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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2015 in all areas

  1. http://www.vice.com/rs/read/dobrodosli-u-klub-serbian-fighter-samo-rad-samo-lonsdale-samo-everlast
    16 points
  2. da se podsetimo .)))) http://imgur.com/a/tFQdo
    12 points
  3. da, znam al nisam znao gde da ga stavim posto nemamo vicevi topik, nema veze evo ga ovde zasto ciga pusta brkove pre vojske? pa da ga ne bi zvali ciga nego brka :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    5 points
  4. ovo postaje najbolji topik u poslednje vreme ja nigde nisam rekao da sto posto podrzavam svaku vakcinu koju farmaceutske kuce izbace, ali ovo sto kali radi je u fazonu sladjane velkov btw, sad cu da zvucim prepotentno kao dei, ali sebe nikako ne mogu da svrstam u "malo manje od laika" po ovom pitanju...iz mikrobiologije i imunologije sam dobio 10 na faksu, sto doduse nista ne mora da znaci kod nas...a omiljena strucna knjiga mi je Elsevier Saunders Cellular and molecular immunology na 500 strana A4 formata:)...naravno to ne ometa Kalija da mi se sad posere na glavu sa nekim grafikonom, tako da opusteno, samo nastavite
    3 points
  5. nema odgovarajuce teme, ima samo pricajte sta ste gledali a ne mogu da pricam sta sam gledala kad jos nisam gledala jer necete da preporucite!
    2 points
  6. posto nemamo topik za gifove, moram ovde
    2 points
  7. zar se ne kaze mentol? :DDDDDDDD
    2 points
  8. Stijo, sranje je taj sajt za poređenje.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Nastavak jedne od najcarskijih igara ikada uskoro stiže! Zvaničnog datuma dugo nije bilo, pričalo se i o odlaganju, a po svemu sudeći HLM2 će biti lansiran 10. marta. U skladu sa bizarnošću autora i same igre, datum je "objavljen" kriptičnim tvitom na zvaničnom nalogu HLM, koji glasi: +1 (786) 519-3708 ext 10 Broj je naravno lociran u Majamiju, a ako ga pozovete, kao kolege sa Technobuffala, zlokobni glas će izgovoriti: "We are 50 Blessings. Together we march –M-m-m-m-m-m-m-march– into the future. You have reached the wrong number." Za one koji ne znaju, "50 blessings" je tajna organizacija iz prvog dela, koja upravlja događajima iz igre pomoću telefonskih poziva, reč march na engleskom znači i marš i mart, pa je to igra reči (!!1), a wrong number je naziv drugog dela igre. Poruku možete poslušati ovde, jedan od najboljih saundtrekova u istoriji video igara ovde, a ako bogovi rurskog panteona zaduženi za embedovanje dozvole, trejler za HLM2 u nastavku:
    1 point
  11. sudo make me a sandwich hehe. delim sudo s nulom, kreiram bione, propuštam vlanove, brojim milione!
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. kakva dva morona
    1 point
  14. Posted Today, 02:51 PM As always, we will be watching server data, and the feedback tracker for any potential severe issues and will address them accordingly with a hot fix. For any bugs/issues you run into, please let us know by filing it on the feedback tracker: http://feedback.dayzgame.com New items: - Crafted Leather Jacket, Pants, Backpack, Shoes and Vest - Broom - Canoe paddle - Lead pipe - Steak knife - Hatchet - Hay Hook - Flanged Mace - Red, green, blue and gray sweater - Red, green, blue, yellow, violet, orange and black quilted jackets - Blue, red, pink and black raincoat - Yellow, orange, blue, green, red, pink and black armband - Khaki, Black, Olive and Tan M65 Jacket - Bayonet for AKs - Flare gun - Ice Axe - Field Shovel - Lug Wrench New mechanics: - Handheld scopes not limited in Y axis. - You can use rope, duct tape or wire for restraining other players. - You can use blades, pliers, hacksaw and lock pick to untie players. - You can craft armbands by shredding raincoats. - You can use cooking tripod as melee. - You can attach cooking tripod on fireplace. - You can pour water, gasoline or disinfectant into any kind of container (except soda cans). - You can pour liquids from container to container. - You can tan skin using lime. - You can upgrade fireplace to furnace. - You can use Ice Axe for stone picking. - You can sew Leather Jacket, Vest, Pants, Shoes, Hat and Sack from Tanned Leather with Leather Sewing Kit. - Construct fireplace states by attachments. - Fireplace consuming fuels (heating/cooling fireplace temperature). - Heat transfer from heated items (you can heat items in a fireplace and then bring them with you to keep you warm). - You can find worms when digging garden plot. - Planting in garden plot is less effective in comparison to greenhouse. - Zucchini plant, seeds and its growing process. New animations + audio: - Flare gun hand pose & reload animation - Water pump water pouring - Supersonic crack