more depth and details to mysterious world of InSomnia. with rich storylines updated every 2-3 months with both single player and co-op in mind Embark on non-linear quests and missions -each of them can be solved by using a variety of different (and sometimes unexpected) solutions DRM Free & Steam version - backers will recieve both DRM Free and Steam versions of the game Imate tech demo na kickstarter stranici kao i čitavu prezentaciju.
  9. SteXmaN

    World Cup 2014

    A nisu , mozda pred kraj malo su se povezali imali su one 2-3 sanse ali bolje svabe deluju.
  10. Ja mislim da su pukli masu na onaj Ryse koji je fejlovao zestoko i jos je bio launch title za XOne koji je takodje fejlovao zestoko na pocetku.Okrenuli su se prema konzolama vise nego sto je trebalo,zato su fejlovali i sa Crysis nastavcima. Ovo izgleda obecavajuce,pravi pristup za moderni FPS ali mozda su se kasno setili.Videcemo ali ne pise im se dobro.Skoro su otpustili 30 ljudi koji su radili na ovom naslovu i sad ovo.
  11. Report: Crytek UK Temporarily Stops Working On Homefront: The Revolution Bila bi steta da ne izadje.Ako je game over makar da odu sa stilom.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoETrlXkhfs
  13. Da je expansion bilo bi vrh ali su toliko "novih" stvari ubacili da jednostavno mora da bude standalone sa posebnim DLCevima. Nema topica jer ne zasluzuje topic
  14. Vezbajte pa da vas perem na MP
  15. Odlična.Pravi balans izmedju arkade i simulacije.Dobar broj vozila i raznovrstni eventi od touring trka pa do drift tunera.
  16. SteXmaN


    Cim bude updejt moze.
  17. SteXmaN


    Gunplay je odličan kao i grafika ali videces kakvih problema ima igra od onih osnovnih kao stabilnost servera i ping pa do problema sa zvukom gde mi se npr. zaglavi PPsh i kroz celu partiju cuje se rafal xD
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