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Morate da se setite da uvek ali uvek postoji "Butterfly Effect" u seriji. Svaki put kad neko od heroja koji imaju moc da putju kroz vreme to i i uradi, dal namerno ili ne namerno, on menja timeline hteo to ili ne.

Timeline u kom Sajler ima dete, dobar je i zivi normalnim zivotom je isti onaj u kome Kler juri Pitera koji nema Sajlerove moci i koji ocigledno nema moc regeneracije *umro je posto je Kler sasula 2 metka u njegove grudi plus ima oziljak na licu koji bi zacelio da ima tu moc*. Posto je Piter sa oziljkom koristio svoje moci da dovede sadasnjeg Pitera u svoju buducnost mi smo i videli taj timeline. Ali samim tim sto je Piter nabavio Sajlerove moci, putovao nazad u sadasnjost koristeci svoje, samim tim je nacinio "Butterfly Effect" svojim naknadnim ponasanjem *napad na majku, sajlera, oduzimanje moci od strane svog oca*.

Na pitanje onda, koji to mi dodjavola timeline mozemo da ocekujemo da vidimo je naravno onaj u kom Zemlja biva unistena, ista ona koju je Hiro video kad je putovao u buducnost u kojoj Aido ima moci.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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za vreme eklipse i kler je bila umrla, pa je ozivela kad je eklipsa prosla. explain that uberman? time zakljucujemo da jedini nacin da piter bude stalno mrtav jeste da haicanin bude stalno pored njega

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Haicanin je bio sa kler, zato je piter umro.

A on oduzima moci ili ih bese samo neutralise? A kad mu se oduzme moc *eklipsa* a on tada umre, jel ozivi kad mu se vrati moc tj. kad prestane delovanje onog sto mu je oduzelo moc isprva *Kler i Sajler posle eklipse* ? Vec ti sve reko Joker, mada nema vise razloga za spojlerima, vec je subota, ko nije gledao do sada taj verovatno ceka da odgleda celu sezonu kad se zavrsi a taj nema sta da trazi ovde :))

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Kole filerske epizode, strasno ... i sta nam je to pomracenej zapravo reklo? koja je poenta? Kao nemaju moci ... no shit sherlock :) Po meni jedino smo saznali, da ona brza riba ima stake, da se u seriju nekako umesao seth green i da bi sajler mozda jebo' da ne moze da sece glave ... rest is unimportant.

sex, drugs and bio food!

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In the alternate future of "The Second Coming", Peter (with the same scar across his face as the "Five Years Gone" timeline) is running from something and enters a warehouse, where he encounters a black-haired, much darker Claire, armed with a handgun, obviously planning to kill him. Peter begs for his life, but Claire merely says "I'm sorry, Peter. I always loved you," and fires. Peter stops time just as she does so, avoids the bullet, takes the gun out of her hand, and then teleports into the past and shoots Nathan. He possesses at least two abilities the present Peter does not have: a form of illusion-casting to make himself look like present-Peter and and a form of body possession to hide his younger self in the body of Level 5 inmate Jesse Murphy, with Peter's being the dominant consciousness. After realising that his actions have triggered a 'butterfly effect' that he cannot predict, this Peter 'extracts' his younger self from Jesse's body, taking him to the future to explain his actions. Future Peter subsequently tells his past self to find Sylar- whose power of intuitive aptitude will allow Peter to predict the long-term consequences of his time-travelling actions- before he is shot by Future Claire, the presence of the Haitian apparently negating his ability to heal.

nisam ja nista izmislio, to je prosto objasnjenje koje su nam dali...

ovo je sa wikipedije.

Forum neprikladan za signaturu!


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