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DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija

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Argh, sutra mi stiže običan Dijablo koji sam preorderovao preko GameS-a, a sad sam se čuo sa Computerlandom u vezi CE, dobijaju do 17-og i onda šalju. I sad ovaj običan ne smem da igram kad mi stigne jer ću da ga preprodam, plus moram da čekam vikend u najboljem slučaju za CE da stigne...

Teško je :(


Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Ja cu sutra posle posla natenane do prodavnice po svoju kopiju igrice i onda verovatno necu spavati puno narednih noci i vikenada, mada, mora da se radi, to je problem. Videcemo kako cemo!

"Odvajali se mi ili ne, mi smo vec odvojeni!" - Dj. Balasevic

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pocelo je moze da se instalira

Furthermore, once players can survive for a few seconds, it tends to force everyone to worry about defenses once again. Will resilience make enough of a difference? That is something we are discussing right now

I'd hug you but I can't do that while strangulated.

using a snare breaker and a purple costume doesn't prevent dps btw.

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zato kupish digitalnu verziju, instalirash i spreman si da cepash chim puste servere :D

ili sacekam da mi stigne postom sutradan ujutru...

taman kad ste vi sa digitalnim verzijama izvajnovali na blizzard forumu zbog preopterecenosti servera, ja se ulogujem na utaban teren :P

inace, stvarno ce biti problem uklopiti grindovanje u dan koji traje samo 24h! :(

Bjukenon Mitch

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ja sam uzeo samo sredu slobodnu... a za vikend nemam pojma sta cu i kako, al znam da cu na izborima da dopisem i zaokruzim Tyreal-a i napisem "Jebesh izbore i predsednika, izasao Diablo 3" :)

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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ma ja skidam instalaciju, pa sutra kad dodjem sa posla/pokupim diskove samo se ulogujem :D

kadar nevera, veceras guild wars 2 beta a od sutra overdouz diabla

*edit* mozda i nije loshe da se igra od sutra, veceras ce serveri da eksplodiraju

Edited by psy
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Instalira vec pola sata!

Furthermore, once players can survive for a few seconds, it tends to force everyone to worry about defenses once again. Will resilience make enough of a difference? That is something we are discussing right now

I'd hug you but I can't do that while strangulated.

using a snare breaker and a purple costume doesn't prevent dps btw.

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