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lol Dz, god hates U [roflmao]

pazi... smesno je zato sto je daleko...

reci da tako nesto krene ovde...


ok, evo dovoljno o liku/organizaciji svega :


I'm no fancy scientist, but from what i'm lead to believe the first strain of AIDS came from perverted negros raping monkeys in Africa. Now, I don't mean to sound racist here, and I have nothing against negros. But outside the Western World many of these freaks are nothing but wild animals. They put bones through their noses and dance around naked with chickens, smearing blood and excrement on their faces. They eat babies and sacrifice children to their false voodoo Gods. No wonder God gave them AIDS!

Africa is awash with Voodoo and occult religions that despise God. Even now in the 21st Century one child is ritually murdered a day through in African Voodoo (or Mootie murders). This is the sacrifice of babies for their bodily fluids, that are used by real-life Witch doctors in Satanic ceremonies. Many of their children have AIDS too, which just shows the high level of paedophilia going on there.

Just as he punished Satanists and perverts in Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from the skies and death, God sent AIDS to Africa as punishment for its open witchcraft and defiance of his Holy word. And God made damn sure AIDS wiped out the men, women and children of that evil and perverted Country. GOD HATES AFRICA!

have no sphere, ipak je strogo za smejanje [^]

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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Shta oni misle da gotichari idu okolo i bodu malu decu nozhevima?

ma smej se bre zheno, shta ta gomila budala mozhe osim da se izblamira... i najverovatnije popushi batine zbog onog

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da, najbolje da ce goticari da prebiju nekog. pre ce biti obrnuto.

ja ne vidim ovde nista chudno... mislim goticari idu s majcama i natpisima "anti-god" "anti-kurac-palac" itd.... samo je bilo pitanje vremena kad ce neko da udari kontru.

ma gde to pishe ja nikad nisam videla takvu majcu



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pa ja sam video takve majice... i uopste vidjao sam da je vecina gothichara (uglavnom klinci ispod 18 godina) nastrojena anti.... jebiga, anti sve... bukvalno kao iz sautparka "life is pain, life is sorrow" itd... mrzi me da objasnjavam.

to su emo klinci.. not the same [:D]

@topic... pa sta jbg... glupih sajtova ima kolko oces

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Stil oblachenja je bzv skroz.... ne ide mi u glavu to silno crnilo, kao da im svaki dan neko od rodbine umire, mada nisam ja neko da sudim, nek nose shta im se nosi....

al' veoma je glupo misliti da si pposebna osoba na celom svetu, i da te niko ne razume :P

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