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Champions League 2008/2009


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meni je ultramegadrago sto je manutd prosao..jer ce biti mnogo ukusnije kad ih sabijemo u 1/2f:)

realno arsenal igra prvu u gostima, svi su se oporavili, igraju fino..mancester juri na sve strane, pod pritiskom je, ne igraju bas idealno..svi uslovi su na stolu da Arsen pobedi:)

inace ovde po komentarima bi se zakljucilo da celzi ne ucestvuje ni u borbi za ls ni za pl..nego da su tu cisto neki dodatak..realno, imaju hidinka i doltru i najlaksi raspored u ligi..

ne bi ih nizasta otpisao..a LS mozda najvise zasluzuju od ovih ovde timova jer 6 godina igraju 5 polufinala..pa jebem mu sunce..

arsa jos moze lepo da prodje..tipa dupla kruna ovo ono..fa cup i ls :))

mada mislim da je kup rezervisan za felainija i artetu..:D

slažem se za čelzi, svi ih otpisuju, a oni sabijaju sve redom, da još nije usralo ono Modrića, sad bi još i u PL razlika bila manja. Nadam se finalu Arsenal - Chelsea, ko god da pobedi, biće mi drago :)

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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ja iskreno mislim da barsu jedino celzi moze da dobije

i da,nadam se da se zajebavate za finale arsenal-barselona i pobedu arsenala.unishtila bi ih barsa

shto se mene tice,ja bi voleo da osvoji celzi


mada bi bila shteta da ne osvoji barselona sa ovako dobrom ekipom.znaci,ko pobedi u ovom polufinalu neka osvoji i ja zadovoljan+uzimam pare na finalu i na sf arsenal-mu

Edited by psy
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ja se ne slazem da je Porto bio bolji juche.Mozda nismo gledali istu tekmu.Video sam samo dve poluprilike za Porto i to je to.Nisam video nijednog dobrog njihovog igraca na terenu.To je to.


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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znam da je rano, ali posto mi je jako zanimljiv ovaj novi sistem kvalifikacija za CL nisam mogao da odolim [:D]

CL Format season 2009/2010

22 teams will qualify directly for CL groups.

These are the 22 teams:

1 CL winner of season 2008/09

3 teams from England (the top 3 from EPL obviously)

3 teams from Spain

3 teams from Italy

2 teams from Germany

2 teams from France

2 teams from Russia

1 team from Romania

1 team from Portugal

1 team from the Netherlands

1 team from Scotland

1 team from Turkey

1 team from Ukraine

Total = 22 teams

Note* : If the CL winner from season 2008/09 already qualified through the domestic league, then its place in the CL groups will be taken by the Champions of Belgium.

5 teams will qualify through the qualification cyclus named Best Placed Team.

These 5 teams will qualify after 2 rounds. In these two rounds 15 teams will participate.

10 will start in round 1, while the other 5 in round 2.

This is how:

ROUND 1 (10 teams)

- 3rd placed team from Russia

- Runners-up of Romanian league

- Runners-up of Portuguese league

- Runners-up of Scottish league

- Runners-up of Dutch league

- Runners-up of Turkish league

- Runners-up of Ukrainian league

- Runners-up of Belgian league

- Runners-up of the Greek league

- Runners-up of Czech league

These 10 teams will form 5 pairs. The winners of these 5 pairs will go in round two.


- The 5 winners of round one will play against :

- The 4th placed team from England

- The 4th placed team from Spain

- The 4th placed team from Italy

- The 3rd placed team from Germany

- The 3rd placed team from France

The 5 winners will go in CL groups

5 teams will qualify through the qualification cyclus named Champions Path.

40 teams from the weakest 40 leagues in Europe will play in this qualifying competition. Teams from the best 12 european leagues won't participate here.

Th 5 last CL qualifiers will be given after 4 rounds.

In round 1 6 teams will participate and the 3 winners will go to round 2. These are the 6 teams:

The champions of

- Montenegro

- Faroe Islands

- Luxemburg

- San Marino

- Andorra

- Malta

In round 2 the 3 winners from round one and 31 different teams will form 17 pairs. The winners of these 17 pairs will go to round 3.

Here, apart from the winners of round 1, the champions of these leagues will start the qualifiers:

- Finland

- Lithuania

- Slovenia

- Macedonia

- Georgia

- Belarus

- Switzerland

- Sweden

- Denmark

- Bulgaria

- Norway

- Austria

- Serbia

- Israel

- Cyprus

- Slovakia

- Poland

- Croatia

- Latvia

- Iceland

- Rep. Of Ireland

- Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Hungary

- Moldova

- Azerbaijan

- Estonia

- Albania

- Kazakhstan

- Armenia

- Wales

- Northern Ireland

In round 3 the winners of these 17 pairs will be joint by another 3 teams.

- The champions of Greece

- The champions of Czech Republic

- The champions of Belgium *

We'll get 20 teams (10 pairs this way). The winners of these 10 pairs will go to round 4, where 5 new pairs will be created and the winners of these last 5 pairs will go to CL groups.

* Note: If the winner of CL 2008/09 already qualified for CL through the domestic league, then to make up for this, the winners of Belgian league will be entered into the group stage, the Swiss champions will be promoted to the Third qualifying round and the Faroese champions and the Luxembourgian Champions to the Second qualifying round.

sad je realnije da imamo predstavnika s obzirom da se ne ukrstamo sa najjachim ligama, tako zreb vishe ne sme biti izgovor...

Edited by eclctc
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ma daj,kakve su ovo gluposti,sampion Belgije,WTF JEBOTE,najjadnija liga.Bolje da su dali jos jedno mesto Ukrajincima.Ili Turcima.


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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ako ne odemo u lc ove godine jebem ga onda...

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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jebote ko je pisao ovaj sistem?

pijani bidza? ili sasa curcic posle malo lobeksa?

koje sranje..`kako napraviti sto tezi i komplikovaniji sistem koji proizvodi haos:)`

a srpskim timovima je uvek NAJTEZE kad igraju protiv tih bednika..za ove jake se napale a za estonce nista ne znaju..

ma bre sutra navijamo SVI ZA GIBBSA i NASRIJA DA PROBODU LEVU STRANU..:)))

sve bi dao za pobedu..

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