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Najverovatnije, WTS


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Malo mi se igra smucila... Imam dobar gild, sve kako valja, ali jednostavno, volja prodje... Pre ili kasnije.

Posto najverovatnije bataljujem igranje, prodajem account sa:


U banci stvari vredne ~2k G, Boga oca rezervne pvp opreme, pogledajte reputacije kakve su mi. Tu su i 2 rezervna ZG enchanta, 60 moonclotha etc... Enchanting sa 2 AQ formule, 30 healing, i 20 firepower. Imam bukvalno sve ingame sto Master Hammersmith moze da pravi. 200 Nature res-a, pola epic, pola plavo, 200 Shadow resa u pola epic-pola plavoj opremi. 100 Frost resa, takodje, epic-plavo.


Davno bataljen druid, nista spec.

A sad, objektivno, koliko bi mogao da dobijem za ovaj acc...? Informativno.

Edited by Joxon
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Stvarno , mozes zestoko da se obogatish od tog chara na Ebay-u!

Kod nas tesko da ce neko da izdvoji 2 prosecne plate za chara XD

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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@ kily

Sada u severnoj Americi a sledece nedelje u evropi.


Pitao sam lika u raifaisenu, kaze da takva transakcija jos nije moguca kod nas, e sad il pojma nema il je u pravu, jel neko prodavao nesto kod nas preko e baya?

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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@ kily

Sada u severnoj Americi a sledece nedelje u evropi.


Pitao sam lika u raifaisenu, kaze da takva transakcija jos nije moguca kod nas, e sad il pojma nema il je u pravu, jel neko prodavao nesto kod nas preko e baya?

kesh verovatno ne moze da se dobije nazad u srbiju(za prodatu stvar na e-bay),ali sigurno moze ako recimo uspe da proda taj acc za 500e da za to kupi nesto i da mu stigne ovde..recimo neki komp...a to nije lose..trampis wow za komp...:))

ili da vidi preko nekog sajta za elektronski novac..tipa mooneybooker(ali bolji od mooneybookera-ja imam kesh na njemu;))

koliko znam ima solidnih problema sa ulaskom deviza u zemlju preko racuna...jedino sto mi za kesh deluje moguce jeste da trazi da mu posalju cek..premda malo glupo,u slucaju da cek misteriozno nestane.... [:)]

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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Za ovaj account bi licno bez frke dao 400 eura ... da si prodavao pre par meseci kad je burazer kretao da igra, verovatno bi kupio :)

A sto posto mislim da moze da se izvuce i do 600 ali ne ovde, samo od stranaca.

Moja preporuka - provali linkove na forume guildova sa tvog servera, i postuj tamo. Ono na drakthulu gde igram i ja ima puno ceha za ali a ti kupuju accounte ...

sex, drugs and bio food!

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Imam ja rogua full fier 2 nesto itema iz aq-a, ima oko 2k golda + itemi iz banke, ima 4 epix mounta(800g svaki ;D), exalted 5-6 frakcija, sve full enchantovano, itd itd

Onda shaman tier 1/2(3 epix mounta), i hunter 60 blue gear.

Uglavnom mogao sam da dobijem 1k e za sve to al zao mi bilo, mnogo komplikovano da dobijes kes. Sta znam temptiram se, ide mi se na more :D

Edited by Kemp.

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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Idi na Adu i zadrzi lika, cene ima samo da rastu sada kada puste migraciju, pa ces onda u januaru na Kubu, recimo.  [;)]


Mah videcemo, zavisi kolko se brzo smorim u Naxxu

btw wtb nekog sa paypal rep exalted ^^

Edited by Kemp.

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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Meni za sada Western Union deluje kao jedina realna opcija za prodaju (15% provizija ja mislim). I ja sam razmishljao da valjam acc, al mozda ga zadrzim preko leta da vidim kako ce cene da se krecu.

OT/ kempe brate:D ti si tog roga poceo posle mene i kako jebeni full tier2? sta ti radis?

Edited by modjo

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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Uu lepo lepo ;)) nisam znao da moze da se proda lik za tako velike pare =O jeste tvoj lik baya ali 400evra,ja bi bez razmisljanja prodao i kreno ispocetka ako mi se zaigra,sta mesec dana max do lvl 60(ako igras 2/3h na dan) ...

