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How to invade Stormwind and Ironforge


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Poenta je da je on moze da bude pripadnik srednje klase i ovo poseduje ... recimo neki nizi chin u nekoj srednje uspesnoj firmi ... book worm neki racunovodja sta god. Dakle ako varira varira to je ok ali nije to poenta.

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ako nastavim da se raspravljam ispashce da smaram, a stvarno nisam u fazonu da smaram :) samo cu reci da si sa $60k godisnje u USA poprilichno zhalostan jer ti 40% godisnje plate ide na porez, a gde je tu klopa, mortgage, kredit za kola itd. ovaj lik ima dosta vishe kesha :)

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