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Therion koncert


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Idem opet na mighty therion,ou jea...oni su mi prioritet sto se tice koncerata sledece godine inace :)

Edited by Hell

Let me tell you the tales of your life of

your love and the cut of the knife

the tireless oppression

the wisdom instilled

the desire to kill or be killed.

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Hmmm, plachem od sretje od kako sam chuo da dolaze, zivot ima opet smisla. Jedan od mojih snova tje se ostvariti, konachno.. kada ih vidim uzivo, mogu da umrem sretjan!

kupacemo se zajedno u bazenu srece! :)

salu na stranu, mozda i odem ako cena karte bude prihvatljiva

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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glup si

napravi topic o diggerima pa tamo pametuj, ovde spamujes

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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hemerfol,lost horizon i slicne gluposti ali nema poente da pises gluposti.Gravedigger i sabbaton su dobri

jednom recju UMRI

@topic ... da imam para mozda bi i isao , ali simfonic i nije bash moj fah ...

@cene ... po meni je retardirano da je karta 2k dinara jbt... realno vecina ljudi ma koliko veliki fanovi bili i nemaju bash toliko dokonog kesha uvek... pogotovu sto se sad zaredjalo par koncerata

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Da,to mi otprilike govori sve o tebi,sve ti je oprosteno :)

Ps.Zajebalo te je tih 2%

da se vratimo na therion...jel preslusao neko novi album (gothic kaballah)?Pojavio se torent pre nekoliko dana.Moj prvi utisak je da je moglo to mnogo bolje,od cak 15 pesama mozda mi se 4 svidjaju.

Let me tell you the tales of your life of

your love and the cut of the knife

the tireless oppression

the wisdom instilled

the desire to kill or be killed.

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