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ja = retard :D


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poz ljudi.

da predjem odma` na stvar, izgleda da ce moj acc biti banovan :)

here`s teh deal:

moj drug koji se "bavi" kardingom (kradjom kartica putem interneta :D) mi je preporuchio da ja

njemu dam 500 din a da on meni plati 1 mesechnu wow pretplatu. Ipak .... 1200>500 pa sam pomislio shto da ne. Dao sam mu acc info i on je platio (lol) American Xpress karticom. LOL

znachi ja = srbin, kartica = amerika :D

hmm malo sumnjivo :D

nvm dobio sam mail od blizza koji mogu posle da postujem ako treba. malo je duzi :)

ja sam im odgovorio krajnje ljubazno i sad chekam odgovor.

na acc-u mi pishe ovo:


This account has been frozen and cannot be used for playing. Please add a payment below to reactivate this account.

kad probam da ubacim payment:

Greetings! The ability to add a payment has been turned off on this account. This could be due to a payment issue that is being investigated or to a permanent closure of this account (check your account status).

hmm dal je neko imao slichna iskustva ili mozda ista ?

pitam se da li da spammujem blizz ili da pokushavam dok mi ne odg. shta ce biti sa accom.

ili da spremam pare za novi ? :D



Edited by deGrasso
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Pa... ako nista drugo, naucices jednu vaznu zivotnu lekciju, i vratices se "normalnom" zivotu :D

Moja iskustva sa blizzom oko bilo kakvih slicnih stvari su krajnje negativna, ne znam sta si im odgovorio? Konkretno, kada me je kinez hakovao morao sam da platim da mi vrate iteme da bi "se odrzao balans ekonomije servera" a zatim su me zbog toga i onako usput banovali, cisto radi reda, i trebalo im je 10 dana da vrate acc...

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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pazi moj problem , uplata na vizu internet nije proshla (jer treba 24sata da prodje ) i ja retard zovem blizz da vidim sta nije u redu i zasto nece da prihvate moje novce ... i oni kao " sorry bla bla bla , ill put 3 days on ur acc so u can play our game untill we investigate the problem " ja " wooo thanks very much " i sutradan uplatim bez problema jer su pare legle :PPP i imo sam 33 dana za igranje

(ocu da kazem da nisam tako loshe prosho sa blizardovim "problemima " lol )

Edited by marko_nsw

.......O Pepelguzi ovo bila je balada

Ka*ala se dok je bila mlada.

Sad je nesto ostarila, u plucima je gusi

ali svome princu jos presrecna pusi.

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Ispricaj svoju pricu novinarima kurira, dobices veci publicitet nego ovde, a plus ces biti proglasen za srpskog hakera (tj ti i tvoj h44xz00r drug)

Plus proveri kakav ti je to ortak koji ti trazi 500 dinara za nesto sto ga kosta 0.

Na kraju ces zakljuciti da je najbolje da si otisao na piratski RP servzoor.

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Prva - nije lepo krasti i zločin se ne isplati.

Druga - kad ne

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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Opasno si se sjebao.

Nema tu pomoci.

Ban ko vrata i pozdravi se sa Acc.

Nego imam resenje za tebe.

Prodajem neotpakovani TBC Collector Edition+osnovni WOW ACC sa 2 lika za tricavih 5000,00 dinara.

Ovo ti je poslednji voz da dobijes u paketu sve za 5000,00 dinara. Ejjj

5000,00 dinara. Kontaktiraj me na PM, ako si zainteresovan.

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da :(

lol zar nije tbc collectors edition 100eura ?

Majstore. Imas srece sto sam dobar pa dajem za ovu cenu.

Stariji sam igrac i zasitio sam se WOWa. Jeste 100 eura TBC CE, ali ja prodajem sve za 5000 din.

Imam 2 lika. Dwarf Tesladin 60 i Orc Shamy 53. Malo ih jos izlevelujes i eto tebe na 70 ocas posla.

Jos su i jedan i drugi u do jaja guildama, i eto... Sreci nema kraja.

Dajem ti rok jos 24 sata i posle idu na policu kao jedna lepa uspomena.

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Kada prvi put uradish tako neshto, kao shto je platjanje laznom kreditnom, frozuju ti account i posle par nedelja mozda i mesec dana spamovanja tje ti retji da si dobio "zuti karton" shto mu dodje sledetje: vratitje ti account ali tjesh motji da platjash samo gamecard-ovima, ne i kreditnom - ukinutje tu opciju na tvom accountu.

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here`s teh final answer :D


Thank you for your e-mail. The problem which occurred was due to your account having a country registered which is different from the country where the credit card is issued. This issue has now been resolved and with your explanation in mind we will be able to allow further credit card payments on the account.

However, as we did not receive a reply to our first email regarding this issue, we were unfortunately forced to manually cancel the earlier payment attempt. When a payment is cancelled the fee is automatically returned to the credit card holder's bank account within a few days.

If you wish to reactivate your account, please log in to the account management page and setup a new subscription. Please note that you will not have been charged twice as the previous payment attempt was cancelled.

If you have any further questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us again.

sve je resheno..... znachi ko shto neko reche (ili ne ?)... dont fuck with blizz :D

sad cu da se smirim ... :)

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