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Omiljeni c-RPG


Omiljeni c-RPG  

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  1. 1. Omiljeni c-RPG

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    • Planescape: Torment
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fo2 je generalno karikatura fo1, jer je toliko pretrpan nekim tupavim stvarima, jedino sto je sadrzinski veci i to je to... al dobro alavi inteprlay je insistirao na brzom nastavku tako da je super sta je ispalo od njega... ali to vec prelazi u HC verziju debate koje mnoge nece interesovati ;)





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haha vudua prze na svakom forumu? ;)

Pre bih rekao da voodoo prži na svakom forumu :)

Pa ono, čim vide da ne mogu da igraju elficu ljudi odustanu... a i gust je, šta znam...

Kad smo kod elfica, primetio sam da nedostaje Might and Magic 6 i 7 na listi. Ova moja ko anđeo, jebote ;)


Sa MM6 nikada nisam imao problema ali MM7 dugo nisam igrao zato što nije radila na XP-u. Na sreću, neko je napravio patch tako da sada radi bez problema.





Preporučio bih svakome da odigra ovo pošto ja već dve sedmice ne mogu da se odvojim od monitora :)

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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fo2 je generalno karikatura fo1, jer je toliko pretrpan nekim tupavim stvarima, jedino sto je sadrzinski veci i to je to... al dobro alavi inteprlay je insistirao na brzom nastavku tako da je super sta je ispalo od njega... ali to vec prelazi u HC verziju debate koje mnoge nece interesovati ;)

Mislim da ta pricha FO1 vs FO2 zavisi od toga koju si prvu odigrao. Ti si verovatno prvo igrao FO1, pa to onda FO2 nije predstavljao nista revolucionarno, vec vise ekspanziju. Ja sam odigrao prvo FO2, i kada sam posle presao FO1 on mi je delovao kao "poor men's Fallout 2" :)

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Sto je isto ono sto je on rekao zar ne ? FO2 je zasecerena verzija FO1. Vise deluje kao ekspanzija gde se sa tehnickog dela malo sta promenilo samo se dodalo na dizajn. Recimo ja bi nazavao nikad ne ostvareni VB pravim nastavkom jer je nesto novo i nevidjeno sa tehnoloske strane u odnosu na FO1/FO2.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Sto je isto ono sto je on rekao zar ne ? FO2 je zasecerena verzija FO1. Vise deluje kao ekspanzija gde se sa tehnickog dela malo sta promenilo samo se dodalo na dizajn. Recimo ja bi nazavao nikad ne ostvareni VB pravim nastavkom jer je nesto novo i nevidjeno sa tehnoloske strane u odnosu na FO1/FO2.

Ma ok, ja i nisam njemu kontrirao, samo iznosim misljenje da se subjektivni utisak koja je od te dve igre bolja formira u zavisnosti od toga koju si prvo odigrao. Ni jedna realno nije bolja od druge, jer je to prakticno ista igra.

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mjok i ja sam igrao fo2 prvo pa onda fo1, i realno fo1 je mnogo mrachnija morbidnija verzija, u drugom delu su preterali sa nekim stvarima i sa nekim humorom. daleko od toga da nisam uzivao u fo2 nego jednsotavno nisu otisli u istom pravcu kao prvi deo.





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nisam siguran dal me je neko na ovom topicu flejmovo sto nisam igrao gothic 2 a zovem sebe rpg fanom ili tako nesto. u svakom slucaju skino sam i instalirao gold edition, nasmejo se bedi kad sam video grafiku i kretanje i deinstalirao. cak je i uvodna animacija smesna. da da sad se secam, lik je po kvalitetu poredio igru sa deus ex ROFL!

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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No you are!

Ja sam te igre od pre 10 godina igrao na tada aktuelnom hardveru i monitorima, i tad nisu bile ružne!1 A ovaj Bionic ne znam s čim poredi Gothic, jes da je on i u svoje vreme bio previše ćoškast, al da je tako gadan, nije :)

Elem, baš neki dan instaliram Fallout 1, čoveče koliko onaj handdrawing izgleda očajno na TFT-u, muka me uvati. A kako je sav taj 2D art nekad bio mnogo lep na četrnaesticama, bruka.

E da, kad smo kod toga, "rešenej" za igranje FO na dualkoru je da se u configu jedna linija udari pod komentar, a druga nešto tipa freespace=0 dopiše, i to je to. Detalji na googlu.

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Haha, što ima dobrih fora na uncyclopediji, znate ono definisanje bilo čega preko "imate dve krave..."

Evo šta ima za neke RPG-ove:


You have two Brahmin, for a total of 4 cow heads.

You only have one cow. But it has two heads.

Cows. Two cows never changes.

You have two cows. Myron knows where you can get more cows. Threaten to abandon his sorry ass, he'll spill.

The federal government has kidnapped your cows. It is your job to get them back. Instead you sleep with the daughter and wife of a local crime lord and become a boxing champion.

You have two cows and massive debts. You sell the rights to make a third cow to an prominent, treacherous developer. The internet community foams at the mouth and sends the new company death threats.


You have two immortal cows. They seem to be very attractive to women, even though they're covered in scars and are butt-ugly.

What... can change the nature of two cows?


You search the whole game for the ingredients needed to craft two mechanical clockwork automaton cows.

You have two cows. They are happily eating their grass in their pasture, when all of a sudden a burning zeppelin crashes on them.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic:

You have no cows, and no clothes. You bash a container open using nothing but your fists just so people will stop being all pissy at you for having no clothes. The cow you've been searching all this time was really you all the time.

You could spend thirty hours getting two cows, but the Peragus II level sucks so you turn off your PC.


You have two HD cows, but you have to turn them off because your PC is too weak.

Your two cows are stabled outside the city gate.

You have 2 cows. They knock all your food off the table.

You were born under the Two Cows birthsign so you produce a gallon of milk per day but have a weakness to forks.

You steal two cows and run into a building thinking you are safe. OMG! the guards here are smarter than in morrowind and have learned to use doors! The guard pwns you.

You have two cows and 198 arrows. You click the arrows twice and drop your two cows. Your two hundred cows run away before you can pick them back up. You have no cows.

You search the internet for two cows, but don't find any you like. You wish you could use the Construction Set so you could make your own cows.

You have a ridiculous amount of options to customize your cows' faces, but you end up only seeing the face, which you spent an hour on, in the inventory.


You have two cows. A mysterious assasin comes after them so you must find out why but you are given almost no direction on where to go. You become a werewolf vampire and kill everyone.

You have three cows. But you only see one of them unless you buy expansion pack.


You have two cows. Your class doesn't allow you to equip the first one and the other one's material is innefective.

You have two cows. This was fixed with the v1.69 patch.

You have two cows. This will probably crash the game.

You have two cows. Unless you've increased the objmemsize in your Z.cfg the game will begin to eat your inventory.

You have one cow. Your game will still probably crash.


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