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Ali nije isti udar kad audaris 110 sa jugom i 110 sa majbahom, odnosno, nije isti za one koji su unutra.

Kanda je isti posto kolko je meni poznato nijedan proizvodjac auta ne garantuje nista za sudare pri brzinama vecim od 100km/h.



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Da li je moguce da ovo neko moze da napise?! Stvarno svasta sam videla na ovom topiku, i mislim da ne zelim da posecujem ovaj forum vise. Toliko od mene.


Koga bre boli kurac? Imash 17 jebenih postova, bash cesh nam nedostajati. Gtfo nazad na krstaricu i ne vracaj se, umishljena curko.

Jeeebote, jel' svaka riba dobija +7 na uobrazenost chim lupi "dial"?

A vas dvojica imate stranjsko pivo po izboru od mene ako se ova budala vishe ne pojavi na forumu.

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Ko to zna, ko to zna.


"ktoo ott nzaa, ktoo ott nzaa"

Jeeebote, jel' svaka riba dobija +7 na uobrazenost chim lupi "dial"?

kali ima adsl

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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da da, drive mayb for lux, lambo for speed and yugo for safety ^_^

taj rad mohi taj rad!

Ljudi zive u laznom osecaju sigurnosti jer gledaju emisije gde razni fensi proizvodjachi vrshe crash testove sa lutkama i sl ...

Nekima ochigledno nije jasno sta je 100km/h+ i da ti nijedan auto pri toj brzini nece pomoci, samo sreca. Osim ako ti ne znaci dal si mrtav u 20 delova ili u 5 delova ...



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Malo neslaganje.

Generalno si u pravu, ali davne 1993 moj "poznanik" je u saabu preziveo ono sto u drugim kolima sigurno ne bi, bar po recima lekara i policije

Ali saab je saab.

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Mislim da sam ranije pomenuo, ali ajd josh jednom za svaki sluchaj:

Manuel Sanchez nije kalijev alt

postoji chak i mala shansa da Jovanaa nije nichiji alt, ali ne bih da zalazim u domen nauchne fantastike [:D]

btw na stranu mohijeve vanzemaljske izjave (ili njegovih ortaka shto su shampioni u crash test dummingu) da je nebitno shta vozish, ima istine u tvrdnji o vozhnji preko 100km/h


* The faster you go, the more likely you are to crash. The faster you crash, the more likely you are to die.

* Where we don't link speed to a crash - for example, we may blame alcohol or the weather - the outcome depends on the speed the driver is traveling at.

* If you're driving at 120 km/h, you are twice as likely to die in a crash than if you are driving at 100 km/h. If you're driving at 130 km/h, you're three times as likely to die. Slower driving saves lives International experience shows that as speeds reduce, the road toll goes down.

* Research in the United Kingdom found that a 1 km/h reduction in the average speed can produce up to a 3 percent reduction in injury crashes.

* Rural roads: Research in Sweden demonstrated that there will be twice as many fatal crashes when the average speed on rural roads is 120 km/h, than when it is 100 km/h. There are three times as many fatal crashes when the average speed is 130 km/h.

* Urban roads: Research into urban roads in Australia demonstrated that the risk of involvement in a casualty crash increases exponentially. With each 5 km/h increase in traveling speed above a 60 km/h speed limit, the risk of involvement in a casualty crash approximately doubles.

Evidence of the speed/crash relationship Evidence of the speed/crash relationship has been demonstrated in studies of the following situations:

* Between 1987 and 1988, 40 states in the United States of America raised the speed limit on interstate highways from 55 m.p.h. (88 km/h) to 65 m.p.h. (104 km/h). This resulted in an increase in average car speeds of about 3 m.p.h. (5 km/h). Over the same period, there was an increase in fatalities on these roads of between 20 and 25 percent.

* During the 1973 fuel crisis, the New Zealand government reduced rural speed limits from 55 m.p.h. (88 km/h) to 50 m.p.h. (80 km/h). Because of concern about fuel shortages, many people complied with the new speed limit: there was an 8-10 km/h reduction in average rural speeds. This led to a significant drop in the number of injuries on these roads.

* In Australia, the speed limit on Melbourne's rural and outer freeway network was increased from 100 km/h to 110 km/h in 1987, and then changed back to 100 km/h in 1989. The injury crash rate was compared with a ‘control group' (an area where the speed limit remained the same). It was found that the injury crash rate per kilometer traveled increased by 24.6 percent following the change from 100 to 110 km/h, and decreased by 19.3 percent following the change back to 100 km/h.

