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Nije mi jasno nekoliko stvari - pored Spajdermena, Pirata 3, Transformersa i Die Hard 4, shta traze sledeci filmovi - Shrek 3, Fantastic 4 II, The Bourne Ultimatum, AVP 2, Resident Evil: Extinction itd.

Uh, zaboravio sam josh i novog Harry Pottera [:0]

Ludilo [:D]

А в чем сила, брат?

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Born 2 je meni bio dobar, valjda trica nece da razochara

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Bourne filmovi su odlichni, no to nije poenta =o)

da sad ne gubim vreme prelistavajuci sve filmove koji ce izaci u sledecih 4 meseca (uradicu to nekom drugom prilikom)...ima ih mnogo, ali njihov kvalitet nema veze sa zaradom koliko marketing i mnogo bitnije availability - tj kako distributeri zakupe bioskope

takodje stija je 200% u pravu

svi ti 'dechiji' filmovi odnosno filmovi zamaskirani u "tata, tata aj me vodi opet da gledam crtani sa blago vulgarnim i prizemnim forama za odrasle koje ne kapiram jer su bazirane u aktuelnim dogadjajima koje ne preatim, al sve mi tako lepo izgleda, a ti morash da platish opet karte i za mene i za sebe..." prolaze odlichno na boxofficeu bash zato sto deca cimaju odrasle da idu vishe puta u bioskop i placaju kartu vishe puta... =o))

ima josh 3-4 cgi (ili beshe samo 2 cgi i 2 konvencionalno animiran) filma ove sezone btw...i tu nisam rachunao simpsone btw =o))

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George Lucas has joined the major newspaper critics in their negative appraisal of Spider-Man 3. In an interview with FoxNews.com's Roger Friedman, Lucas said, "It's a silly movie. ... There just isn't much there. Once you take it all apart, there's not much story, is there?" Over the weekend, Spider-Man 3 surged ahead of Lucas's Star Wars' episode Revenge of the Sith to take the record for the biggest weekend box-office record. Star Wars was also criticized as being "silly," Lucas noted. "But it wasn't." He also disclosed that he is working on at least two other Star Wars movies for television. "But they won't have members of the Skywalker family as characters. They will be other people of that milieu."

Pozdrav Koletu.


nema vise zezanja


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ne kapiram bole

za tv filmove i tv seriju koja pochinje za koju godinu vetj znamo, ja samo chekam da najavi trecu trilogiju...


roses are red

vilets are blue

and george lucas is a greedy fat bastard

!!!!! http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0087225/ !!!!!

a za njegove komentare za sPajdomana i relation sa SW samo cu citirati kolegu stijovica i reci



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Ah izvini, nisam znao za ova dva tv filma. Znao sam da ce raditi za tv, ali sam mislio da ce da napravi seriju. A za Spajdoa mi je najlegendarnija recenica: I za SW su rekli da je film neozbiljan. Ali to nije tacno - ahahahaha, dobra, doooobra.


nema vise zezanja


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Bruckheimer Considers More 'Pirates' Films

Movie mogul Jerry Bruckheimer is planning further Pirates Of The Caribbean sequels, although they may not star Johnny Depp. The third film in the trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, is to be released later this month, and Bruckheimer is already considering the idea of spin-off movies. He tells Australian newspaper The Herald Sun, "This is the end (of the trilogy), but whether one of the characters or a couple of the characters continue on, it's a possibility. Certainly, in a moment at the end of the film there is a hope that something else might happen". Pirates Of The Caribbean regular Geoffrey Rush believes another sequel is likely, although they might not necessarily star Depp. He adds, "Inevitably they may think about it, but Johnny may say, 'Pah, I've burnt out Jack. I couldn't go there again.' Or he may not. I certainly know he wouldn't say 'Hey, treble my fee and I'll do it.'"


terminator T4 = 2009te, bez arnija

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ma zna se da je ova bulja od choveka sto je novi dzhon konor vec potpisala za josh 3 filma nego nisu pre imali timeframe za prvi film...

arni ima opciju da se pojavi u bilo kom od tih filmova ali ne mora...i u prvom ga nece biti..

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samo ne znam o cemu mogu da prave nove spajdi filmove... mislim najvece negativce su vec iskoristili(ubili) goblina, dr oc, venoma.

sta im jos ostaje? vulture? kraven the hunter? i eventualno clone saga...

ja dojaja cekam pirate i f4 2

nesto sam cuo da i avangersi treba da izadju?

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Da li se secate filma 28 dana kasnije?

Evo malog podsecanja:


Sada kada ste se podsetili dozvolite mi da Vam predstavim nastavak tog fllma koji nosi naziv 28 nedelja kasnije.....

I u kome sve ponovo pochinje iz pochetka....


Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo

Starring: Robert Carlyle, Rose Byrne, Jeremy Renner, Harold Perrineau, Catherine McCormack, Imogen Poots, Idris Elba, Mackintosh Muggleton

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Plot Summary: Six months after the rage virus has annihilated the British Isles, the US Army declares that the war against infection has been won, and that the reconstruction of the country can begin. In the first wave of returning refugees, a family is reunited -- but one of them unwittingly carries a terrible secret. The virus is not yet dead, and this time, it is more dangerous than ever.

Official Website: 28 Weeks Later

Trailer: 28 Weeks Later

IMDB: 28 Weeks Later

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a sada nešto što nije bilo već i u sitiju:

Guy Ritchie is returning to the genre in which he made his name, coming aboard to helm a caper movie titled “RocknRolla.” It is being produced by Joel Silver’s Dark Castle Entertainment.

“RocknRolla,” which Ritchie wrote, is in the same vein as the filmmaker’s “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” and “Snatch” movies: ensemble British gangsters flicks.

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A pocela je malo da smara serija pri kraju...koja ce biti zadnja epizoda, da znam kad da pobrishem poshto zauzima dosta mesta :).

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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i tako pochinje...

krkljanac koji ce ovog leta da nastane na americhkom (a verovatno i svetskom) boxofficeu zappocheo je ovog vikenda kada je Shrek 3 masakrirao spajdermena 3...iako je shrek izashao u 200 bioskopa manje nego pajdoman zgrnuo je 4.5 vishe od konkurencije

spajdi je za 3 nedelje zaradio preko 280 milioa na americhkom trzhistu chime je otplacen troshak filma...globalno sigurno su nagruvali josh toliko i isplatili i reklame...sad sta zarade preko toga to im je chist tjeif =o))

uglavnom bice mega interesantno posmatrati kako se megahitovi kolju ove godine, jer shrek nece dugo ostati bez konkurencije, pirati 3 izlaze vec ovog vikenda...

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Mislim da ce transformersi sve da zgaze, mada ko zna. Pirati su isto jaki, a krecu ove nedelje, tako da cemo u sledeci ponedeljak znati kako su proshli. Die Hard 4 ce takodje da pwnuje box office samo zato shto je tamo Brus koji govori svoje "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker" [:D]

BTW, josh jedan film koji chekam ovog leta: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0424823/ [:D]

А в чем сила, брат?

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mislim da ovog leta nece biti toliko bitan opening vikend nego sposobnost da se ostane duzhe u bioskopima

jer skoro svake nedelje bukvalno dolazi novi blokbaster i onaj koo se odrzhi duzhe vremena ce da ulovi kesh, jer ne mozhe da se zhivi na prvom vikendu samo (a globalni releaseovi su u stvari jedina stvar koju za sada ovi rade protiv piraterije koja im umanjuje brojeve...ne znam koliko je to efektivno =o))

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