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Disconnect u 25man instancama


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Kao sto topic name kaze: Radi se o 25man instancama kad pocne neki veci fight/guzva, npr u Sunwellu na Kalecgos pocne borba pocne malo da laguje, pa od jednom samo dobijem disconnenct... sto me jako nervira posto se to deshava cesto.

Ili da ne govorim u MH na trash ista scena malo lag i DC... fala bogu neraidujemo vise mh...

U AV sve radi normalno sa zelenim lagom... samo u 25man instancama se deshava.

Ako neko zna kako da resim ovaj problem neka napise. Adsl nisam u mogucnosti da uzmem :S

A inace koristim wireless, latency mi je oko 200+ms sto i nije toliko lose.

Edited by Megadeath
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Kontam da gubis neke pakete, za wireless je to normalno

a mozda te i neki addon jebe, pre ce to biti

Addon related. Desavalo se likovima iz mog starog guilda, resili su problem sa brisanjem addona i resetovanjem wtf i interface foldera (jedina losa stvar je sto moras rebuild UI ako si ga custom buildao). Sta koristis od addona ?

Every man dies,not every man really lives...


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Recount ti je deffo problem...on stvara najvishe problema kad je out-of-date...generalno svi ti addoni koji rade combat log-extraction otavljaju fajlove i posle ih loaduju in-game sto crpi memoriju i stvara ti lag/dc... drugar je imao 'Super inspector' koji je pravio cache na svakom inspectu, pamtio statove charova / koje iteme imaju/nose.. i posle tipa mesec dana nesto 25 mega mu je pio od memorije :p

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Probaj ovo, ovo je pomoglo mog drugu kad je imao problema sa konekcijom, mozda i tebi pomogne

- Click on Start.

- Click on Control Panel.

- Double click on the System icon (in Windows XP, you may need to click Switch to Classic View on the left hand side of the screen).

- Select the Hardware tab.

- Click on Device Manager.

- Expand the section labeled Network Adapters.

- The name of your network adapter will be listed there.

Once you have located the name of your network adapter, please verify you have the latest driver from the manufacturer. You can find a list of hardware manufacturers and their contact information on our Hardware Vendor List. However, some have only resolved it by using older drivers. You may need to experiment with your card and its settings to eliminate the problem.

The Duplex and Checksum Offload settings in the Network Card may need to be adjusted for better performance.

- Locate your network card via the above steps.

- Right click the network card and select Properties.

- Click the Advanced tab.

- If you have an option to set the Duplex setting set it to 100BaseTX Full Duplex.

- If you have an option to set the Checksum Offload setting, may vary in specific naming, disable this setting.

It's kinda hard when you don't know the meaning, but everything happens for a reason

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E ovako danas sam probao bez Ventrila, i mogu vam reci da nisam dobijao DC nijednom.

Samo bez Ventrila ne mogu da raidam :( Kako da resim ovo? :)

Btw koristim 128k brzinu wirelessa flat - da probam da uplatim na vecoj brzini kako ce to da funkcionise ? :D

Edited by Megadeath
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E ovako danas sam probao bez Ventrila, i mogu vam reci da nisam dobijao DC nijednom.

Samo bez Ventrila ne mogu da raidam :( Kako da resim ovo? :)

Btw koristim 128k brzinu wirelessa flat - da probam da uplatim na vecoj brzini kako ce to da funkcionise ? :D

Bila je pre fora... davno, davno, da Teamspeak i Ventrilo na nForce 2 plocama sa integrisanim AC97 Sound chipom pravi sranja sa disconnect-om.

Resenje je bilo da se u opcijama navedenih programa prebaci sa Direct Sound na Wave driver. Mozda i pomogne [:p]


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