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Ovde je bruka koliko postera i reklama Transformersa + u bioskopu gde je sutra premijera prave dekoracije ala "Cybertron"!

[geek power mode]

Josh kad sam video majce na ribajzlama - Megatron na levoj sisi (ispod njega na ruskom "Уничтожить"), a Optimus na desnoj - "Защищать" [:p]

[/geek power mode]

А в чем сила, брат?

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josh jedan ponedeljak...josh jedna BO lista

naravno Transformersi su pwnovali sve zhivo posto su pocheli da se prikazuju josh od utorka tako da su do nedelje uzeli 152 miliona (67 preko vikenda)

ratatui uzeo 29 za bikend i sad je na 109

dh4.0 17.4, sad je na 84, zaklashe ga TF i ratatui strahota

sledeceg vikenda ZOMFG sad i opet hari ploter! ali zato izlazi i par non blockvbuster filmova koje valja gledati, na prvom mestu rescuie dawn sa c.baleom, ondak interview sa i od stiva bushemija...poslednji je captivity, wanabe blokbaster sa elishom katbert...nuff said ;o)

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uuuuu, captivity, to bih gledao bas, deluje dobro i zabavno!

Nego, jel postoji neko mesto na netu, sajt, torrent, news, koji kachi nove filmove ali samo ako su DVD rip ili bas dobar kvalitetet? mozda trazim previse, ali eto. Mogu i da kasne filmovi, ali kad se pojave da sam siguran da su dobre kopije?

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Transformersi zasluzuju da obore Spajdija, ali moze da ih sjebe Harry Pi... Kapiram da je i Harry Potter mnogo bolji od Spajdija, tako da cu i za njega navijati ako Autoboti i Deceticoni ne budu imali dovoljno Energona da skinu pauka s vrha.

Inache na premijeri Transformersa sam video trejler za Stardust koji mi izgleda jako interesantno zato shto igraju cool glumci.

А в чем сила, брат?

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dada pisao sam o tome pre x strana, pre shreka 3. je ishao trejler...chim sam video trejler skinuo sam knjigu (niel gaiman je u pitanju) i naravno ostavio je u dl folderu da trune =o))

sto se tiche stizanja pajdomana 3 (koji je trenutno na 334mill) mislim da ce to biti jako tesko bilo kom filmu koji izlazi ovog leta, jer bukvalno svake nedelje dolaze novi (1-3 komada) jaki filmovi koji im uniste drugu i trecu nedelju, TF ima ok perspektivu, ali prve nedelje ide na hari plotera (mada diskutabilno je da TF gledaju i matori i mladi i deca a harija mahom deca koja cimaju roditelje da ih vode u bioskop =o)) onda nedelju dana posle toga simpsonsi (token horror film za tu nedelju je skinwalkers, mmmm rhona...) pa onda novi bourne i 7 dana kasnije stardust i rush hour 3 (dont ask =o))


forum se retardira masivno

sretjom nisam bio zatovrio stranu iz koje sam pisao ovaj post iznad pa sam ishao back pa repostovao...jede postove drugari a vi vid'te zasto...

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ili ne?

DVDRip > DVDScr > R5 > TC etc...

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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odgledah polusatni making of petog hari plotera, deluje simpatichno, pogotovo devojchica koju su uzeli ne da glumi nego da bude luna lovegood, znachi devojka je stvarno odlepila =o))

funily enough feature nije imao ni sekund ofscreen priche sa alanom rikmanom, sramota!

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hmmmm...netje da mi pusta tejler iako imam intaliran qt....majkuimloposkuappleovsku

za jj-a znam da pochetkom 2008 kretje da rezhira novi ST film ali cloverfield sta je dunno...

imash li neku drugu/dl lokaciju za trejler srbo ?

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evo nadjoh ovo kao objashnjenje

1-18-08: The Plot Thickens

Abrams denies link to viral sites.

The "Cloverfield" rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper. Several days ago, we told you about a couple of newly discovered alternate reality game websites that appeared to be part of a viral marketing campaign promoting the mysterious sci-fi film. Now, "Cloverfield" producer J.J. Abrams has gone on record denying any connection to the sites.

