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Two words - rpg kome je oblivion uzor, prave ga nemci, mart 2007 izlazak http://www.2-worlds.com/?l=en

Drakensang - baldurs-like party based rpg, http://www.drakensang.com/

Elveon - akcioni rpg :P posvecen pre svega elfovima , wheee http://www.elveon.net/

The White Council - Lord of the Rings RPG by EA AHA!, nema linka samo par rechenica o dotichnoj

"What other RPGs would you compare the game to?

- If I had to compare it to something it'd be Oblivion.

Can you give us any details about the plot?

- I'd rather not give away too much, but what I can tell you is that the basic idea is that you want to become a sufficiently powerful character...

- There's evil in the world that needs to be destroyed and they send you off to do it.

How much say will the player have over their alignment given the rigid storyline structure?

- You cannot switch sides and become evil.

How will/does the combat system work?

- Fundementally, what we wanted to do was to take the best of The Two Towers, The Return Of The King and mix it with the tactics from The Third Age. We wanted to make the front-end combat like the first two games where you have to use your button skills and make the back half a tactical RPG system that's based on what armour you have on and what skills you've developed. "

wheeeee, eto ispunila nam se zelja, stize nam lotr rpg u punom sjaju





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za starije makine (a i novije naravno) mislim da ce odgovarati nesto kao http://www.irontowerstudio.com/ , trebao bi biti punokrvni rpg, indie projekat 4 fana, chini mi se, starijih legendarnih rpgova

the Age of Decadence is an isometric, turn-based, single-player 3D role-playing game set in a low magic, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, inspired by the fall of the Roman Empire. The game features a detailed skill-based character system, non-linear gameplay, multiple skill-based ways to handle quests, choices & consequences, and extensive dialogue trees.





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za starije makine (a i novije naravno) mislim da ce odgovarati nesto kao http://www.irontowerstudio.com/ , trebao bi biti punokrvni rpg, indie projekat 4 fana, chini mi se, starijih legendarnih rpgova

the Age of Decadence is an isometric, turn-based, single-player 3D role-playing game set in a low magic, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, inspired by the fall of the Roman Empire. The game features a detailed skill-based character system, non-linear gameplay, multiple skill-based ways to handle quests, choices & consequences, and extensive dialogue trees.

E ovo mi deluje zaista obecavajuce

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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Fuck White Council

Two worlds ce biti govno vece od Obilibolona.

Elveon ima potencijal samo da bude gejskija igra od FFXII.

RPG igre su mrtve. MRTVE I TELLZ YA! [V] Pomenuti Age of Decadence, kao i Eschalon, Ashes, The Broken Hourglass i nadajmo se Witcher (vec vishe od 4 'dine, jbt) su jedino shto nas moze spasti! Kleknite i pokajte se! Voodoo, spali svoju originalnu kopiju NWN-a! [:D]

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Evo dok sedim i ubijam radzu u kombinaciji sa vutrom, molim se kojem god bogu da slusa da nam podari barem jedan dobar rpg :)

edit: kupujem od vudua oridjinal Baldur's Gate. Vec ga cheka zlatni ram :D

Edited by bionic.man

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Moramo da se pomirimo sa činjenicom da RPG kakav mi volimo nema više prođu na tržištu i logično je da se takve igre više ne prave. Većina igrača koje ja znam ne igra uopšte RPG, a ono malo što ih igra kažu da su KOTOR i NWN najbolje RPG igre ikad napravljene. Takođe kažu da su Baldurs Gate i Fallout smeće i da uopšte ne razumiju kako neko može to da igra. Šta da vam kažem. Najebali smo :)

Edited by Myst

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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m'daj, pa rpg nikad nije imao prodju na trzistu.... nikada nije bio najprodavaniji.... nikada nije imao najlepsu grafiku i tehnikalije.... a time se danas meri kvalitet bilo koje igre... rpg je uvek bio mali gotovo nebitan deo trzista, i developeri i izdavachi su to uvek znali... ali danas ta rachunice gotovo nigde ne pije vodu.... glupost je da kazu da je razvoj rpg-a skup... ako neki indie develiperi mogu da odrade sa 4 choveka toliko toga za neke dve tri godine, mogu da im se pokenjam na ovo sto oni prave sa timom 0d 40 ljudi isto to vreme.... oni hoce masovnost, oni hoce hype, oni hoce nagrade u svim chasopisima i sajtovima, oni hoce da se rpg svima svidi... zato su mu i oduzeli dushu... rpg nikada nije bio za svakog igracha, a danas prosechan fps igrach se dohvati obliviona i igra rpg....

true true... samo im u pochetku frp/rpg nije bijo zanimljiv. Novac unisti sve sto dotakne. damn jews...

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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  • 4 weeks later...

The good things in life are best shared with friends! The "Two Worlds" developers have also taken this to heart - and added a fantastically varied MMORPG mode to their new game! Players can now oppose one another or join forces in Antaloor as Arena or RPG characters!

But before you start clashing flagons of mead together in celebration, here's why you should be excited. Two Worlds is a free-roaming RPG that centres around an epic battle between age-old foes, the orcs and humans. And like any role-player worth its salt, you're thrown into the deep end and are free to carve your own story in the game's refreshingly open world.

One of the most interesting aspects of the game is that, unlike Oblvion, it also features a masssively multiplayer online mode. It also features unique quests, an arena for one-on-one battles, multiplayer horse races and completely customisable player characters with no level capping. Exciting stuff, eh?

ako su se odlucili da implemenitraju mmo kao opciju valjda su i sami shvatili da im je SP njesra za pc rpg pojmove...

...ign je tupav...





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