sound for weapons with supersonic ammo - Bullet fly wizz - Melee weapons sounds - Flare gun sounds New locations: - Terra incognita - Castle on Skalisty island - Nagornoe village Programming: - New version of BattleEye. - Antihacks. - Vehicle persistence. - The navmesh controller connected to the entity controller. - Adminlogs added for private & public shards (logs connects and disconnects of player, tracks damage dealt from player to player, logs messages sent through chat ...). Fixed: - Suicide with various items - You can not unpin grenade laying on the ground - Ghillie suit painting - Arrow crafting no longer consumes 2 instead of 1 feather in certain circumstances - Deployment of ruined fishtrap - Cancel action during digging in greenhouse - Fireplace heating process tweaked - Effect of wetness on temperature tweaked - Handguard placement on AKs - Kitchen Knife cannot be placed on back - Fish trap deterioration and sardines count - Damaged an Ruined texture on some items (book, heatpack,...) - Shovel size - Clothing sizes tweaked - Heatpacks keeps you warm longer, but its longevity is affected by it's damage - Gun muzzle flashes Known issues: - Server freezes. - Character falls/gets stuck after throwing melee weapon during swing/weapon change. - Player can't pick up items from the ground sometimes. - V3S can clip under ground in certain circumstances. - Players are experiencing desync while next to each other/ in vehicles. - Items with classnames that are too long aren't saved into the character database. - Items in backpack rearranges upon connection to server. - Player is stuck in building after reconnect. - City/Shadow related client FPS drops. - Camera clipping issues. - Zombies cannot pass through open doorways in certain objects - can pass through closed doors in others.
    1 point
  15. STA TO MI PIJEMO (FOTO) Jedan naucnik je uzeo OBICAN molekul vode KOJU SVI PIJEMO i dodao mu samo jedan atom kiseonika KOJI SVI DISEMO. NECETE VEROVATI STA SE POSLE DESILO
    1 point
  16. definitivno ne na pricajte u RK, probaj da izguglas, realno
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. bravo Celo, bravo Grujane!
    1 point
  19. Kal1, reko ti vica da si retard sto se ne lozis na njegove lgbt filmove
    1 point
  20. jebaću te za stariji od miksete Sunce ti jebem, i jesam :=)
    1 point
  21. hahahahaha lesko je bog ustvari OBJASNIO JE FORU VICI HAHAHAHAHA ali pomislio je da fatso slusa tekno zapravo, covek je stariji od miksete hahaha
    1 point
  22. ^ ^ Samo neki bolji font za tekst i to je to
    1 point
  23. kada sam ja radio nocne, ti jos osnovnu nisi zavrsila, tako dono...
    1 point
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIt4bR677Us
    1 point
  25. cela je usao u ring sa romom iz aleksinca a onda je usledio SOK (video)
    1 point
  26. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/6mishome.htm Moze lock.
    1 point
  27. Pa naravno da će da kaže da zna o vakcinama, kad je deo cele te zavere. Ono, treba samo pogledati grafikone!
    1 point
  28. Al ima brate veljok, kako nema
    1 point
  29. Preispitivati sadrzi rec ispitivati, a kacenje i lozenje na svaku glupost koju nadjes na internetu je sve samo ne to.
    1 point
  30. Jeste doktor u pravu, na to sam i mislio, kako je porast obolelih od boginja posledica epidemije u Indiji. Indija jeste bila kolonija Engleske u tom periodu i cesta putovanja izmedju te dve zemlje je dovela do sirenja zaraze. Kad je tome stato na put onda je broj mrtvih i opao jer nije bilo vise novih obolelih/. Sto me dovodi do sledeceg. Prestani da govoris svima kako moraju da razlikuju broj obolelih od broja umrlih na lepim grafikonima koje si uzeo sa sajta koji je star 13 godina, ima 500 posetioca dnevno i zaradjuje nepunih 2 dolara od reklame. Kredibiliteta nula u rangu sa sajtovima o UFO/NLO i ostalim teoreticarima zavera. Ali to je opet nevazno i bledi jer razlog zasto moras prestati da govoris to nije taj sam sajt vec cinjenica da broj umrlih jeste deo broja bolelih jer moras da se razbolis da bi umro od neke bolesti. Znaci svako ovde ko ti je rekao obolelih umesto umrlih nije pogresio. Jer greska je samo u tvojoj logickoj matrici koja ti ne dozvoljava da sabiras i oduzimas proste i dostupne cinjenice. Gledas te grafikone i mislis da su cela prica a nisu. Jel treba sad da uzimam svaki koji postavis ovde, da pretrazujem internet za svaki skok obolelih/umrlih na njima po godinama i da ti navodim zasto se to desilo da bi me ti docekao sa jos 2-3 i tako u krug. Pazi kad to necu da radim. Jer to je kao da crtas nekom nesto a on i dalje ne kapira. Ti ne kapiras. Zasto bi bilo ko trosio vreme na nekog ko prosto ne kapira nesto?
