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PTR 2.3.0 Notes


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mamicu im 'ebem. rekli su da tje SVA oruzija imati novi skin iz high end game instanci.. i shta se desilo? 2h axe new designe, ok. 2h mace new designe, ok. 2h axe new designe, ok. 1h "all" weps new designe, ok. i ko su jedine klase koje nisu dobile novi gladiator wep skin? HEALERI NARAVNO! isto sranje kao merciless.. kako me tako male stvari iznerviraju, ne mogu da vam opishem. kada su sve vetj nove skin-ove stavili za novu sezonu mogli su i taj jebeni, jedan, skin za 1h mace da promene.. [:(]

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Mace je morogrins might iz scarlet monasterija ako se ne varam , a ne varam se :) . Volim taj skin :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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mograine, ne morogrim olol :P

koliko ja vidim isto sranje drugo pakovanje, razlika izmedju sezone 2 i 3 po celom setu, 15 stamina 20 resilienca i jos 10 nekih statova/crita i stavec, a izmedju 2hander oruzja 8 DPS, i za to 3700 poena! OMG!

pvp, dalje od mene.

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Svakim danom u svakom pogledu sve me vise WoW smara...

Opet su top gilde na PTRu, opet ce po izlasku patcha da se meri minutama ko je koga ubio... opet share strategija preko foruma... Opet ce top lvl PvPeri da gaze nas casuale na 1800 ratingu jer "powerleveluju" timove za prodaju...


Razmisljam se da ukinem sve wow sajtove iz bookmarkova i da lepo nadjem deo igre koji mi se svidja i da uzivam u njemu...

Edited by C o s a

Za hiljadu evra cu sam da naucim da dizajniram ;)

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lol ?

pa ZA je napravljen za casual i pvp playere ... cela instanca pociscena sa 2 wajpa na zadnjem bosu prvi put ... prvi bos je laksi od prvog bosa u karazanu i sta sada ocekujete da ce ljudi sa t6 da wajpuju na bosu koji je tank and spank ? LOL

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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2.3 Reported Issues

Hortus just made a post about the reported issues on the 2.3 PTR:

--/cancelform is not working correctly with shadowform.

--/cancelform macro command does not work when switching back to the same form.

--[nostealth] macro command is not working.

--Aldaron the Reckless, Eversong Woods does not have textures.

--Amani'shi Handler, Zul'Aman are not reseting properly and evade.

--Amani'shi Warbringer, Zul'Aman do not reset properly after wiping on them.

--Arena rating requirements are not consistent for arena gear.

--Auction house is sorting by minimum bid instead of by buyout.

--Being summoned while on a taxi causes the taxi to fly through the earth.

--Black Coffee has wrong icon.

--Bloodthirster's Wargreaves Bloodthirster's Wargreaves (plate boot badge of justice reward) has no socket bonus

--Cenarion War Hippogryph does not appear to have a run/walk animation when on the ground.

--Cenarion War Hippogryph has no walking animation.

--Cenarion War Hippogryph is giving an incorrect buff icon.

--Changing equipped bags dismounts you.

--Crash when inspecting talents on multiple characters.

--Dirty deeds talent is inconsistent with tooltip.

--Druids in moonkin form loose icons from their cast bar.

--Enemy cast bar is obscured by enemy buffs.

--Engineer Fallel Stargazer on the Teldrassil Aberdeen boat has no texture.

--Engineering mount can not be placed in Engineering bag.

--Error when picking up coins from your inventory.

--Fel armor is causing Warlock drain life and deathcoil spells to heal for substantially more damage than in 2.2.3

--Female Dreanei shoulders are larger in 2.3

--Female Troll shoulders and weapons are the wrong size.

--Fishing nodes are not giving special loot.

--Flasks are showing up in the consumables tab for alchemy and not in the Flasks tab.

--Guild control window is not working.

--High Enchanter Bardolan, Shattrath City does not allow you to Train the Enchant Shield - Resilience skill.

--High Warlord's Plate Gauntlets from vendor is asking for arena points rather than honor tokens.

--Hotkeys are being erased when switching into moonkin form.

--Hunter arcane shot dispells paladin divine shield.

--Hunter Arcane shot is dispelling a number of effects that it shouldn't.

