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Nemoj da se ljutis, ali reci da je Fallout 3 i Oblivion ispred Morrowinda u bilo kojoj kategoriji a da nije grafika/engine je uvreda za mozak. Oblivion ti je dumbdown verzija Morrowinda a Fallout 3 ti je sci-fi verzija Obliviona. Jedino sto nisam igrao su ekpanzije za Oblivion pa ih ne pominjem i ne sudim po njima.

taman posla, sto bih se ljutio...:)

jedino se nismo bas razumeli, rekao sam da je FO3 bolje od oblivion i sada vec starog morrowinda(tj redosled FO#, morrowind pa onda oblivion)

jedino oblivion nikad nisam ni pomislio da cu ga igrati duze od par sati (i to prakticno samo one kvestove u oblivionu vezane za dark brotherhood ili vec kako se zove grupa-jedini bas zanimljiv deo koji su uspeli da lose realizuju)

dok iskreno FO3 iako daleko od briljante igre predstavlja solidnu igru,i ako bude neka dobra ekspanizija(e) koja(e) bi doradile original..moglo bi da to ispadne ok.

ps.FO3 sam negde uslovno receno do pola presao pre nego sto sam se smorio. ali to je vec i tipicno za mene i nove igre (hm, nemoj da neko kaze da sam mator [:D] kao sto i jesam)

Nadam se da cu kasnije krenuti ponovo sa nekim od ekspanzija

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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  • 3 months later...

Bethesda wants to bring the Fallout series to smaller screens ... they just haven't figured out how to pull it off yet.

"I think that the world of Fallout is unique enough that it could work on any platform. I think some of the things we do like VATS, I think that could translate to any platform, particularly the iPhone," Todd Howard told us yesterday. "We've looked into those things, we just haven't found the thing that supports the brand well. I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen one day. The iPhone versions that we've designed and said 'Ehh, we don't think we're going to do that right now,' there are ... there are a lot of them."





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meni je ova igra do jaja :)

imao sam par neki tripova u igri (pomislio sam bagova), ali sam kasnije izvalio da nisu

igra je apsolutni vr', duvajte ga hejteri :D



dosao sam u rivet city, lockpikovo sam neka vrata na kerijeru sto vode neke daske do njih, usao unutra i nasao nekog naucnika ludog KOG NE MOGU DA UBIJEM? samo kao padne u nesvest i to je to?! ovo je vec fail :) ali je igra i dalje do jaja :D

The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God — it's full of stars!

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  • 3 weeks later...

opusteno su onapravili DLC sa vanzemljacima u glavnoj ulozi

od jedno pishljivog Easter egga napravishe ceo dodatak za igru... DOUGH

" Defy hostile alien abductors and fight your way off of the massive Mothership Zeta, orbiting Earth miles above the Capital Wasteland. Mothership Zeta takes Fallout 3 in an entirely new direction – outer space. Meet new characters and join with them in a desperate bid to escape the Aliens’ clutches. To do so, you’ll wield powerful new weapons, like the Alien Atomizer, Alien Disintegrator, and Drone Cannon, and deck yourself out in brand new outfits, like the Gemini-Era Spacesuit and even Samurai Armor.

* Find and exploit new and destructive alien technology, like the Alien Atomizer and Drone Cannon.

* Explore the vast Mothership and learn the secrets of the Aliens’ master plan.

* Thwart the Aliens’ attempt to stop your escape, and take over the Alien ship before it wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting Earth below.

* Fight against the Alien Invaders, their robot drones, and turn their own horrible experiments against them.

* Ally yourself with an unexpected array of characters, both from the Capital Wasteland and from Earth ’s past. "


ovi svaki put prevazilaze sebe...





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