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Izašla na warezima neka pre-final verzija od cirka 9 i po giga, jel neko upućen dal je to to?

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Postoji 7 vrsta kvarova takozvanih ring of death, i samo jedan ne moze da se popravi a to je neki cip na grafickoj kad rikne, e sad mene plasi jedna stvar meni je pored blokiranja kojeg sam imao bio je problem sa mrljanjem textura al tesim se da je to samo pregrejavanje...Bar se nadam....

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Ima na Steamu al ne može da se kupi odavde. Kukaju iz mnogo zemalja na Steam forumima povodom toga, al neki kažu da je rešenje ako imaš nekog u UK ili Americi da on kupi za tebe i da čekira "this is gift" i pošalje na tvoj akaunt. Mada to niko nije probao još uvek...

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GTA 4 ima i jaku multiplejer komponentu.

Grand Theft Auto IV also includes online multiplayer, with 15 modes of play available. The multiplayer supports up to 16 players and allows players to explore the entire city. Players use a customisable character in a majority of the modes, and cash earned during play translates to a level at which more clothing is available for their character, depending on the level. Hosts of the games can control many variables, such as time of day, police presence, pedestrian presence, traffic, location of game, and weapons. The online games are split into ranked and unranked matches. The reward for the ranked gameplay is cash, which determines players' ranks. The game does not feature any split screen or LAN multiplayer modes.

There are several different game modes available. Team based gameplay modes include Team Deathmatch, where 2-8 teams compete to accumulate the most kills in a traditional deathmatch; Team Mafiya Work, in which 2–8 teams compete to complete contract work for the "mafiya", such as escorting/killing targets or stealing cars; Team Car Jack City where 2–8 teams compete to steal cars and earn money for keeping them undamaged; Cops n' Crooks, featuring a team of cops who must compete against a team of crooks (which features the "All for One" variation - requiring the cops to kill the crooks' "Boss" before he is escorted to the extraction point - and the "One for All" variation - requiring the cops to kill all of the crooks before they reach the extraction point); and Turf War, involving two teams who compete to take control of designated areas of the map and control them for as long as possible.

The game also includes a variety of racing and cooperative modes, which include Race, in which players race through checkpoints in a traditional automobile race; a GTA Race variation, where players race through checkpoints in an automobile race, with the ability to combat their opponents; Hangman's N.O.O.S.E., a co-op mode that requires players to collect a person from the airport and safely escort him to the extraction point before the cops kill him; Deal Breaker, a co-op mission that requires players to assault a construction site captured by enemies, then chase a group of enemies before they escape; and Bomb da Base II, a co-op mission that requires players to clear out a ship, then destroy it with explosives. The game also features a Free Mode, in which players have the entire map open to explore, with no end goal or mission to complete.

The PC version supports 32 players in the game's various online multiplayer modes.

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Jedna velika prednost ovoga je ta sto nece morati da se placa nikakva mesechna pretplata da bi se igralo online ko sto mora da se placa za Xbox Live mesechni membership, + si kupio igru...

Ovde znaci samo kupish igru preko steam-a i igrash lepo online zar ne ?

Ja se razmishljam da je uzmem preko brata pa da mi poshalje kao gift, je l' to sigurno moguce odraditi ?

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Najnoviji rumor sa rlsloga:

“Guys, private forums rumor has it that Rockstar PAID major release teams (Reloaded, Razor, Vitality, Fairlight) to NOT RELEASE a crack for GTA for at least 2 months from the date of the release.”


Inače ako imate problema sa kamerom, promenite rezoluciju, izađite iz igre, restartujte kompjuter i igrajte ponovo.

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Ovo bi trebalo da je real proper, svi kažu da im radi (osim onima kojima ne radi zbog bagovitosti igre):


Ako puca na Radeonima i Visti, stavite launcheru compatibility mod na Win2000.

Naravno, blokirajte igri izlaz na net preko firewalla (LaunchGTAIV.exe, GTAIV.exe i RGSC.exe)

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