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moja devojka grize da dobije mache samo sto smo mi iz ns-a :((

razvozim i do ns-a,nije frka :) taman krenem do bataje,pa do banovaca kod drugarice i onda do ns-a starim putem :)

step in my transporter , so I can teleport ya,all around my heavenly body..

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tri sata jugom.

svaka cast, kojim to? :)

A mozhe i city expressom da se posalje. Samo pozurite sto pre, cisto dok ne poraste, vise se placa kad je tezhi paket.

zvao sam ih prosle nedelje, hteo da posaljem nesto u bg, ladno nisu dosli, lol, a sve podatke uredno ostavio

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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svaka cast, kojim to? :)

zvao sam ih prosle nedelje, hteo da posaljem nesto u bg, ladno nisu dosli, lol, a sve podatke uredno ostavio

Njima moras da sedis na kicmi da bi nesto zavrsili kako treba.

Ne znam, meni dolaze u roku od pola sata uvek, a trebalo mi je bar 20 puta neshto da shaljem. City Express naravno, a ne Post Express.

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my name is luka ?

My name is Luka

I live on the second floor

I live upstairs from you

Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night

Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight

Just don't ask me what it was

Just don't ask me what it was

Just don't ask me what it was

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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