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The world's hardest riddle

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Sad je tu veoma diskutabilno shta je pisac teo retji, tj dal je teo to ili ne, meni je najrealnije odogovr "pritisak" i opet na srpski nego engleski "pressure" i opet to je igra rechi i to debela i na kraju krajeva nemash pojma ni dal je "da" ni dal je "ne" ni dal je "pressure" shto nas opet vratja na to da je odgovor "ne" al onda se samo nastavlja beskrajni krug.

od pritiska palacinke pocrne i beli medved je beo. i kako mozes stisnuti pritisak? i kako ga mozes videti?

i zasto si prevodio, zasto nisi prekopirao kao ja!!

You guys are all overlooking an important factor in this riddle. YOu are looking for an answer to a question that wasnt even asked. The ONLY question and the WHOLE sum of this riddle is: CAN YOU GUESS THE RIDDLE?? Where the answer is, No you cannot. We as adults overanalyze things ESPECIALLY in moments like these where we are looking to be the person to find the right answer. Pressure is a good guess, but doesnt apply to all. the simple questions is CAN YOU GUESS and the simple answer is NO.

Can you guess the Riddle? The answer is "No." It doesn't ask, "Can you guess what this is?"

However (because I am a smart ass) even though 'No' is the answer the people who made the riddle want.

They actually are WRONG!

Because the question is....

Can you GUESS the riddle?

Well if you want to get semantic the answer is 'Yes'.

Of course you can GUESS the riddle.

We can guess anything.

I can guess that you ate pancakes for breakfast this morning. I don't have to be correct.

Mada kad porazmislim odgovor moze biti i *ti* jer kaze *I* make etc etc *I* make etc etc *I* turn etc etc..."

Evo jedne pesmice :D :D :D

The time has come,

winter is here

and those yellow bears disappear.

The time has past

as man looks back with a sigh

and a tear in his eye.

As time is held

boys cross their legs

but of course the toilet begs

As time marches on

Girls loose their blush

and swap a comb for their brush

As time passes

For those held high

their end is nigh

As time catches up

Everyone is equal

when we get to the final sequel

As time turns

Without it we have flour and water

With it we have breakfast for my daughter

As time revolves

How does one turn water and wine

into something so fine

As time runs out

The more in a minute you try and squeeze

the less you can do with ease.

As time ticks

All the time that has past

man cannot comprehend something so vast.

Edited by qwertyuiop
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jedino sto mi pada napamet je jednostavno "ne"...to ce dete i da ti kaze nakon 10 recenica kenjanja a ti ga pitas jel znas odgovor....dok ce stariji da lupaju glavu da nadju ultra sjebano resenje....

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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:))) kori, ajde vise odgovori, smorio sam se

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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od pritiska palacinke pocrne i beli medved je beo. i kako mozes stisnuti pritisak? i kako ga mozes videti?

i zasto si prevodio, zasto nisi prekopirao kao ja!!

You guys are all overlooking an important factor in this riddle. YOu are looking for an answer to a question that wasnt even asked. The ONLY question and the WHOLE sum of this riddle is: CAN YOU GUESS THE RIDDLE?? Where the answer is, No you cannot. We as adults overanalyze things ESPECIALLY in moments like these where we are looking to be the person to find the right answer. Pressure is a good guess, but doesnt apply to all. the simple questions is CAN YOU GUESS and the simple answer is NO.

Can you guess the Riddle? The answer is "No." It doesn't ask, "Can you guess what this is?"

However (because I am a smart ass) even though 'No' is the answer the people who made the riddle want.

They actually are WRONG!

Because the question is....

Can you GUESS the riddle?

Well if you want to get semantic the answer is 'Yes'.

Of course you can GUESS the riddle.

We can guess anything.

I can guess that you ate pancakes for breakfast this morning. I don't have to be correct.

Mada kad porazmislim odgovor moze biti i *ti* jer kaze *I* make etc etc *I* make etc etc *I* turn etc etc..."

Evo jedne pesmice :D :D :D

The time has come,

winter is here

and those yellow bears disappear.

The time has past

as man looks back with a sigh

and a tear in his eye.

As time is held

boys cross their legs

but of course the toilet begs

As time marches on

Girls loose their blush

and swap a comb for their brush

As time passes

For those held high

their end is nigh

As time catches up

Everyone is equal

when we get to the final sequel

As time turns

Without it we have flour and water

With it we have breakfast for my daughter

As time revolves

How does one turn water and wine

into something so fine

As time runs out

The more in a minute you try and squeeze

the less you can do with ease.

As time ticks

All the time that has past

man cannot comprehend something so vast.

Jbt, Drede, 'ladno si prevodio od reci do reci odgovor sa yahoo answersa. : ))

Odgovor je:


Zapravo nije samo Yahoo answers, bash sam ga onako propisnao izgooglao poshto sam dao svoj odgovor i pokenjao se na zagonetku. Jer ja se i dalje ne slazhem da je to odgovor shto bleji po netu...bash iz toga shto sam napisao.

i u onom c/p on ne spominje tretji odogovr...

A nesetjam se da je iko diskutovao o tome da je zagonetka jedach govan vetj su samo prichali koji je odgovor a ne i da odgovor nema veze sa zhivotom....

Zhivopisno me interesuje shta sam ja to preveo, sobzirom da sam gledao tri razlichita sajta i izveo svoje mishljenje od prvih 10 odgovora...bash da chitam sve mi se jebe dal je neko na 566 postu uradio isto shto i ja. Sva tri odgovora zasebno pominju, a ja kazhem da je sve goli kurac i zatvoren krug koji jede govna.

P.S. Svidjaju mi se ovi shto se prave mutavi, kao nisu googlali xD

P.S.S. Otjesh li exile shine-ovati some light over this matter?

poz voz 2011

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