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Killy blizzard nije zamislio da postoje mozgovi koji ce levelovati 20 charova 5 mejnova 10 altova i 5 altova za pvp ...

Ja mislim da je blizz zamislio da svako igra svog mejna do maximuma al to je opet moja 0.02$ i tvoj problem shto ne mozesh na jednom charu/klasi da se skrasish ...



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Ne bih da smaram, ali Cirrus iz Securityja na Frostmaneu (jedna od dve najbolje gilde na serveru) je čist DPS warr. Dakle, ima bar jedan high end guild. :)

Imamo ih i mi, ponekad se deshava da su prvi na dmg listi, covek ima rank 13 set, BWL i AQ 40 opremu...

Trenutno imamo jednog dps warriora i mogu vam reci da pravi bolestan dmg.

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posto vidim da neki igraju na draku, emerisu, dentragu... zanima me KO JE SVE U GRUPI 6?

da znam dal peglam nashe ili ne...

Taba 60 Priest - Chromaggus

Superfly 60 Rogue - Chromaggus

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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ja sam u grupi 6

stormscion - ahnquiraj / human paladin

mada slabo igram pvp u poslednje vreme

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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grupa 6 - Drak'thul

Varikina - NE druid 58...uglavnom u AV posto je jedini bg u kom mogu trenutno da savijam lvl 60 hordu [:D]

Edited by kalky

"A te io canto una canzone perche non ho altro..."

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ja sam u grupi 8 http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/basics/b...ml#battlegroup8

jebote jel toliko tesko da ljudi pogledaju signaturu u kojoj je strelicom nacrtano gde i sa kojim likom igram sad [:)]


imam neki c/p

koji su kao neki talenti za bc previdjeni "iscurela ifnormacija"

vi sami procenite da li je fake ili ne

meni iskreno izgleda savim razumno i bez preteranih imalanca

(izvanjavam se ali cu morati u sledeci post c/p) , zbog preglodnosti i duzine)

New Mage Talents:

Fire Tree -

Burnout: increases the damage and mana cost of all spells by 2/4/6% after you hit a Dazed opponent with a Fire spell

Tier 8

Empowered Fireball: Your Fireball spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects

Tier 9

Dragon's Breath: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 278 to 322 fire damage and are disoriented for 3 sec

Frost Tree -

Tier 7

Cold Hearted: Increases damage of all spells against wounded targets by 10/20/30%

Arctic Winds: Reduces the chance melee and ranged attacks will hit you by 1/2/3/4/5%

Tier 8

Empowered Frostbolt - identical to empowered fireball

Tier 9

Summon Water Elemental, summons a water elemental to fight for the caster

Arcane Tree -

Tier 7

student of magic: reduces the mana cost of all arcane spells by 5/10/15%

prismatic cloak: reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3/4/5%

Tier 8

mind mastery: increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect

Tier 9

Slow: reduces targets movement speed by 50% and attack/casting speed by 20% for 15 sec

68 mana, instant cast.

New Mage Skills (base, not talented):

Molten Armor(lvl 62):

Causes 60 to 90 fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10%

Ice Lance(lvl66):

Deals 219 to 281 frost damage to an enemy target. Damage is increased by 200% against frozen targets

1.5 sec cast, 150 mana

Arcane Blast(lvl 64):

Does 463 to 537 arcane damage

When casted within 8 seconds of previous cast, cast time goes down and mana cost goes up.

Starts out as a 2.5 sec cast, 190 mana cost

Spell Steal (lvl 70):

Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.

Instant Cast, 52 mana cost.

Invisibility (lvl 6Cool:

Gives invisibility for 20 seconds. can only see other invisible targets and people who can see invisible targets

5 min cooldown

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ok ocigledno ne moze jedan posto za drugim , svejedno

to je jedan a evo i drugi za druide

Total spell damage bonus is now displayed in the UI.

Frenzied Regeneration now scales with stamina. For Rank 3, each point of rage is now converted to 17 health plus some percentage of your stamina (looks like 1%).

