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bro jutro

draze mi je da nekome dam flasu skivija nego da me oni tamo oderu :)

a sve je relativno sta je dobar skivi :)

meni je recimo j&b vrhunski

nekome je chivas regal iako je po meni preduvan i vise je ime nego kvalitet

whateve :)

ma dobro nemoj da se ljutish, dobar je i j&b :))





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Dobro jutro...

Kakav dan juce...

danas su zato krenule prozivke u firmi, kao vidi se da si zagoreo (olololo)...

QUOTE (Kojot @ Apr 21 2009, 03:24)

relnao pametna devojka se ili iskenaj pre sexa ili se izklistira tusem i namaze pomadom

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Polako ustajem , ispijam chaj blejim u tv ,malo blejim na netu ,spremam se da pokupim bajs i na adu \o/

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Virgin defloration

Fecundating Magdelane

Ritual copulation

Inbreeds the Nazarene

Torrents Tossed

Over the throne of God

Goatish blood

All was nailed upon the cross

He cometh into this world

Birthed, cursed, thirsting for souls

The torrid plain his cradle becomes

Their sons, slit, their throats speaketh of his

Burning triumph, Satan writhe in sin

Born of endless fire, his deep black pupils snake like thin


A sacrifice he's not

Born of ancient darkness

Christ was not of goatborn blood

The sacrificial lamb he's not

Born of ancient darkness

Christ was not of goatborn blood



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zar ti to ne radi knjigovodja?

pa ne moze knjigovodja da mu sprema papire :D ti valjda njemu das pa ti on obracuna na osnovu toga pdv :D a i cenim da je kruko sam svoj knjigovodja :D

Нема  будућности без истине.

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pa ne moze knjigovodja da mu sprema papire :D ti valjda njemu das pa ti on obracuna na osnovu toga pdv :D a i cenim da je kruko sam svoj knjigovodja :D

nope knjigovodja to sve sredjuje :) ako cu ja da mu sredim papire pa majku mu obracunacu i pdv ;)





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Virgin defloration

Fecundating Magdelane

Ritual copulation

Inbreeds the Nazarene

Torrents Tossed

Over the throne of God

Goatish blood

All was nailed upon the cross

He cometh into this world

Birthed, cursed, thirsting for souls

The torrid plain his cradle becomes

Their sons, slit, their throats speaketh of his

Burning triumph, Satan writhe in sin

Born of endless fire, his deep black pupils snake like thin


A sacrifice he's not

Born of ancient darkness

Christ was not of goatborn blood

The sacrificial lamb he's not

Born of ancient darkness

Christ was not of goatborn blood


a evo ga ovaj mora da je sprcao :)

jbt dosta gluvarenja po ruru





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Deste bre ljudi! Danas opet nesto manja guzva u gradu ... a to sto mi ne radi net kod kuce je posebno zanimljivo, posto mi onda treba sto godina da cekiram sta se desava na forumu :)) Mogao bih nesto uskoro i da rucam :)

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Deste bre ljudi! Danas opet nesto manja guzva u gradu ... a to sto mi ne radi net kod kuce je posebno zanimljivo, posto mi onda treba sto godina da cekiram sta se desava na forumu :)) Mogao bih nesto uskoro i da rucam :)


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