--Hunter pets are lost when stabled.

--Hunters zoning into Zul'aman lose their pet.

--Icon for aquadynamic fish attractor is wrong.

--Items with +weapon skill are showing nothing in the tooltips.

--Lava pools in ungoro crater are untextured.

--Loading WoW UI results in an error: [string " * ;OnShow"]: 1 : Couldn't find the CVar named 'statusBarText'

--Loot in Razor Fen Kraul and Wailing caverns has not been updated as described in the patch notes.

--Lower ranks of paladin seals can be dispelled despite the Sanctified seals talent.

--male undead weapons are larger in 2.3

--Many paladin abilities are giving the incorrect sound of summoning a mount rather then the spell sound.

--Mental Quickness talent is not giving the proper spell damage increase, only the healing increase.

--Merciless gladiators plate helm is not counting towards set bonus.

--Merciless Gladiator's Plate Helm The helm does not contribute to the 5 piece Gladiator Set Bonus.

--Mobs sink in water.

--Moonkin form is removing abilities put on the hotbar.

--Mystical Skyfire diamond buff is shorter than in 2.1.3

--nature's grasp talent icon is grayed out.

--Nether dragonscales can not be acquired once you have done the netherdrake quests.

--Night elf has less base agiility in 2.3.

--offhand mace is misaligned on undead female.

--Player is getting multiple transmutes even though he is not transmute specced.

--Player is losing control of his character when distracted.

--Players are not able to see the guild tab on the PTR.

--Players joining guilds are not fully getting guild options and are removed from the guild upon logging out.

--Recently upgraded items in deadmines are not bind on pickup or bind on equip.

--Recipe: Kibler's Bits is not learnable even when player has adequate skill level in cooking.

--Rhahk'Zor's Hammer its a blue that is not BOE or BOP

--Rogue poisons are still showing as lasting for 30 mins when it should be 60 mins.

--Rogue talent seal fate is only granting 1 combo point with backstab.

--Royal tanzanite and Greater Inscription of faith are not giving +spell damage based on their +heal.

--Royal Tanzanite gem is not giving +spell damage.

--Rugged Spaulders The Blue item is neither BoE or BoP.

--Several equippable items have erroneous "Use" effects in their tooltips.

--Shaman Far sight spell is causing a crash at Zul aman.

--Shaman lightning overload is affecting more than one cast.

--Shaman talent Mental Quickness is giving the wrong amount of +spell damage.

--Shields are clipping into character backs.

--Simple chat option is not working correctly.

--Spell damage from multiple items are not applying to socket bonuses

--Swift warstrider mount has the wrong icon.

--Swift Warstrider The warstrider has icon of raptor not strider

--Text on the talents inspection page spill outside of the frame.

--Thaelis the Hungerer in silvermoon has no texture.

--The flight patch from ghostlands to Undercity is not working.

--The flight path from Zul'aman to Ironforge does not seem to be properly delivering people to the proper location.

--The quest "Signs of Treachery" can not be completed.

--The target mana bar is carrying over to the next target even if it doesn't have mana.

--The tooltip for the paladin precision talent does not match the patch notes.

--Turning on Blizzard's Scrolling combat text while in combat removes the entire user interface.

--Typo in the name of Conjured Mana Biscuits from the Ritual of Refreshment.

--UI error when turning on the reputation bar.

--Unflyable areas in nagrand.

--Using Greater Blessing of Kings causes the Summon Charger sound to trigger.

--using the num pad to input numbers in text fields triggers actions bound to those keys.

--Warrior Defiance talent is not granting expertise.

--Warrior devastate is not doing as much threat as Sunder armor despite patch notes.

--Wretched creature models in Eversong Woods are having parts of their model floating above them.

--Wretched NPCs have no textures.

--Wrong sound is played when paladins cast blessings.

--You're unable to select Zul'Aman as an option with the "LFG" tool in any category

--Zul'aman is not listed in the LFG tool.

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ja sam u roku od 5 min provali za bug kako da drzim buff koji traje 5sec i povecava crit za 2.6 permanentno :) fucking bugz :D

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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- New Aimed Shot reduces healing done to the target by 50%(?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!)

- Dead Zone reduced (there is still one, but its very small like 1 yard)

I na to josh dodash arcane shot koji dispell-uje i disarming shot i eto nama novih warlokca!

