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Sad procitah mail koji mi je stigao 12 marta, da mi je SC Fansite uso u Blizzard RTS Fansite Program =)

First of all we would like to thank you all for the great work you have done with your site over the past weeks and months. We really appreciate all the work you have put to update your fansite to make it as good and popular as possible. As you surely know StarCraft II Beta has been launched three weeks ago and we are constantly looking for feedback from not only players who already are in, but also from the community members who closely follow the game.

In addition to that we would like you to help us and collect some feedback from your own gaming experience and your community. Starting next week we would like to invite you to submit your feedback every Wednesday in a form of short bullet points to RTSFansitesEU@blizzard.com with the tag [Fansite Feedback] in the subject line. This can be anything from ideas on graphics/sound, features you would like to see both in-game and on Battle.net, bugs noticed by players, to balance and overall impressions, please use attached document as a guideline to submitting your feedback. We are really looking forward to hearing your opinion!

Thank you for your continued support!

RTS Community Team

Blizzard Europe

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a idra flame-uje kad god izgubi na neki glup nacin, ili ga neko izlejmuje? :)

Ha! Odlichan je Idra igrach ali njegove replaye gledam iz samo jednog razloga:

[HD] SC2 Artosis vs IdrA TvP @ Metalopolis


Ajde shto je bad mannered u partijama gde ga random nubovi lejmerski sabiju ali ovakvo ponashanje u partiji protiv Artosisa koji je, ako je verovati TLnet-u, bio odskochna daska za Idru da postane "pro".

Sad but funny! [:D]

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Idra se racuna u jednog od najboljih US igraca ikada, a mislim da je trenutno najbolji toss US Servera (SC1)? Tako sam barem ja neshto skontao.Uz to je i jedan nevaspitani amerikanac. On i onaj Orb shto stalno vajnuje su posebna vrsta za gledanje ^^

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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Idra se racuna u jednog od najboljih US igraca ikada, a mislim da je trenutno najbolji toss US Servera (SC1)? Tako sam barem ja neshto skontao.Uz to je i jedan nevaspitani amerikanac. On i onaj Orb shto stalno vajnuje su posebna vrsta za gledanje ^^

Hahahha Orb, najvetji car medju streamerima. Koliko volim da gledam njegove partije, samo zbog njegovih komentara.

Juche je igrao oko 20h bez prestanka i u jednom trenutku je igrao, svirao gitaru i vajnovao u isto vreme. :))))

Shto se tiche Idre, kapiram da bi njega 98% sc igracha prebilo irl. Patetichan je, ali tako volim da ga gledam dok gubi i rejdzuje. [:D]

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upravo mi je pukla igra u sred partije :S

sve temperature su ok, samo je u jednom trenutku sve stalo (iako kad predjem misem preko zgrada/unita reaguje kao da mogu selekt, ali sve stoji), onda mi je rekao 'you were dropped' i onda onaj send/don't send win error


The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God — it's full of stars!

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