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Pa dobro. On je i sam rekao da manje vishe simulira to.

Odnosno pokazuje ljudima kako da se snalaze. Naravno da njega stalno prati heli i ekipa prve pomotji i nekoliko kamermana i da uvek ima vode za pitje i shta da jede i naravno da mu voda iz kamilinog stomaka i shkorpije nisu jedino shto unosi u organizam jer postoji verovatnotja dumre ili neshto. A oni ne zhele to da rizikuju.

Al da je nameshtaljka i da sve to rade u nekom dvorishtu i pored autoputa nikad nisam mislio.

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Ma Bear je skroz ok lik, meni je skroz gotivan iako kazu da je fake. A ta scena sa autoputem, moguce je da su mu rekli da nastavi dalje jer mozda nisu imali dovoljno materijala da izmontiraju epizodu.

Covek radi kako mu se kaze. Discovery-ju nije bitno da vam pokaze kako da prezivite nego da emisijom privuku sto vecu gledanost, to je sou biznis.

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ahahaha evo jos vendi!

Ljudi ona vice hajl hitler

ali momenat 5:45

pure win


'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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Don't 'Hassel' the Hoff

David Hasselhoff may have his hands full with ninja practice, but watch what happens when an ‘80s retro band invades his life.

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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ahahaha evo jos vendi!

Ljudi ona vice hajl hitler

Mislim ovo je stvarno dno. Ne znam shta je gore, ona, emisija, ili fucktardi koji se bacaju i uzhivaju u tome.

Gde je bre reprot na jutubu ?


sta se desi kada kineskinja propusti avion......

Tjao s mozgom.

edit: typo

Edited by -protA
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jebote danas je posao stao zbog vendi, gledali smo i smejali se od muke, jao ajo, otisli smo u kafanu posle i ubili se ko majke, jao ispade mi laptop i zamalo da se razbije,aghaaahgaaa

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Wall Street Fighter

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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