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WoW Security Dongle Planned?


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Preuzeto sa http://www.worldofwar.net

This evening Blizzard sent out an email to WoW subscribers which encouraged them to take part in a general survey. While there were the usual questions such as what systems to you own, how many hours you play etc, there was something really interesting.

There were a series of questions concerning WoW account security and it appears Blizzard ate toying with the idea of implementing some sort of 'dongle' which could be applied via a USB port and when plugged in gives you access to your account. I took note of the questions from the survey and it is an interesting development. Personally I think this is a great idea if it protects users from keyloggers and trojans. If you received the email make sure you go through the survey and post your thoughts on this. The questions regarding security are as follows:

Additional security systems:

Blizzard is considering implementing a voluntary security system for World of Warcraft. This system would generate passwords that you could use only one time. Because your password would constantly change, your account would be more secure. If a system of this type were to be -implemented, how interested would you be in using it?

* Disconnected Token. A disconnected token is a physical object that will fit on your keyring or in your pocket. Questions regarding security systems Blizzard have been looking at:

* It has an LCD screen and a button or keypad. When you press the button or keypad, it will display the password on the LCD screen. It runs on batteries that will last for years. For security reasons, the batteries can

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ja se divim likovima koji igraju u igraonici bez straha za svoje naloge...pogotovo oni ludi grci koje jebe net pa imaju akcije sa pretrchavanjem u drugu igraonicu usred raida =o)) ono, da ide taj dongle sa igrom u kutiji pa da chovek igra opusteno sa svojim key-em kao ajde, bilo sta drugo smor je...a i ne treba igrati u igraonici realno =o)

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pa da znash, ionako imam svoju imba TBC key-pantljiku sa gamecona (hva-la-ti-va-so!) taj usb key bi bash lepo lego na istu =oP

Da sam znao da ce biti toliki hit ja bih pokupio jedno 30 komada od one ljubazne deve koja radi kao PR i onda ih prodavao za recimo 5 evra i zaradio pare ;) ili 10 evra, sto da ne :)

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Vasina pricha je bila da je moljakao lika 10 min da mu da pantljiku bez da igra wow =o)) jer kao pantljiku dobiju ljudi tek nakon sto probaju tbc (a red za isti onakav kakav je jelte bio =o)), a kad je trazhio vishe od jedne ovaj mu se samo nasmejao =o))

a da si mogao da uzmesh 10e po komadu u poslednjih par meseci -mogao si glatko =o))

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Vasina pricha je bila da je moljakao lika 10 min da mu da pantljiku bez da igra wow =o)) jer kao pantljiku dobiju ljudi tek nakon sto probaju tbc (a red za isti onakav kakav je jelte bio =o)), a kad je trazhio vishe od jedne ovaj mu se samo nasmejao =o))

a da si mogao da uzmesh 10e po komadu u poslednjih par meseci -mogao si glatko =o))

To je tacno, ako si hteo da do pantljike dodjes kao i obicni smrtnici isprobavajuci WoW (btw, jeste bio red, ali zapravo ti u redu su samo gledali, kompovi su bili slobodni jer ih je bilo jedno 50). Medjutim, ako kao pravi press delija odes u press deo i tamo zamolis da ti daju ... ;)

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