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Fear besplatan


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  Jose Jimenez said:
jel neko probao fear u multiju?

igrao sam ja u igraonici sa ortakom 1vs1

jedini problem za 1vs1 je shto su mape prevelike nekad ti treba i po 5-6 min. da

se nadjemo, ali kad bi se igralo 5vs5 ili vishe bilo bi bruka


neznam zashto ali mene ne moze da smori (naravno multi)

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  Lucky said:
I ja se radujem isprobavanju multija, deluje jako interesantno, mislim, mozhe biti interesantan, a posto ce biti free onda mozhe biti jako zabavan, jer ce okupiti narod.

Moze da bude a i ne mora da znaci, kako WoW placa se pa ga igra 5MiL igracha.

Voleo bi da bude interesovanja, naravno !

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Pa sa WOW-om i parama koje uzimaju , mogu da otvore par Free servera za masu xD

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Pa to sto je besplatan nista ne znaci ovde gde je softver podrazumevano besplatan :)

Isto tako je i 1 ET bio besplatan, bolji od 99 posto igara koje se placaju, pa ga ovde igralo 3 ljudi :)

+ Ostaje sumLJa kako ce taj fear readiti u MP (to bese ona skandalozno zahtevna igra)

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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e to da

Samo ja jedno nisam razumeo, tj nigde nije explicitno naglaseno.

Jel ovo standalone ili addon koji zahtebva fear ?


Tu moze biti zackoljica

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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@Lucky...nikad nisam ukljucio fear, samo sam video demo/trailer.

@voodoo...sacekaj jos malo pa ces da vidis kad bata krene da kuka za wow :). BTW vidim da si se raspitivao za 7300GT sa ddr2. To je onaj club 3d i nije ni priblizno tome kakav je galaxy opisan u testu. Em je imao ddr3 em im je zapao neki super primerak :)

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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To play F.E.A.R. Combat, consumers simply go to www.joinfear.com and register to obtain their free, Combat keycode. When the file is made available for download on Aug 17th 2006, consumers can install, enter their keycode, and get ready to join F.E.A.R. Combat!


This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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  voodoo_ said:
Bata već igra WoW, jebem ga u dupe, sve je pare sjebao na to sranje...

A taj Club3D 7300GT imam već jedno dva meseca i koristim ga u zdravlju i veselju :) Za tih 90 evra, odlična kupovina. Plus koristi isti GPU kao na 7600GS,

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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