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Juhuu nova vest!

Iako indijana dzhons pochinje sa snimanjem za 2 meseca debeli George i dalje pokusava da podmiti matorog Konerija da prihvati ulogu dr. henri dzhonsa, starijeg. Ko bi rekao da ce od svih ljudi koneri biti taj koji ce uvideti apsurdnost stavljanja matorog choveka u akcioni film =o)

Znachi - Shon Koneri josh uvek nije potpisao da bude u 4. indiju! way to go mr. bond.

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Jebo spajdija, ovo je mamara


03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Brus je najjaci lik. Niko ne moze da spasi svet kao on i svako ko spashava svet a nije on izgleda potpuno bledo u poredjenju sa njim! [:)]

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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da ne bih morao da brishem/splitujem postove u "gayevi drkaju na brusa" topic, evo josh malo indy4 vesti...

Indy at 60: No Problem

Suspense, not speed, says Lucas.

April 5, 2007 - Can Harrison Ford, who's in his 60s now, still handle Indiana Jones? The upcoming fourth film in the series will be as action-packed as expected, producer George Lucas recently confirmed to USA Today. However, he doesn't think Ford will have trouble keeping up. The key lies in how the action is done.

Lucas explained: "[indy's] not running in any of the movies. He's either on a horse or driving a car or a motorcycle. And he'll play his age in this movie with what's appropriate. The chases are more suspenseful than speedy. Like the rolling ball in the first film — it's not that he's running that fast, it's that there's a giant ball coming at him.

"And he will get beat up, which is a tradition for us."

So expect thrills and suspense from Indiana Jones IV, but don't expect Harrison Ford to be jumping off too many buildings or escaping on foot from villains with machine guns.

Lucas also commented on the casting of Cate Blanchett. As it turns out, she wasn't Lucas's choice, but rather someone that Steven Spielberg, who's directing the film, insisted on bringing aboard. "That's who my director wanted, and I always bow to the wishes of my director. I approved it because she seemed like a good idea."

If Lucas keeps trusting Spielberg's judgment, the film should be in good hands.

Lucas also says that, in the manner of secrecy he's become known for, the title of the last Indy flick will be kept under wraps until the first trailer hits theaters -- that should be later this year, around Thanksgiving.

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AVANTURA Tomu Henksu je ponuđen milionski ugovor za nastavak filma „Da Vinčijev kod". Ako oskarovac prihvati ponudu, društvo će mu na velikom ekranu praviti supermodel Žizel Bundšen („Đavo nosi Pradu"). Radnja nastavka počinje godinu dana pre nego što je glavni junak otkrio tajno versko društvo. Uglednog kriptologa put vodi u Švajcarsku, gde upoznaje naučnicu Vitoriu Vetru s kojom kreće tragom iluminata. Snimanje će početi ovog leta, a premijera se očekuje u sezoni proleće-leto 2008.


negde sam prochitala da je ovo u stvari ekranizacija druge Brown-ove knjige andjeli i demoni..

Edited by MaRuShKa
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$217,536,138 US gross

nije to losh prolazak, sa tom cifrom u vidu (tj jedno 2.5x toliko je worldwide najcheshtje) je hanks trazhio tih 100 miliona koje ce mu i dati za nastavak tj prequel =o)

realno kad je produkcija jeftina, nema CGI ludila, a on nosi ceo film...mozhe mu se

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Neke svetinje se NE diraju.

Dakle renton bezi, ali spiska pare, a begbi ga nadje i prebije, ali rese da opet se malo drogiraju (tj begbi da pije) dok spud i dalje trazi posao.


You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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umm jesi linkovao pravi film?

mislish da ce neko kod nas SADA doneti u bioskope film iz septembra prosle godine? ono, gotivim ja parker posey samo tako + ko ne voli jefa goldbluma nema dushu, ali opet ne kapiram sta si teo da kazhesh...


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problem je u elementarnom nepoznavanju mene, sto dovodi do rechenica "da, da gledacesh to 4x u bioskopu" i "ne mozhesh da dochekash da dodje film sa xyz personom"...and that makes me feel melancholic..

uglavnom nakon ovosubotnjeg SNLa sad i ja znam ko je Sendzhaja, u to ime:

Whitaker, Grant and Knightley To Perform on 'American Idol'

Actors Forest Whitaker, Hugh Grant and Keira Knightley have signed up to perform on a special charity edition of hit TV talent show, American Idol. They will be joined by Daniel Radcliffe, Helena Bonham Carter and Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher on American Idol Gives Back, a one-off program to raise money for children in Africa and those whose lives were severely affected by 2005's Hurricane Katrina. Some celebrities will take to the stage alongside pop singers such as Gwen Stefani and Pink, while others will use their popularity to encourage viewers to donate funds to the charities. A source says, "It's great to have such a strong array of A-list stars. We are getting a chance to expose a young audience to global issues." The show will be broadcast live later this week.

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