    1 point
  31. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkRYo80sPVc Jenson pobedio onesvescivanje :)
    1 point
  32. Možda su ljudi samo alergični na glupost.
    1 point
  33. Kako kroz zidove? To je pre moglo,sad vise ne moze. Jedino sto je lakse iz treceg lica kad gledas iza uglova,al kroz zidove ne mozes da gledas. Gde si ti to video ? :D
    1 point
  34. Да је неко други ово окачио, сада би ти Кили написао "peticije24.com"
    1 point
  35. CHANGELOG: Stable - 0.49.124971 As always, we will be watching server data, and the feedback tracker for any potential severe issues and will address them accordingly with a hot fix. For any bugs/issues you run into, please let us know by filing it on the feedback tracker: http://feedback.dayzgame.com Map and spawn changes : Severograd, and new villages in vicinity New items : -Hunting Knife -Balaclava (different versions) -Firefighter jacket (different versions) -Cattle Prod -Stun Baton -Telescopic Baton -MASKA helm -Medical Thermometer -RDG-5 Explosive Grenade -Soviet Officer Hat -Various spawn table changes New mechanics : -New melee hit detection -Player temperature -Resuscitation -Fibrillation -New events (helicopter crashes, vehicle spawns etc.) -New door implementation -Players can now run up and down the stairs -Zombie variations -First iteration of central economy. -Animal navmesh New animations : -Digging Animations -New restrained crouch pose -New restrained crouch walk -CPR animations -New zombie walks, runs, sprints and idle variations -Ragdoll changes Fixed : -Duplication techniques removed -Shotgun pellets in multiplayer are now working -Player can no longer take an item in hand while handcuffed -Various gesture related fixes and polishing -Raised move with bow in Standing stance and rotations with bow -Minor polishing for different reloads -Unintended fishing cancellation by player movement should be reduced -Wearing raincoat and gorkas now prevents you from soaking from rain -Clothes drying revisioned -Berry picking, tree and kindling gathering and worms digging can now be cancelled -Player gets wet even when only partially submerged in water -Ruined axe warning message -Balaclava mask can get wet -Weather client synchronization -7.62x39 cartridges have weight -Rags and sticks are spent when they are in hand before crafting starts -Allowed swing detection for most melee weapons -Added sound, music, radio and speech fade in dead state -Battery licking animation for check battery action -Various desync issues -Various server performance issues -Player can no longer change weapon when in water -Player collisions adjusted to reduce clipping through walls in various situations -Fixed an issue where certain gestures would not get called from raised stance -Fixed footstep sounds in various moves -Fixed an issue where the player could fall to the ground after performing "Drink All" action -Fixed an issue where on occasion, one player restraining another would not result in succesful restrained animation on the player being restrained -Fixed an issue where the player entering water would not get disarmed automatically under certain circumstances Issues : -Persistence (Events do not get loaded properly after server restart) -Persistence (Server state can become corrupted due to grenades stored in containers) -Melee (When using rapid left click there is a high chance that melee weapon will get switched) -Broken shadows in some cases -Zombies are unable to get into some of the buildings. -Events (bad positioning on spawn, items might spawn below ground, can be seen on inventory screen)
    1 point
  36. Vudu ne voli HLM i Jagged Alliance, a voli Mass Barbie Pony Kardashian Rainbow Land Tycoon Effect! edit: hvala Stijo!
    0 points
  37. Hoces da kazes da je tipicna igrica za morone koji ne mogu da farmaju i koji moraju da zavise od ostalih? Ne moras nista da uradis u igri da bi se odvojio od ostalih,pa makar i u levelu. Klasicna blizzardova igrica za dementnu decu.
    -1 points
  38. Nemam telefon sa kamerom, kamera na kompu je sranje :D U svakom slucaju, osisao sam se na celavo :DDD
    -1 points
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