Ja imam huntera lvl 60,ali ono samo bow epic ostalo plavo sa criticalom voleo bi da mogu i za 100evra :))

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400e je malo

Ajde da racunamo, cista matematika. Igrao sam godinu i po. 18 meseci. To znaci 18x13e=234 (da zaokruzimo na 200) - cena wow pretplate 1,5 godinu.

Druga stavka, internet. Adsl me kosta 1600~ mesecno. To je nekih 18 e. Da kazemo 15. S tim sto nisam igrao sve vreme od kuce nego poslednjih godinu dana. Prvih 6 meseci igrao sam iz foruma, dnevni trosak 1000 dinara. Veruj mi bilo je skupo. Znaci, idemo jeftinija varijanta.

18x15e = 270e - iliti cena interneta za 1,5godinu.

Da ne spominjem VREME koje je ulozeno. Generalno kad vrsis E-bay prodaju, prodajes VREME koje si potrosio igrajuci wow i lvlovajuci charove, i nista vise, jer su charovi blizzardov "posed"

Ovako izgleda "deo" koji se pastuje prilikom prodaje svakog accounta na e-bayu.

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According to the World of Warcraft EULA section 3.b: B. You may permanently transfer ownership of the Game and all parts thereof, and all of your rights and obligations under the License Agreement, to another by physically transferring the CD-ROM, all original packaging, and all Manuals or other documentation associated with the Game, and by removing from all of your home or personal computers and destroying any remaining materials concerning the Game in your possession or control, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this License Agreement. To bid on this auction you are stating that you agree to all of Blizzards EULA as found here http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/eula.html.

Disclaimer: You are bidding on my time leveling for this account. Said account remains the property of Blizzard. You will not 'OWN' the account, for it belongs to Blizzard. The only thing you are bidding on is the time I have invested into the account. All characters, items, in-game currency, and anything else associated with this auction will remain the property of Blizzard. By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold pieces, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time spent working on these characters and acquiring items. Before bidding on my auction you must read and agree to Blizzard's EULA located at: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/eula.html All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to World of Warcraft are owned by Blizzard Entertainment and its licensors. This auction is not for said rights or intellectual property but is a compensation for time and effort invested personally outside the game. All items related in this auction will remain the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. By viewing OR bidding on this account you assert that you are in no way affiliated or employed with Blizzard Entertainment.

Disclaimer: By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment, ESA - Entertainment Software Association, or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold pieces, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time spent working on this character and acquiring items. All references to 'the character' are indicative of my time spent on leveling the aforementioned character.All characters, items, in-game currency, and anything else associated with this auction will remain the property of Blizzard Entertainment.According to the World of Warcraft EULA section 3.b: B. You may permanently transfer ownership of the Game and all parts thereof, and all of your rights and obligations under the License Agreement, to another by physically transferring the CD-ROM, all original packaging, and all Manuals or other documentation associated with the Game, and by removing from all of your home or personal computers and destroying any remaining materials concerning the Game in your possession or control, provided the recipient agrees to the terms of this License Agreement. The transferor (i.e., you), and not the Licensor, agrees to be solely responsible for any taxes, fees, charges, duties, withholdings, assessments, and the like, together with any interest, penalties, and additions imposed in connection with such transfer. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/eula.html

All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to World of Warcraft are owned by Blizzard Entertainment and its licensors. This auction is not for said rights or intellectual property but is a compensation for time and effort invested personally outside the game. All items related in this auction will remain the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. By viewing OR bidding on this account you assert that you are in no way affiliated or employed with Blizzard Entertainment.

Uglavnom skreno sam s teme, gde sam stao, da - vreme. Godinu i po dana, minimum 6 sati dnevno. Imao sam sesije 24+h. Sad racunajte kolko je to para, da sam radio bilo koji drugi posao.

Elem :

18x13e=234 (da zaokruzimo na 200) - cena wow pretplate 1,5 godinu.

18x15e = 270e - iliti cena interneta za 1,5godinu.

200+270 pwns 400e right?

Jesam li u pravu?

Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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