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Poginuo Steve Irwin

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Baja je bio dijabola ali od svih nacina da se pogine je najgluplji bio da te ubode stingray ~raza u srce i ubije na mestu............sanse za to su bruka male.......ali to se desava kada izazivas srecu

Do tog trenutka je imao vise srece nego pameti,ali je ostao bez srece nazalost

Secam se kada je lik skocio na nekog krokodila koji je spavao.......e sada da ga je krokodil ubio to bi bilo opravdano,zamisli kuliras u mocvari i kuntas i neki mentol australijanac ti skoci na glavu.........bio bi to jedan jako ljut krokodil........

ali slava mu mada mu je to bilo u kartama.......i macke imaju samo "9 zivota"

da nije bio sasvim cist ovaj video gde place oko krokodila koji mu je umro...........sve govori


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TERRI IRWIN once remarked of her husband: "Steve always says, 'Whatever you do, keep [the cameras] rolling.' I tell him, 'They aren't going to show it if you die'."

Now the Crocodile Hunter's wife and television executives must wrestle with exactly that conundrum.

It was revealed yesterday that Irwin's camera crew captured the moment when he pulled the stingray's barb from his chest just before he lost consciousness and died over Batt Reef, off the cost of Port Douglas, on Monday.

The multimillion dollar question is whether the footage will ever be shown.

Even Irwin reckoned the world should witness it, said Tommy Donovan, whose online biography of Irwin appears on the film website IMDb. Donovan said Irwin was adamant about keeping the cameras rolling no matter what. "He tells his camera crew to always be filming," the biography says. "If he needs help he will ask for it. Even if he is eaten by a shark or croc, the main thing he wants is that it be filmed. If he died he would be sad if no one got it on tape."

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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e sad sam se u momentu smorila... shteta... stvarno nije bio O.K. nenormalan lik... :o(

Code Realms

Evo je, bice nevolje...

Unutar svake normalne osobe postoji ludak koji se bori da izbije na povrsinu. Niko ne poludi brze od potpuno normalne osobe.

One... Two... Freddy's coming for you...

Three... Four... Better lock the door...

Five... Six... Grab a crucifix...

Seven... Eight... Gonna stay up late...

Nine... Ten... Never sleep again!!!

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peh, ja sam bas gotivio da gledam njegove emisije. Stalno nekako pozitivan i zabavan. A posto mi mahom radi Animal Planet na tvu, onda ga nije bilo tesko "ne potrefiti". rip

btw, komentari na topicu su vam, bez obzira o kome se radi, potpuno retardirani, cast izuzecima. I to i po pitanju same osobe koja je poginula/umrla, plus po pitanju medjuforumskih prozivki.

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Ja samo hocu da vidim. Sta je sve moguce spoznati na internetu, sta sam sve video (oni snimci sa pravim klanjem), poredeci sa tim, Stiv je otisao kao gospodin covek... To ne umanjuje radoznalost i nije namera da potencijalno publikovani snimak postane deo svacije kolekcije nemogucih videa i slicnih gluposti. Paradoks je da ga je ubola ta ribetina koja nikoga nije od '45.



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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