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The Armory: Character Profiles, Arena Ladders...


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Blizzard is proud to unveil the beta test stage of the World of Warcraft Armory, the next big step in the evolution of the official European World of Warcraft website. Located at http://armory.wow-europe.com, this beta version of our new dynamic site offers some brand-new features using information taken directly from the World of Warcraft game database:

* Character Profiles: View the equipment, stats, skills, reputation, and talent build of every character above level ten with the in-depth Character Profiles. You can check out your own characters, or check out those of your friends and guild mates

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ovo je mnogo bolesna stvar !

Najzadmogu da inspectujem likove iz nihiluma dnta i ostalih jebachkih guildi .

Ovo je stvarno predobro .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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reci koja je to databaza. znaci oni sve podatke koje imaju izbacuju na net!

e dal ces moci da vidis banke i bagove?

Pa relano ovo resava veliki problem pri proveri nekog kad je u pitanju recrutiment... opet, za sto nekom smeta da vidi kakave iteme ima, kad je ta opcija prisutna u igri od pocetka?

Jedino sto je sad gadno sporo, jedva ti nekog ucita... al to je valjda zbog navale :P

sex, drugs and bio food!

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an error has occurred

an error has occurred

an error has occurred

an error has occurred

an error has occurred

It seems like the character you are trying to view hasn't been active for a while. Since the Armory only tracks active characters, this character needs to have been active recently for detailed character data to show up.

It seems like the character you are trying to view hasn't been active for a while. Since the Armory only tracks active characters, this character needs to have been active recently for detailed character data to show up.

It seems like the character you are trying to view hasn't been active for a while. Since the Armory only tracks active characters, this character needs to have been active recently for detailed character data to show up.

toliko o armory-ju :p

*ne mogu da editujem svoje postove iz meni ne poznatog razloga*

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ma slackujem iz vishe razloga

Prvi razlog je sto ne igram puno zgob faxa a puno troshim kada raidujem .

Drugo tu opremu sto si video je spell dmg / aoe grinding oprema ... pravu opremu nisam gemovao i stoji mi u banci ( timevarder legs i neki random epix loot imam spremne meta gemove itd ) .

Trece nisam tanking speced pro za pve mi je healing pa tek onda tank . ( iako sam tankovao karazahan ) .

Cetvrto : kada budem gemovao gemovacu najboljim gemovima a cene gemova su bezobrazno skupe na ovom serveru .

reci mi kako ide tvoj nick .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Firefox mi svakih 15-ak sekundi staje ( not responding ) i opet radi i sve tako dok je armory otvoren ali jebi ga , ipak je beta , mnogo erora i to ali bice valjda bolje . . . cini mi se da ce ctprofiles i allakhazam profiles nestati skroz :) .

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


â–² â–²

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Btw vi nevernici sa firefoxom ubijte se ... jedino je opera tr00 ;)

inache ako budes hteo da se transferujes treba nam josh jedan pala pa me samo cimni na mob danas / sutra .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Cudno onda da na sajtu pise da je optimizovano za firefox.

Sajt radi manje vise perfektno.

Sad konacno mozemo inspektovati 1337 gospodu i videti kolko lazu u stvari :)

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Hh sada vishe ne mogu kriti svoje devichanstvo ... neeeee prokletnici iz blizarda .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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generalno, juris righteous set, i osim njega sve sto i warriori, sa izuzetkom pa itema, kao sto je npr ovaj ring.

mene nervira to sto sam vec na pola exalted sa keepers of time i honor hold, a nisam NI JEDNOM video NIJEDAN righteous drop... [b)][b)][xx(][xx(]

Edited by L'Italiano
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@LOWRENCE nemam na sebi trenutno tanking opremu jer healujem / tankujem po potrebi cega i gde nedostaje . Mada imam 4 dela righteousa ali nosim samo 2 dela ( glavu i shoulder ) ... imam gloves i chest ... gloves je ocajan u odnosu na bold koji ima sockete jedini dungeon set koji ima sockete na gloves tako da cu da ih ninjaujem jednom prilikom i chest je onako ... meeeh . Imam 3 vrste tanking opreme .

Prva tanking oprema je cista dmg mitigation oprema gde nerfujem int i spirit

Druga je aoe tanking oprema gde buffujem samo block

Treca je agro tanking oprema gde buffujem spell dmg kroz ceo righteous set ... to koristim uglavnom na 5 man trashu . Ovu za aoe tank dok grindujem i dmg mitigation na bosovima .

Ono opremy cu tek da razvijam ... imam par karazhan itema koji su josh uvek ne enchantovani slackujem pa ne igram puno ~~

@L'Italiano pogledaj more reputacije ;)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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@LOWRENCE nemam na sebi trenutno tanking opremu jer healujem / tankujem po potrebi cega i gde nedostaje . Mada imam 4 dela righteousa ali nosim samo 2 dela ( glavu i shoulder ) ... imam gloves i chest ... gloves je ocajan u odnosu na bold koji ima sockete jedini dungeon set koji ima sockete na gloves tako da cu da ih ninjaujem jednom prilikom i chest je onako ... meeeh . Imam 3 vrste tanking opreme .

Prva tanking oprema je cista dmg mitigation oprema gde nerfujem int i spirit

Druga je aoe tanking oprema gde buffujem samo block

Treca je agro tanking oprema gde buffujem spell dmg kroz ceo righteous set ... to koristim uglavnom na 5 man trashu . Ovu za aoe tank dok grindujem i dmg mitigation na bosovima .

Ono opremy cu tek da razvijam ... imam par karazhan itema koji su josh uvek ne enchantovani slackujem pa ne igram puno ~~

@L'Italiano pogledaj more reputacije ;)

Hvala za iscrpan info, bio sam te nasao odmah ali sam video Holy specc i healing gear pa sam mislio da sam napravio gresku u koracima... Jos mi samo reci da sve ovo gore navedeno radis sa Holy specom i eto meni srece i veselja... Nemoj mi reci da dajes gold na respec stalno... please [:D] Sto se tice mog tankadina, jos je u vrlo ranoj fazi, atm me mrzi da lvlujem jer je lvling 1-58 toliko smorio da zelim malo da se opustim, igram AV, Ramparts, BF, kad dodjem blizu 70 znam sta mi je ciniti, hvala [:D]

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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Offtankovao sam par puta trash u karazanu sa holy specom i islo je super zaista ... sve ti zavisi od tvoje zelje opreme skila i prihvacenosti u guildu ...

Za ozbiljniji tanking bosova treba ti 31 poen u protection ostalo mozes u holy .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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OPA ... PETNICA A ... IDES DA JEBES NEKE STREBERKE ;) ... have fun jedna moja ortakinja je tamo izgubila nevinost .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ja sam bre upao sa mnogo dobrim devojkama (prijateljski smisao), ali nema ni jedne lepe ''bote. Prvo sam se nervirao, ali realno gledano nisam zbog toga dosao u Petnicu.

btw postovacu slike najverovatnije u novom topicu u klejbu ili u forumasima, videcu, pa cete da vidite o cemu pricam

armory toliko baguje. sad ne znam da li je zbog linuxa u petnici ili je zbog bete?


SCION IS BACK! ajd malo reci odakle ti ideja da promenis nick u onog ayreona? jel to onaj neki gothic pevac kolko sam video na netu ili nesto drugo

Edited by 47@mission
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