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Killy niko te tamo nije hejtovao ono vece kad si banuo na kanal. Ali sta ces kad imas losu reputaciju sa razlogom. Sto se tice toga ko je gde stigao to sve zavisi od toga koliko zelis da igras. Ne verujem da si igrao ozbiljno PVE u WoWu da bi mogao o tome da pricas. Zato sledeci put razmisli dobro pre nego sto pocnes da lupetas po forumu. Ima ovde malo starijih a mnogo pametnijih od tebe zato bolje cuti i igraj se.

Kole, Boki je u depresiji, kickovao je pola guilde i sad su pred raspadom...

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Ali arcanite transmute... lol. Tako to izgleda kad se naljuti geek na geeka [^]

ne nije bila to fora ... imao sam para ja i bash me je bilo briga za tih 5 golda ,a trebao mi je transmute za epic mounta kod warlocka ... nego ja njega whisperujem i on mi samo odgovara kao 5 gold pls kk ? kao sada me ne poznaje zbog 5 golda ? jebote koje govno najgore ... /spit

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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We are contacting you regarding your recent World of Warcraft character transfer request. We have now processed your requested transfer and you will be able to access your character in its new location. Please accept our sincere apologies for the period during which your character was unplayable. This was due to an unavoidable downtime of the service for maintenance due to technical issues.

Customer care is a top concern at Blizzard Entertainment and we'd like to demonstrate our good will by giving you one month free of game time, which will automatically be added to your account in the coming days. Your requested character transfer will also be made free of charge. Likewise, this process will be executed automatically so please don't perform any further actions on the transfer.

Once again, please accept our apologies and we hope that this in some way recompenses your inconvenience and shows that we value you very much as a customer and player of World of Warcraft.

a ja mislio da batalim =)

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