Risks to pedestrians

The severity of injuries sustained by a pedestrian hit by a vehicle is clearly related to the impact speed. The risk of death increases dramatically at speeds from 40 to 60 km/h. For example, the likelihood of death for a pedestrian hit at 40 km/h is approximately 30 percent, while the likelihood of death for a pedestrian hit at 60 km/h is around 90 percent. The risks for vulnerable pedestrians, such as the elderly and young children, are even higher.

Some facts about speed cameras

A study of crash data in the 20 months following the introduction of speed cameras in New Zealand in 1993 found

* a 23% reduction in fatal and serious crashes at urban speed camera sites

* an 11% reduction in fatal and serious crashes at rural speed camera sites.

International experience shows that speed cameras are a highly cost-effective speed management tool. This means that they save a lot of lives for the cost of putting them in place and operating them.

[information from the Land Transport Safety Authority in New Zealand]

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pa dobro, sto je veca brzina, veca je verovatnoca da se sudaris..

znam ja da kada tvoje telo brzinom od 100km na sat razvali u komandnu tablu velika verovatnoca je da ti poispadaju organi na usta ali je opet mnogo veca verovatnoca da ces preziveti u boljem autu nego u yugu..

moj stric se u mercedesu slupao sa 150 na sat i preziveo.. ne verujem da bi bio te srece da je bio u jugicu ili punticu...

moja sestra i njen decko se sa 100 na sat uleteli u krivinu, prevrnuli ~3-4 puta i izasli iz kola bez i jedne jedine ogrebotine. auto je odveden na autootpad jer nije vredeo 2k eura. inace je bilo pre par godina, bila tad nova golf4..

ne znam zasto, ali pre bih birao da sa 100 na sat udarim u drvo (zid/kola/etc) u hameru nego u yugu... umesto kao mohi da kazem svejedno..

Edited by qwertyuiop
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Prevrtanje i proklizavanje nije isto sto i direktan udar. Direktan udar pri 100km/h u cemu god sa ko zna kojim airbagovima ce rezultovati pucanjem organa zbog siline udara tj naglog zaustavljanja ili ti inercije.



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Koga bre boli kurac? Imash 17 jebenih postova, bash cesh nam nedostajati. Gtfo nazad na krstaricu i ne vracaj se, umishljena curko.

Jeeebote, jel' svaka riba dobija +7 na uobrazenost chim lupi "dial"?

A vas dvojica imate stranjsko pivo po izboru od mene ako se ova budala vishe ne pojavi na forumu.

jes pa dok smo pijani da nam das da se provozamo...

prebacite sve postove koji nemaju rip karakter u odvojen topic... i to ce 100% biti topic godine... volim rur...

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4. ja tebi lepo kazem, mene ako neko proziva, ja mu uzvratim. necija konstitucija nije ono sto mene brine... vise me brine mogucnost da ja ocutim prozivku. hoces da trazis po postovima ko je prvi poceo?

najgore je kad lazes sebe u zivotu :D zivo me interesuje gde sam ja to tebe prvi isprozivao? a tacno znam gde si ti prvo mene :)

Edited by ZOLA

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know



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i ostali primeri lepog ponasanja.

ako mislis na one sto su prosle zime glasali za ldp, ima nas 200k(sada, naravno, jos vise [:)] ). go screw yourself, kknp x)

sorry sefe ovo ide malo pre toga.

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know



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ouh, yeah. ajde sada napravi topic "svi koji su mi ikada odgovorili na post(da, cak i oni smajlijima)" da vidimo kome je sve ovde ugrozen zivot.

sta da radim kad sam namcor :) ja ni osobama koje znam ne kazem da se jebu a ne nepoznatima... samo sa mohijem koliko sam rasprava imao, dijametralno smo suprotnih misljenja skoro svaki put, znam ga u rl, znam da mogu samo da legnem preko njega i da nece moci da dise :P i pored toga ga nikada nisam uvredio na bilo koji nacin. kao ni ramija i mnoge druge :) zato ja znam zasto sta kazem, jer znam da ne napusavam prvi :)

Edited by ZOLA

There are 2 rules in a successful life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know



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