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ovo je IMBA film

matori Djuzepe sabija sabija sa rezijom

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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vantage point - zabavan film. fora sa više POV-ova je do jaja, a ni sam zaplet nije loš. jedino smara predugačka i dosadna jurnjava automobilima, inače film podseća na malo dužu epizodu dvajesčetvorke (which is good in my book).

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Au, sto se meni taj film nije dopao, strasno. Jos je gore kad krenes da razmisljas o zapletu majko mila, koja katastrofa. Sigurni Viver potpuno zabacena uloga. Cak mi ni patetika nije tesko pala koliko neprekidno vracanje na isti dogadjaj. Nisam video opravdanost takvog rediteljskog postupka.


nema vise zezanja


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takodje, ja sam se isto smorio kod vantage pointa, skroz mi je bezveze

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Gabriel - teshko sranje, zaobidjite (shtatro neka borba u chistilishtu izmedju andjela i djavola tone patetike i kao zaljubljivanja andjela i kresanja i gluposti mislim veze s mozgom nema)

CJ7 - definitivno najbolji dechji film koji sam gledala, ako hotjete da se odmorite od smakova sveta i ko je koga ubio



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hogfather, dvodelni tv film po istoimenom romanu terry pratchetta, sky produkcija...i iako ima odlichnih momenata (i nobby nobs je toliko ruzhan da lichi na boleta) nije najsretnija ekranizacija knjige...

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hogfather, dvodelni tv film po istoimenom romanu terry pratchetta, sky produkcija...i iako ima odlichnih momenata (i nobby nobs je toliko ruzhan da lichi na boleta) nije najsretnija ekranizacija knjige...

nisam citao knjigu pa mi je zbog toga mozda toliko funtastican

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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jedno pitanje.

film secret window, znam da je bila prica ranije da je film poor mans STA?!

to je pitanje...

Hmmm, možda Shininga?

Meni je SW fin filmić.

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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strasno koliko film moze biti dobar i pozitivan , film je vrh vrhova.

a Daniel je ,pa ostao sam zapanjen, jednostavno savrshen glumac, ne moze niko biti bolji.

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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strasno koliko film moze biti dobar i pozitivan , film je vrh vrhova.

a Daniel je ,pa ostao sam zapanjen, jednostavno savrshen glumac, ne moze niko biti bolji.

Da se nadovežem na komentar za Danijela, čovek je pokidao kako je odglumio u BiTće Krvi, šta god mislili o filmu. Scena kad ga prozivaju u crkvi je da se smrzneš.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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