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Ja sam krenuo na normal ali koliko sam skontao tezina se ogleda samo u dostupnosti resursa, tj. golda. Mozda postoji razlika i u broju neprijatelja ali nisam probao tako da ne mogu sa sigurnoscu da tvrdim da je ovako ili onako..

Ne secam se koji sam nivo bio kad sam roknuo kornjacu, oko 8-og u svakom slucaju. Realno mozes da rokas heroje koji su i do 5 nivoa veci od tebe iako pise impossible ili overpowering.

Naab. Kornjaca se roka na 5. lvlu, na impossible lvlu tezine, sa gubicima od 20tak srednje zalosnih jedinica.

A bre, ko je bacio strategiju medju ove rpgijevce amatere? ;) :P

Fora je da se postavi jedinica pred glavu, tja nema aoea onda, nego ona tenkuje :)

Slucajno provalih u prvom pokusaju, pa sam morao da ucitam poziciju i da to odradim od poteza br. 2.

ps. vratite topic tamo gde mu je mesto, ovo je rezervisano za FO vs Voodoo topice :)

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bas sam hteo da dodam da sam na polarne mislio :P , mada ni obicne nisu za bacanje, btw, neko ukratko da kaze sta da radim sa "chestom" i drugarima koji borave unutra ? :P

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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bas sam hteo da dodam da sam na polarne mislio :P , mada ni obicne nisu za bacanje, btw, neko ukratko da kaze sta da radim sa "chestom" i drugarima koji borave unutra ? :P

Prichaj sa njima i videcesh shta kome treba da bi se "aktivirao".

Za pochetak cesh moci samo Sleem-u da udovoljish, kao shto vec rekoh - nahranish ga i to je to. U mom sluchaju, 35 otrovnih pauka je zavrshilo posao (<1k troshak). Uradi to shto pre jer se oni lvl-uju kroz borbe i zato shto sabivaju sa svojim specijalnim napadima.
Edited by Wulfgar

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Naleteo sam negde na spisak zena i dece i ko daje sta od bonusa sad cu da iskopam ponovo.


//==== wife_feanora

Ex-princess of the swamps and patroness of frogs, she is now your wife.

+3 to Intellect

//==== wife_frog_feanora

Former princess of frogs, she is now your wife, and has turned from the beautiful woman into a speaking frog.

+100% to the Attack of Snakes and Spiders

//==== wife_mirabella

The bellicose and independent woman-pirate. To win her hand you had to defeat the Kraken itself!

+100% to the Attack of Pirates and Robbers

//==== wife_neoka

The beautiful elven woman from noble clan of Ice Tears, whom you saved from the Necromancers.

+1 to the Morale of Elves

//==== wife_nessy

The dwarven woman Gerda is not beautiful, but very industrious and hardy.

+1 to the Morale of Dwarves

//==== wife_rina

She is the chieftain Hake's former girlfriend. She has the unpleasant but very useful ability of turning into a zombie.

+1 to the Speed and Initiative of Robbers and Pirates

//==== wife_rina_zombie

She is the chieftain Hake's former girlfriend. At this moment, her curse has turned her into a zombie.

+1 to the Speed and Initiative of Undead creatures

//==== wife_xeona

The indomitable, passionate and alluring Demoness Xeona.

+1 to the Morale of Demons

//==== kid_adamus

A naughty and wayward child who considers himself to be of great importance, and demands much attention.

+20% to Attack

//==== kid_ajven

You expect that this boy will become a powerful mage, for his magic aura is very strong.

+30% to Mana

//==== kid_alexander

The boy has a strong charisma. You expect him to do well, no matter what path he chooses in life!

+10% to Leadership

//==== kid_ambrella

The clever and beautiful girl, she has a flair for magic.

+4 additional scrolls for your Spell Book

//==== kid_angelika

This babe is constantly mumbling to herself, but sometimes this mumbling turns into real spells!

+10 to Mana

//==== kid_anna

The amazing babe, she has a rare magic flair. Such people are called "Wells of Magic."

+8 additional scrolls for your Spell Book

//==== kid_dmitry

This chubby child is very intelligent and catches on very fast.

+10% to Experience in combat

//==== kid_elly

The babe has a flair for magic and levitation.

+20% to Mana

//==== kid_emmanuel

A charming but fussy baby - and watch our for the bite!

+20% to Rage

//==== kid_gavriil

He was named after the angel, and like his namesake has a divine protective power.

+5 to Defense

//==== kid_gendalf

Due to his magic flair, this rather intelligent boy was named after the famous mage, the hero of bards' songs.

+20% to Intellect

//==== kid_gomer

A slow-witted boy, but very strong, named after one of the Titans.

+3 to Attack

//==== kid_googlik

A nice and very intelligent boy.

+5 to Intellect

//==== kid_janna

This babe has the piercing glance of a fighter - and it's impossible not to obey!

+10% to Leadership

//==== kid_john

A fussy kid who can bite. He is not to be trifled with!

+10 to Rage

//==== kid_laura

The quiet girl with a real flair for magic.

+10% to Mana

//==== kid_neiron

An extremely handsome and gifted boy.

+5% to Experience in combat

//==== kid_richard

A sturdy and very fussy child. He is your commanders' favorite, and they give him much attention.

+5% to Leadership

//==== kid_robert

A precocious child, sure to be a good commander when he grows up!

+5% to Leadership

//==== kid_serg

Obviously, this boy was born under a lucky star, which protects him from miseries.

+20% to Defense

Edited by Demian
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Vodo, jel' se sme ovaj patch i'stalirati? [8)]

Dobro me podsetiste, vreme je da se zenim! [roflmao]

I mali update vezan za necromancy, ne vraca po default-u najslabiju jedinicu. Chini se da uzima u obzir vrednost jedinice, gleda da vrati ono shto te je finansijksi najvishe zabolelo. Chistio sam malo grobnice po mochvari, i u nekoliko navrata mi se dogodilo da izgubim 20-30 thorn-hunter-a i ~10 priest-ova. Vracao mi je priest-ove.

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Woot, roknuo sam ceo Demonis :) moja preporuka je da u samom Demonisu regrutujete jedinice da ne bi ste morali da pesacite po 20minuta tamo vamo, a u Demonisu imate da unajmite horde ljudi/elfova/undeadova/demona.

Trebace vam brdo para za ovo planinarenje ali 'vako je najbrze.

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Ne vredi. Onaj bug sa kornjachom me ne napushta. :( Smucacu se josh malo okolo, dok ne vidim shta je sa ovim patch-om, dal' moze ili dok ne izadje fix za njega.

Zavrshio sam quest sa Furious Paladin-om. Fenomenalno. Super prichica (za igru ove vrste), izbor i njegova posledica. Sjajno. Nadam se da ima josh takvih stvari i da me jebeni bug-ovi nece sprechiti da ih iskusim.

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Sta da radim da pomognem onom mlinaru zombiju? Trebalo bi da nabavim, ili sta vec, neki prsten. Taj prsten je kod devojke onog bandita u sumi i ona za njega trazi da joj donesem drugi.

Koji drugi???

Niko mi ne pominje nikakav prsten. Da li joj treba neki quest item ili bilo koji prsten artifakt?

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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