Moonfury's tooltip now reads increases damage to all Balance damage spells, which means it probably is now applied after bonus spell damage effects.

Travel Form model has been changed to a stag.

No word about Stormcrow Form, but I wouldn't rule it out as a level 70 flying mount.

Balance Talents

Tier 5

Gusting Winds: Increases the damage done by your Cyclone and Hurricane spells by 10/20/30%.

Tier 6

Dreamstate: Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Tier 7

Improved Moonkin Form: Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form. Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and reduces the base mana cost of Moonkin Form by 5/10/15%. Note: This means Moonkin now costs as much as Travel and Aquatic Forms.

Strength of the Moon: Increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect.

Tier 8

Empowered Starfire: Your Starfire spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.

Tier 9

Force of Nature (Rank 1): The force of nature radiates from the Druid, silencing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec. and causing 192-212 Nature damage. Note: 2 minute cooldown.

Feral Combat Talents

Tier 5

Feral Recovery: All healing effects on you are increased by 10/20%. In addition, the act of shapeshifting has a 25/50% chance to remove one harmful effect.

Tier 6

Primal Instinct: Increases your chance to resist stun, charm, and trap effects by 3/6/9/12/15%.

Tier 7

Animal Reflexes: Increases your agility by 2/4/6/8/10% while in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms.

Predatory Will: Reduces the cooldown of Growl and increases the duration of Tigers Fury by 1/2 sec.

Tier 8

Heightened Senses: Increases your attack power by up to 10/20/30/40/50% of your intellect.

Tier 9

Scent of the Pack: Reduces damage taken in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 0.4%, and increases damage done in Cat Form by 0.6% for every party or raid member within 45 yards with Mark of the Wild or Gift of the Wild active. So 10% less dmg taken in bear and 15% more damage done in catform in a 25 man raid.


Tier 6

Natural Resilience: Increases your mana regeneration while in all forms by 10/20/30%.

Tier 7

Healing Mastery: Increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Improved Innervate: Reduces the cooldown of Innervate by 20/40/60 sec.

Tier 8

Nature's Reprieve: Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of your spell after healing a wounded target with Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Swiftmend.

Tier 9

Harmonize: Distributes damage taken by party members within 30 yards between the party while in effect. Note: Its a self cast buff that lasts up to 30 seconds.

New Base Spells

Cyclone (Balance): Throws your target into the air, disorienting the target and causing Nature damage over 3 seconds but making the target immune to other damage during that time.

Mangle (Cat Form): Stuns the enemy and deals damage per combo point.

Feral Strike (Bear Form): An attack that deals damage and converts each extra point of rage into damage and causes a high amount of threat.

Enervate (Restoration): Drains mana, energy, or rage every second for 20 seconds.

Control Beast (Balance): Controls a beast up to level 77 but increases the time between attacks by 25%. Lasts up to 1 min.


ne znam ni na kom serveru igras ni sa kojim likom ni kako se zove

ne mogu da znam o cemu pricas ako neces da kazes :D

anyway da nastavimo sa bc leaked infomacijama i talentima

inace sve sa curse gaminga su linkovi tako da ako a njima ne verujete onda jbg .. ubedite nas u suprotno (da je ovo fake)

rogue/warlock bc talenti click

warrior skillovi i talenti click

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imaju procureli svi talenti na ovom sajtu


obratite paznju na IMBA paladin stvari , kao sto je permanent defence stance za paladina i ovaj avenging shit itd ... dosta bolesnih stvari ... ali

JEBENI warrior , ovo mora da je fake ... warrior dual wield 2 handere jebote diablo 2 ;)

btw cak i da nije fake

ovo ce sigurno da se rebalansira i to debelo :) ne moze paladinko i war da budu ovakve imbe :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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bio je taj spell water elemental kao 31 point talent u frost u wow beta , ali su ga sklonili tada ... i sto se mene tiche ne treba da ga vracaju .

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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