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Disarming shot josh nije u igri . Druga stvar hunter je atm beskorisna klasa ... ali totalno .Treca stvar aimed shot se KASTUJE 3.5 sec i ima 10sec cd ... ma daj sada su samo malo manje lol

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ne mora to nista da znaci.

Imam i ja u glidi imba warriora (oprema) sa jakim 5 v 5 ratingom (al cudno samo 5v5) koji je toliko izrazito glup da se sve svodi na to da ga drugari u stvari slepuju kroz arene (fury warr u areni ej).

U arenama zaista sa 2 hunterima nikad problem, sa kim god da su. Jedino sam jednom izgubio 2v2 protiv 2huntera, ali vise svojim brljanjem.

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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niko vishe i ne koristi aimed (sem kada ambushuje nekog clothera) govori se o arcaneu...

licno mislim da huntu ne trebaju svi ovi boostovi no mislim da je to blizzov potez da nateraju masu dece(i ljudi sa takvom psihom) da rerolaju do 70og josh jednom u potazi za imbapwnageom pa onda gearup...i onda kad se vidi da je overpowered onda ce da ga smanje malo/vrate nazad, ali tada ce vec biti povecana baza ljudi koji igraju hunta sto je njihov primarni cilj ove akcije...

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U arenama zaista sa 2 hunterima nikad problem, sa kim god da su.

Iskreno pitanje. Kad razmislish posle partije, jel' mozesh da kazesh da je taj hunter dobro odigrao? Jel' ume da kite-uje? Ili mu je glavni manevar "pucam i onda krajnje providno spustim freezing trap kad mi pridje i nadam se da ce da uleti u njega"? Rekao bih da ~95% hunter-a koje ja srecem/gledam ispred Orgr. igraju upravo tako (nezavisno od nivoa)... i svi su spremni da kenjaju posle partije "hunter is weak, ice lance/clos/hamstring is op, u r teh lucky blablabla...", a da im pritom ni za 100 godina nece pasti na pamet da unaprede svoj prejadni skill...

U principu, ovo gore vazi za sve klase (ljude?), samo shto je hunter takva klasa koja ce najvishe da pati ako lik koji igra sa njom ne ume...

IMHO, hunter je ok, arena teren ga jebe. Zashto malo ne srede teren umesto shto sredjuju klasu? Na shta ce tek bg-ovi da liche posle ovih buff-ova...

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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dragi moj djecace ... to sto neki ljudi znaju da igraju ne znachi da je klasa kao klasa lol

svaka njima cast ali hunter je kao klasa sjeban ... dobro ne kao retri pala ili enhancement shaman ( i dalje lol od klase jebeno i retri pala moze da ga kajtuje sada sa 15% speed inc )

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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ja sam igrao arenu i prebc pvp sa alifie dok je jos bio na boulderfistu

taj lik igra tog huntera od kad postoji wow, bio i rank 14.

ne samo da sabija huntera nego je lik pravi pvp lider

na timspiku ne zatvara usta

prica non stop i svakom iz svog tima sta tacno da radi sve vreme i sta protivnici rade i menja taktiku u odnosu na njih itd

dakle kad je neko sposoban moze da igra i huntera u pvpu

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ja sam igrao arenu i prebc pvp sa alifie dok je jos bio na boulderfistu

taj lik igra tog huntera od kad postoji wow, bio i rank 14.

ne samo da sabija huntera nego je lik pravi pvp lider

na timspiku ne zatvara usta

prica non stop i svakom iz svog tima sta tacno da radi sve vreme i sta protivnici rade i menja taktiku u odnosu na njih itd

dakle kad je neko sposoban moze da igra i huntera u pvpu

da to je bilo vreme pre tbca gde su enhancement shamani sabijali pvp i gazili sve redom fire magovi bili imba i retribtuion paladini pravili imba dmg i healovali kao holy paladini ...

Tada je hunter jeo cloth a sve ostalo ga je drkalo po glavi .

Dakle ako je skilovan moze ... kao sto ja mogu retribution paladina ... to ne znachi da je to dobar spec , da igra warriora ili rogua ili frost maga pishao bi u oci sa tim skilom .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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