Abrams tells Ain't It Cool News, "Yeah, we're doing some fun stuff on the web. But, obviously, if the movie doesn't kick some massive ASS, who gives a rat's about what's online? So as you can imagine, we're focusing mostly on THAT. For what it's worth, the only site of ours that people have even FOUND is the 1-18-08.com site. The others [like the Ethan Haas sites] have nothing to do with us."

Is he being truthful? In retrospect, the only thing we're aware of that connects the viral websites to "Cloverfield" is that Paramount, the studio behind Abrams' film, requested the removal of the Ethan Haas in-game movies from YouTube -- per a notice posted on the video hosting site when they were taken down. And while that's a pretty strong link, it isn't a sure thing. It's not clear, at least to us, where the initial assumption linking the sites and the movie was made, but the news was propagated unchecked all over the internet. That said, we think the existing links are concrete enough and we're gonna go ahead and call B.S. on Mr. Abrams' latest comments. This guy is the gamemaster, and he's just adding another level of intrigue to the whole affair and/or trying to momentarily throw everyone off the scent since we'll have to wait until August 1st for new material -- that's when the final video from "Van" says to expect an update.

And what about the other sites that Abrams hints at in his message? Well, we found this one today: www.slusho.jp. Slusho is a drink mentioned in Abrams' Alias, and it's the current production codename of "Cloverfield." Also, one of the characters (played by Mike Vogel) can be seen in the trailer wearing a Slusho t-shirt with the same logo that's found on the site linked above. We're pretty sure they just put up the site as a goof, though we suppose it's possible there's a hidden clue somewhere. But what we really want to know is where we can get one of those sweet Slusho t-shirts!

- www.slusho.jp

Fans have also discovered a plethora of fake websites that pretend to be linked to the real game, but the Slusho site is the only other legitimate one we've found so far.

The Untitled J.J. Abrams Project hits theaters on January 18, 2008. The movie, from director Matt Reeves, stars Michael Stahl-David, Odet Jasmin, Mike Vogel, and Lizzy Kaplan.

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To, sad kao pravimo misteriju, hajde da se ljudi muče i kopaju za info, nećemo ni ime objaviti, a scene ćemo poređati tako da je potpuno nemoguće da se išta zaključi - to je odličan marketinški potez!

Nek se nose, ovakvi postupci me vređaju kao gledaoca, neću ga gledati pa makar bio i dobar (a neće biti).

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To, sad kao pravimo misteriju, hajde da se ljudi muče i kopaju za info, nećemo ni ime objaviti, a scene ćemo poređati tako da je potpuno nemoguće da se išta zaključi - to je odličan marketinški potez!

Nek se nose, ovakvi postupci me vređaju kao gledaoca, neću ga gledati pa makar bio i dobar (a neće biti).

S obzirom da si u debeloj manjini, viralnog marketinga ce sigurno biti josh mnogo, mnogo.

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nije prosla, i nece u sledecih mesec dana sigurno

sto se tiche weekly BO reporta - klasika

Hp5 - 77 mill za vikend, 140 total (jer se prikazivao od srede)

TF oma iza - 36 za vikend + ono preko nedelje = 222mill total

ratatui - 143 i DH4 103 za 3 nedleje prikazivanja oba filma

mada, interesantno da je totalna zarada za prosli vikend bila ogromna - preko 155mill za prvih 10 filmva...prosli mesec dana iako je bilo blockbustera nikad kumulativna zarada nije isla toliko preko 100

old geezahs su zaradili to sto su zaradili...netje josh 2-3 mill za sledecih mesec dana sigurno

spajdi 3 - 334.4 - netje josh mnogo, bilo je 333 prosle nedelje =o)

shrek 3 - 318

pirati 3 - 304.4

tokom ove nedleje rilisuju se

Hairspray - treavolta ponovo pleshe - omg! =o)

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry - jessica biel u komediji sa adamom sandlerom

Sunshine - film koji je bio kod nas u bioskopima i pre toga na torentima pre jedno 2,5 meseca

Mandy Lane - obavezni horor of the week - znamo ko ce se tome radovati =o)))


Goya's Ghosts - novi film milosa formana, sa kickass glumachkom postavom

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